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Created November 9, 2017 13:25
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Generic Node
package org.opencypher.caps.impl.spark.physical
case class Pipeline[I <: Node[I], O <: Node[O]](
sequence: TreeTransformation[I, O]) {
def chain[A](t: TreeTransformation[O, A]): Pipeline[I, A] = {
case class PrintingTransformation[I, O](t: TreeTransformation[I, O]) extends TreeTransformation[I, O] {
override def apply(root: Node[I]): Node[O] = {
val msg = s"${t.getClass.getSimpleName} started ..."
val padded = msg.padTo(30, " ").mkString("")
val r = t(root)
case class Intercept[I, O](
f: I => O,
input: I => Unit = (_) => {},
output: O => Unit = (_) => {}
) extends ((I) => O) {
override def apply(i: I): O = {
trait TreeTransformation[I, O] extends ((Node[I]) => Node[O]) {
def apply(root: Node[I]): Node[O]
def withPrinting: TreeTransformation[I, O] = PrintingTransformation(this)
case class Node[T](value: T, children: Seq[Node[T]] = Seq.empty) {
def pretty: String = ???
def map[O](f: T => O): Node[O] = {
Node(f(value), =>
def fold[O](initial: O)(f: (O, T) => O): O = {
children.foldLeft(f(initial, value)) { case (agg, nextChild) =>
def flatten: Seq[T] = fold[List[T]](List.empty) { case (r, n) => n :: r }
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