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Last active January 7, 2022 16:28
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run functional tests with delorean cli

How to run test container in OpenShift cluster using Delorean CLI

  1. Clone delorean
git clone
  1. Build the binary
make build/cli
  1. In the same folder create test-config.yaml file with the content of the file in this gist
  2. Update image field with the URL of your testing container image
  3. Update regExpFilter field with the filter for the tests you want to run (otherwise delete the field or leave it empty to run all tests)
  4. Log in to OpenShift cluster with RHOAM installed as kubeadmin
  5. Run the tests with the following command:
./delorean pipeline product-tests --test-config test-config.yaml --output test-results --namespace test-functional
  1. You can watch the test logs in real time by running the following command in another terminal window:
oc logs -f $(oc get pods -n test-functional -o name) -c test -n test-functional
  1. After test container is finished, test results will be stored in ./test-results folder
- name: integreatly-operator-test
regExpFilter: "(A01)|(B01)"
timeout: 7200
value: 'false'
- name: MULTIAZ
value: 'false'
value: redhat-rhoam-operator
value: 'true'
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