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Created June 28, 2012 14:33
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1PW unminified
else {
E += 1;
E >= D.length && (E = 0, 6E4 > i && (i += 2E3));
var b = "ws://" + D[E] + "/2";
F && (F.close(), F = k);
H = K = m;
ka = -1;
try {
(F = new WebSocket(b)) ? (F.onerror = function (b) {
console.error("[AGENT] socket error: " + b + "; readyState=" + this.readyState + ". Perhaps Helper is not running on " + this.url + " or is shutting down?");
}, F.onopen = function () {
console.log("[AGENT] connected to port " + D[E]);
P.aa().e || (U = f);
}, F.onmessage = function (b) {
if (!b || ! console.error("[AGENT] Invalid message.");
else {
try {
if ( > 7 &&, 7) === "U2FsdGV") {
var c = J.I(ja,,
d = sjcl.codec.utf8String.fromBits(c),
i = JSON.parse(d);
i ? h(i) : console.error("[AGENT] Failed to parse incoming message")
} else if ( > 2) {
var e = J.s("U2FsdGV" +;
if (e && e.length > 2 && e.substr(0, 1) === "{") {
var x = JSON.parse(e),
b = m;
if (x.action === "auth") {
var g = x.payload || {};
o = g.capabilities || {};
var ya = g.key || x.key;
if (ya) {
la = J.T(ya);
e: la
T ? b = P.Q(T) : Q.n() && (b = P.Q(T))
b && j()
} catch (ca) {
console.error("[AGENT] Exception in onmessage: " + ca)
}, F.onclose = function (b) {
console.log("[AGENT] close: " + b);
N = k;
g(E == D.length - 1 ? i : 50)
}) : (console.error("[AGENT] Failed to connect to " + D[E]), g(E == D.length - 1 ? i : 50))
} catch (c) {
console.error("[AGENT] Exception caught when connecting to helper: " + + " - " + c.message), F || (console.error("[AGENT] Could not connect on port " + D[E] + "; trying again on next port."), g(E == D.length - 1 ? i : 50))
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