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Created March 16, 2014 20:19
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philswenson@zoso:~/dev/chef/myfirstcookbook (master)$ knife solo cook root@redstone
WARNING: solo.rb found, but since knife-solo v0.3.0 it is not used any more
WARNING: Please read the upgrade instructions:
Running Chef on redstone...
Checking Chef version...
Installing Berkshelf cookbooks to '/Users/philswenson/.berkshelf/knife-solo/35c024dd80a9ab482eadf86b98a86fb90c9521d7'...
Using myfirstcookbook (0.1.0)
Using jenkins (2.0.2)
Using git (3.1.0)
Using java (1.20.0)
Using apt (2.3.8)
Using runit (1.5.10)
Using build-essential (2.0.0)
Using yum (3.1.4)
Using yum-epel (0.3.4)
Using dmg (2.2.0)
Using windows (1.30.0)
Using chef_handler (1.1.5)
Uploading the kitchen...
cannot delete non-empty directory: main
WARNING: Local role_path './roles' does not exist
WARNING: Local data_bag_path './data_bags' does not exist
WARNING: Local environment_path './environments' does not exist
Generating solo config...
Running Chef...
Starting Chef Client, version 11.10.4
[2014-03-16T16:18:41-04:00] WARN: unable to detect ip6address
Compiling Cookbooks...
Converging 14 resources
Recipe: main::default
* package[git-core] action install (up to date)
Recipe: java::set_java_home
* ruby_block[set-env-java-home] action run
- execute the ruby block set-env-java-home
* directory[/etc/profile.d] action create (up to date)
* file[/etc/profile.d/] action create (up to date)
Recipe: java::oracle
* java_ark[jdk] action installRecipe: <Dynamically Defined Resource>
* package[curl] action install (up to date)
- download oracle tarball straight from the server[2014-03-16T16:18:49-04:00] FATAL: Failed to extract file jdk-7u51-linux-x64.tar.gz!
Error executing action `install` on resource 'java_ark[jdk]'
Cookbook Trace:
/root/chef-solo/cookbooks-2/java/providers/ark.rb:157:in `block (2 levels) in class_from_file'
/root/chef-solo/cookbooks-2/java/providers/ark.rb:133:in `block in class_from_file'
Resource Declaration:
# In /root/chef-solo/cookbooks-2/java/recipes/oracle.rb
49: java_ark "jdk" do
50: url tarball_url
51: default node['java']['set_default']
52: checksum tarball_checksum
53: app_home java_home
54: bin_cmds bin_cmds
55: alternatives_priority 1062
56: action :install
57: end
Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /root/chef-solo/cookbooks-2/java/recipes/oracle.rb:49:in `from_file'
java_ark("jdk") do
action [:install]
supports {:report=>true, :exception=>true}
retries 0
retry_delay 2
cookbook_name :java
recipe_name "oracle"
url ""
default true
checksum "764f96c4b078b80adaa5983e75470ff2"
app_home "opt/java"
bin_cmds ["appletviewer", "apt", "ControlPanel", "extcheck", "idlj", "jar", "jarsigner", "java", "javac", "javadoc", "javafxpackager", "javah", "javap", "javaws", "jcmd", "jconsole", "jcontrol", "jdb", "jhat", "jinfo", "jmap", "jps", "jrunscript", "jsadebugd", "jstack", "jstat", "jstatd", "jvisualvm", "keytool", "native2ascii", "orbd", "pack200", "policytool", "rmic", "rmid", "rmiregistry", "schemagen", "serialver", "servertool", "tnameserv", "unpack200", "wsgen", "wsimport", "xjc"]
alternatives_priority 1062
Running handlers:
[2014-03-16T16:18:49-04:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
Running handlers complete
[2014-03-16T16:18:49-04:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
[2014-03-16T16:18:49-04:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
Chef Client failed. 1 resources updated in 8.745678625 seconds
[2014-03-16T16:18:50-04:00] ERROR: java_ark[jdk] (java::oracle line 49) had an error: SystemExit: exit
[2014-03-16T16:18:50-04:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)
ERROR: RuntimeError: chef-solo failed. See output above.
philswenson@zoso:~/dev/chef/myfirstcookbook (master)$
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