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Created May 26, 2013 15:25
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<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Jasmine Spec Runner</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=".grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/jasmine.css">
<script src=".grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/require.js"></script>
require.onError = function(error) {
var message = error.requireType + ': ';
if (error.requireType === 'scripterror' || error.requireType === 'notloaded' && error.requireModules) {
message += 'Illegal path or script error: ' + '[\'' + error.requireModules.join("', '") + '\']';
} else {
message += error.message;
throw Error(message);
<script src="./.grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/jasmine.js"></script>
<script src="./.grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/jasmine-html.js"></script>
function launchTest() {
require(['./www/js/spec/namespace.spec.js','./.grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/reporter.js'], function(){
require(['./.grunt/grunt-contrib-jasmine/jasmine-helper.js'], function(){
// good to go! Our tests should already be running.
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