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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Save pstephens/b260b1ad8b166489b562 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Proposed bootstrap script for ClojureScript (rough draft)
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$root = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\.."
$shell = New-Object -com shell.application
# Read white listed dependency version info from the /bin/sh script and store in variables
Get-Content $root\script\bootstrap |
Where-Object { $_ -match '^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\s*$' } |
Where-Object { $matches[1] -in "CLOJURE_RELEASE", "CLOSURE_RELEASE",
Foreach-Object { New-Variable $matches[1] $matches[2] -Scope private }
function Get-WebResource($url, $dstPath) {
Write-Verbose "Downloading '$url' -> '$dstPath'"
Invoke-RestMethod $url -OutFile $dstPath
function Expand-ZipFile($srcPath, $dstDir, $items) {
Write-Verbose "Unzipping '$srcPath'"
function Get-ShellFolder($dir) {
$folder = $shell.NameSpace($dir)
if($folder -eq $null) {
throw "Failed to bind to folder '$dir'"
function Copy-ShellItem([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $src) {
process {
Write-Verbose "Expanding '$($src.Path)' -> '$dstDir'"
$dstFolder.CopyHere($src, 4 + 16 + 1024)
function Parse-ShellItem([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $name) {
process {
$x = $srcFolder.ParseName($name)
if($x -eq $null) {
throw "Failed fo find item '$name' in zip file '$srcPath'"
$srcFolder = Get-ShellFolder($srcPath)
$dstFolder = Get-ShellFolder($dstDir)
if($items -ne $null) {
$items | Parse-ShellItem | Copy-ShellItem
else {
$srcFolder.Items() | Copy-ShellItem
function Move-File($srcPath, $dstPath) {
Delete-File $dstPath
Write-Verbose "Moving '$srcPath' -> '$dstPath'"
Move-Item $srcPath $dstPath
function Copy-File($srcPath, $dstPath) {
Delete-File $dstPath
Write-Verbose "Copying '$srcPath' -> '$dstPath'"
Copy-Item $srcPath $dstPath
function Delete-File([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $path)
process {
if(Test-Path $path) {
Write-Verbose "Deleting '$path'"
Remove-Item $path -Recurse
function Make-Dir($dir) {
if(!(Test-Path $dir -Type Container)) {
Write-Verbose "Making directory '$dir'"
New-Item $dir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Make-Dir $root\lib
Make-Dir $root\closure\library
Make-Dir $root\closure\compiler
Write-Host "Fetching Clojure..."
Get-WebResource `$CLOJURE_RELEASE/clojure-$ `
Delete-File $root\lib\clojure-$CLOJURE_RELEASE.jar
Expand-ZipFile $root\clojure-$ $root\lib clojure-$CLOJURE_RELEASE\clojure-$CLOJURE_RELEASE.jar
Move-File $root\lib\clojure-$CLOJURE_RELEASE.jar $root\lib\clojure.jar
Delete-File $root\clojure-$
Write-Host "Fetching data.json..."
Get-WebResource `$DJSON_RELEASE/data.json-$DJSON_RELEASE.jar `
# TODO: Implement Closure SVN support
Write-Host "Fetching Google Closure library..."
Get-WebResource `$GCLOSURE_LIB_RELEASE/google-closure-library-$GCLOSURE_LIB_RELEASE.jar `
Get-WebResource `$GCLOSURE_LIB_RELEASE/google-closure-library-third-party-$GCLOSURE_LIB_RELEASE.jar `
Write-Host "Fetching Google Closure compiler..."
Get-WebResource `$ `
Get-ChildItem $root\closure\compiler\* | Delete-File
Expand-ZipFile $root\compiler-$ $root\closure\compiler
Copy-File $root\closure\compiler\compiler.jar $root\lib\compiler.jar
Delete-File $root\compiler-$
Write-Host "Fetching Rhino..."
Get-WebResource `${RHINO_RELEASE}_RELEASE/rhino$ `
Delete-File $root\lib\js.jar
Expand-ZipFile $root\rhino$ $root\lib rhino$RHINO_RELEASE\js.jar
Delete-File $root\rhino$
Write-Host "Fetching tools.reader $TREADER_RELEASE ..."
Get-WebResource `$TREADER_RELEASE/tools.reader-$TREADER_RELEASE.jar `
Write-Host "[Bootstrap Completed]"
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