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Created October 17, 2017 14:04
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CAPS Zeppelin Example Notebook
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"text": "%md \n### This notebook shows how to get started with CAPS inside of Zeppelin.\n\nIn order to use this notebook, follow these steps:\n\n - Go to the Interpreter (`anonymous/username` -> `Interpreter`) settings in the top right\n - Find the `spark` interpreter and click on `edit` \n - In the `Dependencies` section, add the path to the CAPS jar file\n - Click on `save`",
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"title": "Imports and session",
"text": "import org.opencypher.caps.api.spark.{CAPSGraph, CAPSSession}\nimport org.opencypher.caps.api.record.{NodeScan, RelationshipScan}\nimport org.opencypher.caps.api.util.ZeppelinSupport._\nimplicit val caps = CAPSSession.create(spark)",
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"title": "Graph creation",
"text": "// Initial data model\ncase class Person(id: Long, name: String)\ncase class Friendship(id: Long, from: Long, to: Long)\n\n// Data mapped to DataFrames\nval personList = List(Person(0, \"Alice\"), Person(1, \"Bob\"))\nval friendshipList= List(Friendship(0, 0, 1), Friendship(1, 1, 0))\nval personDf = spark.createDataFrame(personList)\nval friendshipDf = spark.createDataFrame(friendshipList)\n\n// Turn DataFrame into Node/Relationship scans\nval personScan = NodeScan.on(\"id\") { builder =>\n\"Person\").withPropertyKey(\"name\")\n}.fromDf(personDf)\nval friendshipScan = RelationshipScan.on(\"id\") { builder =>\n builder.from(\"from\").to(\"to\").relType(\"FRIENDS\").build\n}.fromDf(friendshipDf)\n\n// Create CAPSGraph from scans\nval graph = CAPSGraph.create(personScan, friendshipScan)",
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"title": " Querying the graph with Cypher",
"text": "val result = graph.cypher(\"MATCH (a:Person)-[:FRIENDS]->(b) RETURN\")\nresult.asZeppelinTable",
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"title": " Zeppelin 0.8 can visualize graphs like this",
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