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Created November 26, 2011 18:55
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avl map implementation with copy-on-change (incomplete)
#include "Map.hpp"
#include <iostream>
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::Node(const value_type& _data) : data(_data) {
left = right = NULL;
height = 1;
/// Konstruktor kopiujacy tworzy gleboka kopie drzewa
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::Node(Node& n) : data( {
left = new Node(*(n.left));
right = new Node(*(n.right));
height = n.height;
/// Aktualizacja wysokosci poddrzewa po obrocie
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
void Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::recountHeight()
int hleft = (this->left ? this->left->height : 0);
int hright = (this->right ? this->right->height : 0);
this->height = 1 + ((hleft > hright) ? hleft : hright);
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
int Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::heightDiff() const
(this->left ? this->left->height : 0)
- (this->right ? this->right->height : 0);
// Obroty drzewa w lewo i prawo
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
typename Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node*
Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::rotateLeft()
Node* pivot = this->right;
this->right = pivot->left;
pivot->left = this;
return pivot;
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
typename Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node*
Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::rotateRight()
Node* pivot = this->left;
this->left = pivot->right;
pivot->right = this;
return pivot;
/// Realizacja balansowania AVL
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
typename Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node*
Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::avlBalance()
int bal = this->heightDiff();
if (bal < -1) {
if (right->heightDiff() <= 0) {
return this->rotateLeft();
} else {
right = right->rotateRight();
return rotateLeft();
} else if (bal > 1) {
if (left->heightDiff() >= 0) {
return rotateRight();
} else {
left = left->rotateLeft();
return rotateRight();
return this;
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
typename Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node*
Map<Key, T, Compare>::Node::treeAddRec(const value_type& v, Compare comp)
bool cv = comp(data.first, v.first);
if (cv)
if (left)
left = left->treeAddRec(v, comp);
left = new Node(v);
else if (data.first == v.first) {
return this;
} else
if (right)
right = right->treeAddRec(v, comp);
right = new Node(v);
return this->avlBalance();
/// Jesli obiekt byl odwolaniem do istniejacego, utworz gleboka kopie
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
void Map<Key, T, Compare>::writeRequired()
if (*copy_count > 0) {
root = new Node(*root);
copy_count = new int(0);
// Pozbadz sie jednej z kopii, usun drzewo jesli ostatnia
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
void Map<Key, T, Compare>::disposeCopy()
if (*copy_count == 0) {
delete root;
delete copy_count;
} else
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
void Map<Key, T, Compare>::insert(const value_type& v)
if (root)
root = root->treeAddRec(v, comp);
root = new Node(v);
/// Znalezienie elementu w drzewie.
// Zwraca NULL jeśli nie istnieje.
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
typename Map<Key, T, Compare>::value_type*
Map<Key, T, Compare>::find(const Key& k) const
Node* root = this->root;
while (root != NULL) {
bool cv = comp((root->data).first, k);
if (cv)
root = root->left;
else if ((root->data).first == k)
return &(root->data);
else {
root = root->right;
return NULL;
/// Usun element z drzewa.
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
void Map<Key, T, Compare>::erase(Key& k)
Node** root = &(root);
while (*root != NULL) {
bool cv = comp(((*root)->data).first, k);
if (cv)
root = &((*root)->left);
else if ((*root)->data.first == k) {
if (!(*root)->left && !(*root)->right) {
// brak potomków
delete *root;
*root = NULL;
} else if ((*root)->left && (*root)->right) {
// lewy i prawy potomek
Node* tmp;
Node** succ = &(*root)->right;
while ((*succ)->left)
succ = &(*succ)->left;
(*root)->data = (*succ)->data;
tmp = (*succ)->right;
*succ.left = *succ.right = NULL;
delete *succ;
*succ = tmp;
} else {
// tylko lewy/prawy potomek
Node* tmp = *root;
if ((*root)->left)
*root =(*root)->left;
*root =(*root)->right;
*tmp.left = *tmp.right = NULL;
delete tmp;
} else
root = &((*root)->right);
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
T& Map<Key, T, Compare>::operator[](const Key& k)
value_type* f = find(k);
if (!f) {
f = find(k);
return f;
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
Map<Key, T, Compare>::Map(Map& m)
root = m.root;
copy_count = m.copy_count;
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
Map<Key, T, Compare>::~Map()
template <class Key, class T, class Compare>
Map<Key, T, Compare>& Map<Key, T, Compare>::operator=(Map<Key, T, Compare>& m)
if (this == &m) return *this;
root = m.root;
copy_count = m.copy_count;
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
template <class Key, class T, class Compare = std::less<Key> >
class Map {
typedef std::pair<const Key, T> value_type;
Map() { root = NULL; copy_count = new int(0); }
Map(Map& m);
Map& operator=(Map& m);
T& operator[](const Key& k);
void insert(const value_type&);
value_type* find(const Key&) const;
void erase(Key&);
struct Node {
Node* left;
Node* right;
value_type data;
int height;
Node(const value_type& _data);
Node(Node& n);
~Node() { delete left; delete right; }
void recountHeight();
int heightDiff() const;
Node* treeAddRec(const value_type& v, Compare comp);
Node* rotateLeft();
Node* rotateRight();
Node* avlBalance();
} ;
Node* root;
Compare comp;
int* copy_count;
void writeRequired();
void disposeCopy();
} ;
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