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Created July 8, 2016 12:48
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import cats.Monad
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.language.higherKinds
object Swap {
def apply[F[_], A](l: List[F[A]])(implicit m: Monad[F]): F[List[A]] =
l.foldLeft(m pure List.empty[A])((futureList, futureNext) =>
m.flatMap(futureList)(list => :: list))
def apply[A](l: List[Future[A]]): Future[List[A]] =
l.foldLeft(Future successful List.empty[A])((futureList, futureNext) =>
futureList flatMap (list => futureNext map (_ :: list))
Swap(List(Future successful 1, Future successful 2))
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