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Last active December 20, 2023 19:39
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Convert olm to csv
import zipfile
from lxml import etree
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
import pandas as pd
import datetime
def load_attachment(zip, name):
fh =
return fh
def get_id(email):
tag_id = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyMessageID')
if tag_id is None:
tag_id = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyExchangeConversationId')
return tag_id.text.strip()
def get_date(email):
tag = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopySentTime')
if tag is None:
tag = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyReceivedTime')
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(tag.text.strip(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
return date.isoformat()
def get_body(email):
has_html = email.find('.//OPFMessageGetHasHTML')
# has_rich = email.find('.//OPFMessageGetHasRichText')
tag_body = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyBody')
mime_type = 'text/plain'
if has_html is not None:
html = has_html.text.replace('E0', '')
if html == '1':
tag_body = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyHTMLBody')
mime_type = 'text/html'
body = None
if tag_body is not None:
body = tag_body.get('text')
if body is not None:
# There might be no body if it's a calender reply or something.
# Calendar replies still have subject lines and addressees and stuff
# though so probably worth keeping.
body = body.strip().encode('utf-8')
return {mime_type: body}
def get_attachments(zip, email):
attachments = []
tag_attachments = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyAttachmentList')
if tag_attachments is not None:
for attachment in tag_attachments.findall('.//messageAttachment'):
name = attachment.get('OPFAttachmentName')
mime_type = attachment.get('OPFAttachmentContentType')
# extension = attachment.get('OPFAttachmentContentExtension')
# id = attachment.get('OPFAttachmentContentID')
file = {
'file_name': name,
'mime_type': mime_type
url = attachment.get('OPFAttachmentURL')
if url is not None:
fh = load_attachment(zip, url)
file['file_path'] = url
file['file_handle'] = fh
return attachments
def get_addresses(email):
tag_from = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyFromAddresses')
tag_sender = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopySenderAddress')
tag_to = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyToAddresses')
tag_cc = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyCCAddresses')
tag_bcc = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopyBCCAddresses')
from_names, from_emails = get_contacts(tag_from)
sender_names, sender_emails = get_contacts(tag_sender)
to_names, to_emails = get_contacts(tag_to)
cc_names, cc_emails = get_contacts(tag_cc)
bcc_names, bcc_emails = get_contacts(tag_bcc)
names = to_names + from_names + cc_names + bcc_names + sender_names
emails = to_emails + from_emails + cc_emails + bcc_emails + sender_emails
frm = from_emails + sender_emails
author = from_names + sender_names
return names, emails, author, frm, to_emails, cc_emails, bcc_emails
def get_contacts(addresses):
names = []
emails = []
if addresses is not None:
for address in addresses.findall('.//emailAddress'):
email = address.get('OPFContactEmailAddressAddress')
if email is not None:
name = address.get('OPFContactEmailAddressName')
if name is not None and name != email:
# etype = address.get('OPFContactEmailAddressType')
return names, emails
def parse_message(zip, name):
headers = {
'From': None,
'To': None,
'Subject': None,
'Message-ID': None,
'CC': None,
'BCC': None,
'Date': None,
body = None
attachments = []
names = []
emails = []
title = None
author = None
doc = None
fh =
doc = etree.parse(fh)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
p = etree.XMLParser(huge_tree=True)
doc = etree.parse(fh, p)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
# probably corrupt
if doc is None:
for email in doc.findall('//email'):
headers['Message-ID'] = get_id(email)
headers['Date'] = get_date(email)
tag_subject = email.find('.//OPFMessageCopySubject')
# OPFMessageCopyThreadTopic
if tag_subject is not None:
headers['Subject'] = title = tag_subject.text.strip()
names, emails, author, frm, to, cc, bcc = get_addresses(email)
headers['To'] = to
headers['From'] = frm
headers['CC'] = cc
headers['BCC'] = bcc
body = get_body(email)
attachments = get_attachments(zip, email)
return {
'headers': headers,
'body': body,
'attachments': attachments,
'names': names,
'emails': emails,
'title': title,
'author': author,
'created_at': headers['Date']
def make_email(headers, body, attachments):
msg = MIMEMultipart()
for header in headers.keys():
if isinstance(headers[header], str):
msg[header] = headers[header]
elif isinstance(headers[header], list):
msg[header] = ', '.join(headers[header])
if body is not None:
if 'text/html' in body.keys():
email = MIMEText(body['text/html'], 'html')
elif 'text/plain' in body.keys():
email = MIMEText(body['text/plain'], 'plain')
return msg
def format_json(msg):
headers = msg.pop('headers')
attachments = [file.get('file_name') for file in msg.pop('attachments')]
return {**msg, **headers, 'attachments': attachments}
def parse(file_path):
archive = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path, 'r')
parsed_messages = list()
for info in archive.namelist():
if '' in info:
if 'message_' not in info:
parsed_messages.append(format_json(parse_message(archive, info)))
return parsed_messages
if __name__ == '__main__':
parsed = parse('export.olm')
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