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Created April 11, 2016 05:19
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var newGame = true;
var snakeX, snakeY;
var snakeSize = 15;
var direction = -1;
var endGame = false;
var stepSize = 7;
var foodX, foodY;
var snakeSections = [];
var posX, posY;
function setup() {
//setup the size of the board
var height = 500;
var width = 500;
createCanvas(height, width);
function draw() {
//here we keep updating the direction
if (endGame == false){
//do collision detection here
function ateFood(){
//here we need to see if we collide with the food
* need a way to keep track of the snake, maybe a list of coordinates?
* everything will need incremented through the step function
/* TO DO: when colliding with the food
* make the snake one piece longer, add to the end of the snake
* generate another piece of food
foodX = formatSuitableNumber();
foodY = formatSuitableNumber();
/* TO DO: check for collisions with yourself
* if you collide with yourself go to endGame(true)
function collisionWithFood(){
//this is only for the first piece
//and is based on the current direction
var currDirection = snakeSections[0];
var xDiff, yDiff;
if (currDirection == 0 && deltaY() <= snakeSize){
//left so the food needs to be <posX
xDiff = posX - foodX;
if (xDiff <= snakeSize && xDiff > 0){
return true;
else if (currDirection == 1 && deltaY() <= snakeSize){
//right so the food needs to be >posX
xDiff = foodX - posX;
if (xDiff <= snakeSize && xDiff > 0){
return true;
else if (currDirection == 2 && deltaX() <= snakeSize){
//up so the food needs to be <posY
yDiff = foodY - posY;
if (yDiff <= snakeSize && yDiff > 0){
return true;
else if (currDirection == 3 && deltaX() <= snakeSize){
//down so the food needs to be >posY
yDiff = posY - foodY;
if (yDiff <= snakeSize && yDiff > 0){
return true;
return false;
function deltaY(){
//just so the number is always positive
if (posY > foodY){
return posY - foodY;
return foodY - posY;
function deltaX(){
//just so the number is always positive
if (posX > foodX){
return posX - foodX;
return foodX - posX;
function addOneSectionToSnake(){
//this will add the same direction to the end so theyre in the same direction
snakeSections.push(snakeSections[snakeSections.length - 1]);
document.getElementById("score").innerText = "Current snake size: " + snakeSections.length;
function refreshPage(){
function dropFood(){
//this will just be a random rectable in yellow
//here we need to keep the same place until the snake eats the food
fill(255, 0, 0);
rect(foodX, foodY, snakeSize, snakeSize);
function initializeGame(){
//display the board once and wait for some keyboard input
//snakeX = int(random(0, height-10));
//snakeY = int(random(0, width-10));
snakeX = formatSuitableNumber();
snakeY = formatSuitableNumber();
posX = snakeX;
posY = snakeY;
print("snakeX: " + snakeX);
print("snakeY: " + snakeY);
//snakeSize = 10;
fill(255, 255, 255);
//rect(snakeSections[0].getX, snakeSections[0].getY, snakeSize, snakeSize);
rect(snakeX, snakeY, snakeSize, snakeSize);
direction = -1;
foodX = formatSuitableNumber();
foodY = formatSuitableNumber();
function snakePart(){
snakeX = formatSuitableNumber();
snakeY = formatSuitableNumber();
function keyPressed() {
mappings are
left = 0
right = 1
up = 2
down = 3
if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) {
direction = 0;
} else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) {
direction = 1;
else if (keyCode === UP_ARROW) {
direction = 2;
} else if (keyCode === DOWN_ARROW) {
direction = 3;
return false; // prevent any default behavior
function stopGame(endGame){
if (endGame == true){
print("You lost");
print("SnakeX: " + snakeX);
print("SnakeY: " + snakeY);
print("Size: " + snakeSections.length);
document.getElementById("score").innerText = "Snake size before you died: " + snakeSections.length;
function step(){
//new game loop
if (snakeSections[0] == 0 && posX > 0){
//move left, Xvar - stepSize
posX -= stepSize;
else if (snakeSections[0] == 1 && posX < width-10){
//move right, Xvar + stepSize
posX += stepSize;
else if (snakeSections[0] == 2 && posY > 0){
//move up, Yvar - stepSize
posY -= stepSize;
else if (snakeSections[0] == 3 && posY < height-10){
//move down, Yvar + stepSize
posY += stepSize;
//pause the game since it's over, the snake would go outside of the boarders
if (snakeSections[0] >= 0){
endGame = true;
fill(255, 255, 255);
rect(posX, posY, snakeSize, snakeSize);
var currX = posX;
var currY = posY;
if (snakeSections.length > 1){
for (var x = 0; x < snakeSections.length; x++){
//loop through the rest of the snake and print the correct layout
if (snakeSections[x] == 0 && currX > 0){
//move left, Xvar - stepSize
currX += stepSize;
else if (snakeSections[x] == 1 && currX < width-10){
//move right, Xvar + stepSize
currX -= stepSize;
else if (snakeSections[x] == 2 && currY > 0){
//move up, Yvar - stepSize
currY += stepSize;
else if (snakeSections[x] == 3 && currY < height-10){
//move down, Yvar + stepSize
currY -= stepSize;
if (snakeSections.length == 10){
var test = "";
fill(150, 150, 150);
rect(currX, currY, snakeSize, snakeSize);
function updateArray(){
//this should change the posX and posY
if(snakeSections.length > 1){
for(var x = snakeSections.length - 1; x > 0; x--){
if (snakeSections.length > 15){
var w = 0;
snakeSections[x] = snakeSections[x - 1]
snakeSections[0] = direction;
function formatSuitableNumber(){
var number = int(random(10, width-20));
if (number % 10 >= 5){
number += 10 - number % 10;
number -= number % 10;
return number;
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