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Created August 12, 2022 14:09
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used to parse RADIUS log files
$files= Get-childitem Y: | select -last 90
function Process-RADIUSLogs () {
if ($onlyAccepted) {Write-Verbose "Processing only authenticated attempts"}
Write-Verbose "Processing $file"
$data = get-Content $file
for ($i=0; $i -lt $data.count; $i++) {
if($onlyAccepted) {
$data[$i] -match '".+?",".+?",(?<date>.+?),2,,"(?<distinguishedname>.+?)"' | out-null
if ($matches) {
New-object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Date = $matches['date']
DistinguishedName = $matches['distinguishedname']
$matches = $Null
} else {
$data[$i] -match '"(?<server>.+?)","(?<process>.+?)",(?<date>.+?),(?<status>1|2|3),"(?<username>.+?)","(?<distinguishedname>.+?)","(?<publicIP>.+?)","(?<srcIP>.+?)",' | out-null
if ($matches) {
New-object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
Date = $matches['date']
Status = $matches['status']
Username = $matches['username']
DistinguishedName = $matches['distinguishedname']
SourceIP = $matches['srcIP']
$matches = $Null
$results = $files |Foreach {Process-RADIUSLogs -file $_.fullname -verbose -onlyAccepted}
$results | export-csv C:\temp\RADIUSLOGS.csv -NoTypeInformation
Process-RADIUSLogs -file Y:\IN210411.log -onlyAccepted
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