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Last active August 11, 2022 19:00
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Parse out the IPV4 and URL O365 endpoint for conversion to JSON file for updating geoblock exceptions
$guid = New-Guid
$webdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$guid"
<# webdata example
id : 65
serviceArea : Common
serviceAreaDisplayName : Microsoft 365 Common and Office Online
urls : {}
ips : {, 2603:1006:1400::/40, 2603:1016:2400::/40, 2603:1026:2400::/40...}
tcpPorts : 80,443
expressRoute : True
category : Allow
required : True
$urlsWithIPs = $webdata | where ips -ne $null
$data = foreach ($entry in $urlsWithIPs) {
foreach ($ip in $entry.ips) {
if ($ip -match "\/([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\b") { #this matches only CIDR ranges between /1 to /32
$props = [ordered]@{
"address" = $ip;
"description" = "$($entry.servicearea) for geoblock";
"reason" = 2;
"type" = 2
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
$urls = $webdata | where urls -ne $Null
$moreData = foreach ($url in $urls) {
foreach ($URI in $url.urls) {
$props = [ordered]@{
"address" = $URI;
"description" = "$($entry.servicearea) for geoblock";
"reason" = 2;
"type" = 7
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
$allData = $data + $moreData
$date = get-date -Format MMddyy
New-object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{"geoblock_exc_list"=$allData} | ConvertTo-Json | out-file "C:\temp\$($date)_o365ips.txt"
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pstakuu commented Aug 10, 2022

update to filter for only IPV4 - if ($ip -match "/([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\b")

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pstakuu commented Aug 10, 2022

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pstakuu commented Aug 10, 2022

updated "type" to 2 for watchguard exceptions using networks is 2, instead of 1, which is host IP

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pstakuu commented Aug 10, 2022

Now it does URL's as well

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pstakuu commented Aug 10, 2022

Now it outputs the file with the geoblock_exc_list for the JSON so there's no manual manipulation

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pstakuu commented Aug 11, 2022

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pstakuu commented Aug 11, 2022

Realizing now there is which indicates there is a NOIPV6=true parameter that could be used like:

$webdata = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$guid"

Which would eliminate needing to filter for IPV4 afterwards

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