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psugihara / qa error.txt
Created September 20, 2016 07:32
bundle exec qa minitest -archive-base-dir ~/.qa/archive -capture-standard-fds=false
bundle exec qa minitest -archive-base-dir ~/.qa/archive -capture-standard-fds=false
Using phantomjs version 2.1.1
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:166: warning: already initialized constant PhotoStub
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:166: warning: previous definition of PhotoStub was here
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:168: warning: already initialized constant PROPERTY_IMAGE_REGEX
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:168: warning: previous definition of PROPERTY_IMAGE_REGEX was here
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:169: warning: already initialized constant S3_PROPERTY_IMAGE_REGEX
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:169: warning: previous definition of S3_PROPERTY_IMAGE_REGEX was here
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:170: warning: already initialized constant SLACK_NOTIFIER_URL
/Users/petersugihara/open_listings/test/test_helper.rb:170: warning: previous definiti
if Rails.env.staging? || Rails.env.development?
class MailFilter
def self.delivering_email(message) = {|recipient| recipient !~ / }
message.perform_deliveries = false
Rails.logger.debug "Interceptor prevented sending mail #{message.inspect}!"
message.subject = "[#{Rails.env.upcase}] " + message.subject
import arb.soundcipher.*;
int N = 2; // N = average North wind direction
if (N == 1) {
line(9, 10, 11, 12);
SoundCipher sc = new SoundCipher(this);
sc.playNote(60, 100, 0.5);
} else if (N == 2) {
// do something else

 $.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342ˇ€C 
2!!22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222ˇ¿‹'"ˇƒˇƒK !1AQ"aq2Åë°±¡—#BR·$3rÇSíìÒ45CDbsɬEUcd≤“ˇƒˇƒ$!1AQ"2BqÅˇ⁄ ?‰vÓ•]ŸN ¡„ÔVb'≤àí◊<ä¶ÜFä=ºÚsRên+±©˙ÎGv;∫»†ç±∆fl{D~füïÇ#D≤ÜÏ3è√4õ£Â(H¬©„∞#?à¶í`Õ#NcP2y»™øc≤e†1‹w6@Í=ı"·NLi Åù€NsÔ®∞IÙ2∏„ÊÁ†Ô…´A*œ.Â@0πÎÄ8¨õ•cäU±5º◊RSm„ÅÇ3ŒzÚk‡x5#QïmòOo2@AG¸O—üÖsπ.ù$Rvìª∏>üCZÕ\√)|«∏çÓJ61∏ø„N<ò…:0ö~èA[ÀÁ@襩 pyßr}j∑AîÕ£[H\æ»9œ„VU€fa‰–…§+´Å ‡‡Ù4›Õ‘Vë&m™;–¿ë@ÎYË<Ajw`fiy∞&–àâùΩ2s‘ézÙ®z‰Qx¶˚ Ãπ<mÓˇmCúVÏY—÷_VÒÖÆüwm-ˢ3bJé√≠O¥Ò%ÖÓ¶÷03;*Ûˆ~£5t;E’
M¢Õ —Pìö*à–d˙—˙—–=*Ñ6zSd”∏¶ÿsTÑ∆èJi©Ú4Ü\Vâê∆QBñG4*Ïì«1ÍŸR}q⁄¨Ù¯"ñRÕ(ÂN¶øË™±+AÏÉ€#¸«6»ÎêIÍ
RÈœ ’B®ú∆~Û™Y„áÂN '…
}qflÈ©ñ”Ô/Ê9 Î¥∂zc?RdÚ¢H‡D!3πI=}ÁflY√(∫lÕZÏå7 g®è<U¿+oj
key = full address
grouping properties.displayable by key
will_be_mutant = 0
iterating over groups with count > 1
check if properties are the same (sqft, lot_sqft)
if not the same, will_be_mutant ++
error = will_be_mutant / not_handled
psugihara / gist:060bbd5c3fb94b5938ee
Created July 5, 2015 07:42
require pry atom snippet
# Paste this into your snippets file (in menu Atom > Open Your Snippets)
'prefix': 'pry'
'body': 'require "pry"\nbinding.pry'
psugihara / GradientView.swift
Created November 25, 2014 08:05
UIView with gradient background in Swift
class OLGradientView: UIView {
override class func layerClass() -> AnyClass {
return CAGradientLayer.self
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
psugihara / OLHelpPageViewController.swift
Created November 13, 2014 07:11
UIPageViewController in Swift using Interface Builder
//The MIT License (MIT)
//Copyright (c) 2014 Open Listings
//Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
//of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
//in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
//to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
//copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
//furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/bson/extensions/hash.rb:15:in `block in __bson_dump__'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/bson/extensions/hash.rb:14:in `each'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/bson/extensions/hash.rb:14:in `__bson_dump__'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/bson/extensions/hash.rb:15:in `block in __bson_dump__'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/bson/extensions/hash.rb:14:in `each'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/bson/extensions/hash.rb:14:in `__bson_dump__'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/bson/document.rb:36:in `serialize'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/protocol/message.rb:136:in `serialize_selector'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/protocol/message.rb:289:in `serialize'
moped (1.4.3) lib/moped/connection.rb:153:in `block in write'