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Last active July 23, 2017 03:58
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#what's not here: continue{} block, OOP (mostly), threads, POD,
# exporting subroutines (mostly), packages, debugging,
# special variables (mostly), regular expressions (mostly).
String fxns (chomp,chop,chr,index,lc,length,oct,ord,rindex,split,sprintf,substr,uc,ucfirst)
Array/List fxns (@ARGV,grep,join,map,pop,push,reverse,shift,sort,splice,qw//,unshift,List::Util=shuffle)
Hash fxns (delete,each,exists,keys,values)
Variable fxns (defined,ref,scalar)
All fxns(printf,undef,Data::Dumper)
Exception fxns ($@[eval error])
Math fxns (**,abs,hex,int,oct,rand,sqrt,Math::Trig=:pi[pi])
Misc fxns (``,__FILE__,__LINE__,__PACKAGE__,caller,die,eval,sleep,system,warn)
Filesystem fxns (<>,$/[$RS],chdir,chmod,Cwd,eof,File::Copy,glob,link,open,read,readlink,rename,rmdir,seek,select,stat,symlink,sysread,syswrite,sysseek,tell,umask,unlink)
Directory fxns (mkdir,closedir,opendir,readdir,rewinddir,seekdir,telldir)
Library fxns (Exporter)
OOP fxns (bless)
# file_is_readable?(); file_is_writeable?(); is_dir?(); is_folder?();
# is_empty_file?(); is_nonempty_file?(); is_text_file?();
# is_binary_file?(); is_regular_file?() [ie. not directory, tty]
# file_exists?()
perldoc -f -X
# system() backtick `` operator
perldoc perlop #look for 'qx'
# <<EOF;
perldoc perlop #look for 'here-doc'
#unicode stuff-that-I-find-confusing
perldoc perluniintro
#on windows 8.0 using powershell 3.0
echo 'how are you today?' | \
perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -ne '$_=join(\" \", unpack(\"U*\",$_));print'
perldoc whatever > ~/whatever.txt #& then open it with notepad.
#on windows 8.0 with Strawberry perl
perl Makefile.PL; dmake; dmake test; dmake install
#doing individual tests
prove -vbl t/whatever.t
#on GNU/Linux
echo 'how are you today?' | \
perl -Mstrict -Mwarnings -ne '$_=join(" ", unpack("U*",$_));print'
#convert binary scalar string to scalar integer value
bin(): sub bin{return oct('0b' . $_[0])}
sprintf('%b', 100) #1100100
%o #144 (octal)
%x #64 (hex)
unpack('C', chr(ord('r'))) #114
bin(unpack('b*',chr(ord('r'))) #(01001110) -> 78
ret_new_List_with_altered_returns{}: map{}
filter_valid{}: grep{}
redo next (ie. continue) last (ie. break)
my $sz = 'A crazy horse named Joe.';
if(my ($name) = $sz =~ m{A .* horse named ([^.]+)\.}){
# m() m'' m!! m## m// //
say "Name: $1";
say "Name: $name";
#perldoc perlretut | perlreref | perlre | perlrequick | perlcheat
LIST ops
|| //
| ^
<< >>
+ - .
* / %
#perldoc perlcheat, perldoc perlop
sub callme1($){
print Dumper([@_]);
return '';
sub callme2{
print Dumper([@_]);
return '';
say callme1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; #callme1 absorbs '1'
say callme2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; #callme2 absorbs all
#-| is post. |- is pre.
#:raw prevents '\n' being treated as '\r\n' on Windows/Win32/Win64
use IO::Handle;
open(my ${input}, '<', q!mydata.txt!) or die $!;
open(my ${output}, '|-:raw', 'tail -10 | sort') or die $!;
my $all;
local $/;
$all = <$input>;
my $one_byte;
local $/ = \1; #`perldoc perlvar` & look for INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR or $RS
#newline by default.
$one_byte = <$input>;
seek ${input}, 0, 0; #bring it back to the beginning.
print ${output} @input_lines;
exit; #same as 'exit 0'
#get all files in PWD
opendir(my $dirh, './');
say for(readdir($dirh));
# changes all values of @array to 'whatever'!!!
my @array = (1,2,3);
for my $i(@array){
$i = 'whatever';
my @array = qw{1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15};
$_ *= 8 for (@array);
say shift(@array) while(@array);
chomp(@output = `command`);
sub name_of_sub{
my $argument = shift // 'default'; #meaning: execute if undef
return $argument . ' is OK.';
print name_of_sub();
use feature qw/say/;
use feature 'say';
use feature qw!say!;
use feature qw'say';
use feature qw{say};
use feature qw(say);
use feature qw#say#;
my $n = 0b0100_1011_1001_0100_1110; #309582
say $n;
CORE::say $n;
my @array = qw{1 2 3 4 5 6 7};
m![23]! && say for(@array);
#both of these are the same:
my $s = undef;
my $s;
my $nTotalCounted = () = get_a_list_of_whatever();
my %hash = (
foreach my $key (keys %hash){
delete $hash{$key};
#is the same as...
delete @hash{keys %hash};
#is the same as...
%hash = ();
#is the same as...
undef %hash;
my ($hello, $again);
my @world = (1);
sub hello{
($hello,$again) = @world;
print "undefined\n" if(!defined($again)); #true.
my @array = (1,2,3);
my $val;
while(defined($val = shift(@array))){
print $val;
for(my $i=0; $i<3; $i++){
print $i, "\n"; #0, 1, 2
my $i = 8;
#works the same with hashes
my @has_values = (1,2,3);
my @no_values = ();
print "Yes I know\n";
if(! @no_values){
print "Yes I know\n";
while(my ($key,$value) = each(%ENV)){
print "$key:$value\n";
local $@; #reset to undef
eval{ die 'msg' };
if(my $exception = $@){
chomp $exception;
say "exception caught: $exception"; #msg at line 7.
#$exception does not exist out here.
#named locators!
if( 'whatever' =~ /^(?<_found>[hatw]+)(?<_cool>[erv]+)/ ){
say $+{_found}, "\n", $+{_cool}; #what\never
v Write
v v Append only
v v Create non-existing
v v Clobber existing
< Y N N N N *
> N Y N Y Y *
>> N Y Y Y N *
+< Y Y N N N
+> Y Y N Y Y
+>> Y Y Y Y N
#convert all characters to a list of numbers:
unpack('U*', $mystring);
#file test operators
-r File is readable by effective uid/gid.
-w File is writable by effective uid/gid.
-x File is executable by effective uid/gid.
-o File is owned by effective uid.
-e File exists.
-z File has zero size (is empty).
-s File has nonzero size (returns size in bytes).
-f File is a plain file.
-d File is a directory.
-l File is a symbolic link.
-T File is a textfile.
-B File is a binary file.
#get a file list from STDIN :)))
while (<>) {
next unless -f $_; # ignore specials
#an array with spaces for when qw// just isn't enough.
my @array = split(/, /, q{My string which has multiples, And here another, and another, end});
local $" = ', '; #is initially a space. Cannot/should-not be undef.
my @array = qw/Berkeley OSU UofO Titanium-Oxide/;
say "@array"; #Berkeley, OSU, UofO, Titanium-Oxide
my $pos=-1;
while( ($pos = index($string, $lookfor, $pos)) > -1){
print "Found @ $pos\n";
delete @{ $dungeon[$x][$y] }{'OCCUPIED','DAMP','CLOTH'};
use IPC::Run 'run';
my $stdin = "Input";
my $exitstatus = run [ $command, @args ], \$stdin, \my $stdout, \my $stderr;
my @options = ( \&name_of_this_sub1, \&name_of_this_sub2,
\&name_of_this_sub3 );
print $options[rand @options]->(); #the float auto-converts to int
sub name_of_this_sub1{ 'yes!' }
sub name_of_this_sub2{ 'no!' }
sub name_of_this_sub3{ 'maybe!' }
my $i_am_done = 0;
$_ = 0;
until($i_am_done){ #this is cool
$i_am_done = 1 if($_ > 5)
(?:) means don't capture.
EG. (?:hello|world|end of days)
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