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Created January 2, 2012 23:08
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Graphical view over sector times for F1 2011 season
gsqAPI = function(key,query,gid=0){ return( read.csv( paste( sep="",'', 'tqx=out:csv','&tq=', curlEscape(query), '&key=', key, '&gid=', curlEscape(gid) ), na.strings = "null" ) ) }
qualidata=gsqAPI(key,'select *',sheet)
#Order the levels in the race factor in terms of calendar order
#Annotate the data with teams
query="select A,C,E"
#Order the teams
qualiSectors2011$team=factor(qualiSectors2011$team,levels=c("RBR-Renault","McLaren-Mercedes","Ferrari","Mercedes","Renault","Force India-Mercedes","Sauber-Ferrari","STR-Ferrari","Williams-Cosworth","Lotus-Renault","HRT-Cosworth","Virgin-Cosworth"),ordered=T)
#This is a hack - is there a better way?
nullmin=function(d) {if (is.finite(min(d,na.rm=T))) return(min(d,na.rm=T)) else return(NA)}
#Find the fastest overall time for each sector, over all drivers
minqsectors=ddply(.variables=c("race","sector"),.data=qualiSectors2011,.fun= function(d) data.frame(d,sectorMin=nullmin(d$sectortime)))
#Normalise the sector time for each driver according to the fastest sector time over all drivers
minqsectors=ddply(.variables=c("race","sector"),.data=minqsectors,.fun= function(d) data.frame(d,normSector=d$sectortime/d$sectorMin))
#Plot the loess model based on both driver's fastest quali times for each sector by race
ggplot(minqsectors)+stat_smooth(method="loess",aes(x=race,y=normSector,group=team,col=factor(team)), se=FALSE)+ylim(0.99,1.1) + facet_wrap(~sector) +opts(title="F1 2011 Fastest Qualifying Sector Times by Team Evolution",axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90))+scale_colour_manual(name="Teams",values = teamcolours)+xlab(NULL)+ylab("Fit on quali sectortime as % of fastest overall quali sector time")
#Plot the loess model based on both driver's fastest quali times for each sector by team
ggplot(minqsectors)+stat_smooth(method="loess",aes(x=race,y=normSector,group=sector,col=factor(sector)), se=FALSE)+ylim(0.99,1.1) + facet_wrap(~team) +opts(title="F1 2011 Fastest Qualifying Sector Times by Team Evolution",axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90))+xlab(NULL)+ylab("Fit on quali sectortime as % of fastest overall quali sector time")
#Find the fastest time recorded by each team for each qualifying sector
minqsectors=ddply(.variables=c("race","sector","team"),.data=minqsectors,.fun= function(d) data.frame(d,teamMinSector=nullmin(d$sectortime)))
#Normalise the best sector time for each team according to the fastest sector time over all drivers
minqsectors=ddply(.variables=c("race","sector"),.data=minqsectors,.fun= function(d) data.frame(d,normTeamSector=d$teamMinSector/d$sectorMin))
#Plot the loess model based on each team's fastest quali times for each sector by race
ggplot(minqsectors)+stat_smooth(method="loess",aes(x=race,y=normTeamSector,group=team,col=factor(team)), se=FALSE)+ylim(0.99,1.1) + facet_wrap(~sector) +opts(title="F1 2011 Fastest Qualifying Sector Times by Team Evolution",axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90))+scale_colour_manual(name="Teams",values = teamcolours)+xlab(NULL)+ylab("Min team quali sectortime as % of fastest overall quali sector time")
#Plot the loess model based on each team's fastest quali times for each sector
ggplot(minqsectors)+stat_smooth(method="loess",aes(x=race,y=normTeamSector,group=sector,col=factor(sector)), se=FALSE)+ylim(0.99,1.1) + facet_wrap(~team) +opts(title="F1 2011 Fastest Qualifying Sector Times by Team Evolution",axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90))+xlab(NULL)+ylab("Min team quali sectortime as % of fastest overall quali sector time")
#Find the mean time recorded for each qualifying sector over the best times for each team
minqsectors=ddply(.variables=c("race","sector"),.data=minqsectors,.fun= function(d) data.frame(d,meanTeamBestSector=mean(d$teamMinSector,na.rm=TRUE)))
#Normalise the best sector time for each team according to the mean best sector time over all teams
minqsectors=ddply(.variables=c("race","sector"),.data=minqsectors,.fun= function(d) data.frame(d,meanNormTeamSector=d$teamMinSector/d$meanTeamBestSector))
#Plot the loess model based on each team's fastest quali times for each sector by race normalised against mean of team best sector times
ggplot(minqsectors)+stat_smooth(method="loess",aes(x=race,y=meanNormTeamSector,group=team,col=factor(team)), se=FALSE)+ylim(0.9,1.1) + facet_wrap(~sector) +opts(title="F1 2011 Fastest Qualifying Sector Times by Team Evolution",axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90))+scale_colour_manual(name="Teams",values = teamcolours)+xlab(NULL)+ylab("Min team quali sectortime as % of fastest overall quali sector time")
#Plot the loess model based on each team's fastest quali times for each sector normalised against mean of team best sector times
ggplot(minqsectors)+stat_smooth(method="loess",aes(x=race,y=meanNormTeamSector,group=sector,col=factor(sector)), se=FALSE)+ylim(0.95,1.1) + facet_wrap(~team) +opts(title="F1 2011 Fastest Qualifying Sector Times by Team Evolution ",axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90))+xlab(NULL)+ylab("Min team quali sectortime as % of fastest overall quali sector time")
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