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Transfer Baogang project to KeystoneML and Spark
Transfer Baogang project to KeystoneML and Spark
Useful Links
[KeystoneML Source Code](
[An KeystoneML Example](
[Programming Guide](
Some Concepts
### Piplelines
A Pipeline is a dataflow that takes some input data and maps it to some output data through a series of `nodes`.
package workflow
trait Pipeline[A, B] {
// ...
def apply(in: A): B
def apply(in: RDD[A]): RDD[B]
final def andThen[C](next: Pipeline[B, C]): Pipeline[A, C] = //...
### Nodes
Nodes come in two flavors: `Transformers` and `Estimators`.
#### Transformers
It takes an input, and deterministically transforms it into an output
``` scala
package workflow
abstract class Transformer[A, B : ClassTag] extends TransformerNode[B] with Pipeline[A, B] {
def apply(in: A): B
def apply(in: RDD[A]): RDD[B] =
#### Estimators
That is `Estimator` takes in training data as an `RDD` to its `fit()` method, and outputs a Transformer
package workflow
abstract class Estimator[A, B] extends EstimatorNode {
protected def fit(data: RDD[A]): Transformer[A, B]
// ...
#### Chaining Nodes and Building Pipelines
val labels: RDD[Vector[Double]] = //...
val trainImages: RDD[Image] = //...
val pipe = GrayScaler andThen
ImageVectorizer andThen
(LinearMapEstimator(), trainImages, trainLabels) andThen
Some useful packages for our project:
: **images** nodes useful for image processing
: **learning** extends Estimator, as estimators for learning process
: **stats** nodes useful for statistics
: **nlp**
: **util** : provides some utility functions
Loaders : load data (extends transformer)
Evaluation: some evaluation criterion
Pipelines (the running program)
: images
: **ImageUtils** : some utility functions (we should write some functions in this class)
: **images** : provides some examples for doing image classification pipelines
Some Methods Implementation Tips
Fft2: breeze.signal.fourierTr
Ifft2: breeze.signal.IfourierTr
Convolution: breeze.signal.convolve, however it can only support vector convolution. It has matrix signature, but only in a to do list.
ConnectedComponentLabeler: Implement with using DFS
BinaryConverter: check if it is gray, if not, convert to gray then convert to binary.
**Pipeline problem**:
How can I the non-linear pipeline?
For example, If I have an image call ‘im: [Image]’, and I put it to a pipeline ‘p: Pipeline[Image, Seq[Box]]’, then the output should be boxes:Seq[Box]. The Box means the coordinate group I want to crop from the Image. Then I want to use apply another image crop transformer, which need the im. How can I pass the im to the imageCroper? In other words, how can I add an edge from the initial node to the ImageCropper node?
One way to accomplish this is to build your pipeline piecewise:
val data: RDD[Image]
val prefix: Pipeline[Image, Image] //Call this some preprocessing steps - I'm assuming this is the logic you want to avoid duplicating.
val boxExtractor: Pipeline[Image, Seq[Box]] //This is your `p`.
val imageCropper: Transformer[Image, Image]
val pipe1 = prefix andThen boxExtractor
val pipe2 = prefix andThen imageCropper
val combinedPipeline: Pipeline[Image, Seq[Any]] = Pipeline.gather(Seq(pipe1, pipe2))
The result of running combinedPipeline on an input image will be a Seq[Any] which in this case will be a sequence of size 2 where the elements are a Seq[Box], and a (cropped) Image.
Pipeline Designe
### KeystoneML Baogang Pipeline Graph:
![KeystoneML Baogang Pipeline Graph]( "Baogang.PNG")
There are two pipelines in our project, in which, one is for training and the other one is for inference.
For the training part, the Pseudocode is shown in Code 1.1 below.
**Code 1.1**
object BaogangTraining extends Logging{
def run(sc: SparkContext, config: BaogangConfig): Pipeline[Image, Int] = {
val numClasses = 2
val trainData = BaogangLoader(sc, config.trainLocation).cache()
val trainImages = ImageExtractor(trainData)
val labelExtractor = LabelExtractor andThen
ClassLabelIndicatorsFromIntLabels(numClasses) andThen
new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]]
val trainLabels = labelExtractor(trainData)
val predictor = ImageReScaler(a,a) andThen
GrayScaler andThen
new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]] andThen
ImageVectorizer andThen
// (new StandardScaler, trainImages) andThen
ConvolutionalNormalization andThen
new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]] andThen
(ConvolutionalTrainer(conf), trainImages, trainLabels)
val testData = ImageExtractor(BaogangLoader(sc, config.trainLocation)).cache()
val processedTestImage = usefulImageExtractor.apply(testData)
val testPredicted = predictor(testParsedImgs)
It is easy to find that the wrokflow is:
ImageExtractor -> ImageScalar -> GrayScaler -> ImageVectorizer -> ConvolutioanalNormalization (-> StandardScaler) -> ConvolutionalNormalization -> ConvolutionalTrainer
The signature of the corresponding objects are shown in Code1.3.
For the inference part, the Pseudocode is shown in Code 1.2 below. There are two sub-pipelines in the image processing part.
**Code 1.2**
object BaogangInferrence extends Logging{
def run(sc: SparkContext, config: BaogangConfig): Pipeline[Image, Int] = {
val testImages = ImageExtractor(BaogangLoader(sc, config.testLocation)).cache()
val scrapProcessor = new Container(GrayScaler andThen
new ImFilter("replicate", k1) andThen
new ImFilter("replicate", k2) andThen
new BinaryConvertor(0.1) andThen
ConnectedComponentLabeler andThen
new UsefulBoxExtractor) andThen
new ImageBoxCropper
val acidProcessor = new Container(GrayScaler andThen
ImageReScaler andThen
ImageMatrixizer andThen
FFT2 andThen
ToSaltMaper andThen
MatToGrayConvertor andThen
new UsefulBoxExtractor) andThen
new ImageBoxCropper
val processedTestImage = usefulImageExtractor.apply(testImages)
val usefulImageExtractor = Pipeline.gather { scrapProcessor :: acidProcessor :: Nil} andThen Combiner
val predictor = LoadBaogangPredictor()
val predict = predictor(processedTestImage)
The wrokflow is:
p1 = ImageExtractor -> ImFilter("replicate", k1) -> ImFilter("replicate", k2) -> BinaryConvertor(0.1) -> ConnectedComponentLabeler ->BoxExtractor -> ImageBoxCropper
p2 = GrayScaler -> ImageMatrixizer -> FFT2 -> ToSaltMaper -> MatToGrayConvertor -> BoxExtractor -> ImageBoxCropper
p1 + p2 -> LoadBaogangPredictor-> predict
The signature of the corresponding objects are shown in Code1.3.
**Code 1.3**
``` scala
ImFilter(imName: String) extends Transformer[Image,Image]
BinaryConvertor(threshold: Int) extends Transformer[Image,Image]
ConnectedLabeler extends Transformer[Image, DenseMatrix[Double]]
BoxExtractor extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], Seq[BoundingBox]] {
overide apply(labelMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]) =
def boundingBoxGroups(labelMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]) : Seq[BoundingBox]
LengthFilter(length: Int) extends Transformer[Seq[BoundingBox], Seq[BoundingBox]]
ImageBoxCropper extends Transformer[(Image, Seq[BoundingBox]), (Seq[Image], Seq[BoundingBox])] {
def apply(in: (Image, Seq[BoundingBox]): Seq[Image] = {
in => => cropImage(box, in._2))
def cropImage(box: BoundingBox, image: Image) : Image
ImageReScaler extends Transformer[Image,Image]
ImageMatrixizer extends Transformer[Image,DenseMatrix[Double]]
case class FFT2 extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]
SaltMaper extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]
MatToGrayConvertor extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], Image]
Combiner extends Transformer[Seq[Seq[Image]], Image]
class ContainerA(p1: Pipeline[A,B]) extends Pipeline{
override def apply(in: RDD[A]) : RDD[(A,B)]={
return (
class ConvolutionalPredictor(Cofigurations ...) extends LabelEstimator[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]]
class Displayer extends Transformer[(BoundingBox, Image, Int), Unit]
Transfer Baogang project to KeystoneML and Spark
Useful Links
[KeystoneML Source Code](
[An KeystoneML Example](
[Programming Guide](
Some Concepts
### Piplelines
A Pipeline is a dataflow that takes some input data and maps it to some output data through a series of `nodes`.
package workflow
trait Pipeline[A, B] {
// ...
def apply(in: A): B
def apply(in: RDD[A]): RDD[B]
final def andThen[C](next: Pipeline[B, C]): Pipeline[A, C] = //...
### Nodes
Nodes come in two flavors: `Transformers` and `Estimators`.
#### Transformers
It takes an input, and deterministically transforms it into an output
``` scala
package workflow
abstract class Transformer[A, B : ClassTag] extends TransformerNode[B] with Pipeline[A, B] {
def apply(in: A): B
def apply(in: RDD[A]): RDD[B] =
#### Estimators
That is `Estimator` takes in training data as an `RDD` to its `fit()` method, and outputs a Transformer
package workflow
abstract class Estimator[A, B] extends EstimatorNode {
protected def fit(data: RDD[A]): Transformer[A, B]
// ...
#### Chaining Nodes and Building Pipelines
val labels: RDD[Vector[Double]] = //...
val trainImages: RDD[Image] = //...
val pipe = GrayScaler andThen
ImageVectorizer andThen
(LinearMapEstimator(), trainImages, trainLabels) andThen
Some useful packages for our project:
: **images** nodes useful for image processing
: **learning** extends Estimator, as estimators for learning process
: **stats** nodes useful for statistics
: **nlp**
: **util** : provides some utility functions
Loaders : load data (extends transformer)
Evaluation: some evaluation criterion
Pipelines (the running program)
: images
: **ImageUtils** : some utility functions (we should write some functions in this class)
: **images** : provides some examples for doing image classification pipelines
Some Methods Implementation Tips
Fft2: breeze.signal.fourierTr
Ifft2: breeze.signal.IfourierTr
Convolution: breeze.signal.convolve, however it can only support vector convolution. It has matrix signature, but only in a to do list.
ConnectedComponentLabeler: Implement with using DFS
BinaryConverter: check if it is gray, if not, convert to gray then convert to binary.
**Pipeline problem**:
How can I the non-linear pipeline?
For example, If I have an image call ‘im: [Image]’, and I put it to a pipeline ‘p: Pipeline[Image, Seq[Box]]’, then the output should be boxes:Seq[Box]. The Box means the coordinate group I want to crop from the Image. Then I want to use apply another image crop transformer, which need the im. How can I pass the im to the imageCroper? In other words, how can I add an edge from the initial node to the ImageCropper node?
One way to accomplish this is to build your pipeline piecewise:
val data: RDD[Image]
val prefix: Pipeline[Image, Image] //Call this some preprocessing steps - I'm assuming this is the logic you want to avoid duplicating.
val boxExtractor: Pipeline[Image, Seq[Box]] //This is your `p`.
val imageCropper: Transformer[Image, Image]
val pipe1 = prefix andThen boxExtractor
val pipe2 = prefix andThen imageCropper
val combinedPipeline: Pipeline[Image, Seq[Any]] = Pipeline.gather(Seq(pipe1, pipe2))
The result of running combinedPipeline on an input image will be a Seq[Any] which in this case will be a sequence of size 2 where the elements are a Seq[Box], and a (cropped) Image.
Pipeline Designe
### KeystoneML Baogang Pipeline Graph:
![KeystoneML Baogang Pipeline Graph]( "Baogang.PNG")
There are two pipelines in our project, in which, one is for training and the other one is for inference.
For the training part, the Pseudocode is shown in Code 1.1 below.
**Code 1.1**
object BaogangTraining extends Logging{
def run(sc: SparkContext, config: BaogangConfig): Pipeline[Image, Int] = {
val numClasses = 2
val trainData = BaogangLoader(sc, config.trainLocation).cache()
val trainImages = ImageExtractor(trainData)
val labelExtractor = LabelExtractor andThen
ClassLabelIndicatorsFromIntLabels(numClasses) andThen
new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]]
val trainLabels = labelExtractor(trainData)
val predictor = ImageReScaler(a,a) andThen
GrayScaler andThen
new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]] andThen
ImageVectorizer andThen
// (new StandardScaler, trainImages) andThen
ConvolutionalNormalization andThen
new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]] andThen
(ConvolutionalTrainer(conf), trainImages, trainLabels)
val testData = ImageExtractor(BaogangLoader(sc, config.trainLocation)).cache()
val processedTestImage = usefulImageExtractor.apply(testData)
val testPredicted = predictor(testParsedImgs)
It is easy to find that the wrokflow is:
ImageExtractor -> ImageScalar -> GrayScaler -> ImageVectorizer -> ConvolutioanalNormalization (-> StandardScaler) -> ConvolutionalNormalization -> ConvolutionalTrainer
The signature of the corresponding objects are shown in Code1.3.
For the inference part, the Pseudocode is shown in Code 1.2 below. There are two sub-pipelines in the image processing part.
**Code 1.2**
object BaogangInferrence extends Logging{
def run(sc: SparkContext, config: BaogangConfig): Pipeline[Image, Int] = {
val testImages = ImageExtractor(BaogangLoader(sc, config.testLocation)).cache()
val scrapProcessor = new Container(GrayScaler andThen
new ImFilter("replicate", k1) andThen
new ImFilter("replicate", k2) andThen
new BinaryConvertor(0.1) andThen
ConnectedComponentLabeler andThen
new UsefulBoxExtractor) andThen
new ImageBoxCropper
val acidProcessor = new Container(GrayScaler andThen
ImageReScaler andThen
ImageMatrixizer andThen
FFT2 andThen
ToSaltMaper andThen
MatToGrayConvertor andThen
new UsefulBoxExtractor) andThen
new ImageBoxCropper
val processedTestImage = usefulImageExtractor.apply(testImages)
val usefulImageExtractor = Pipeline.gather { scrapProcessor :: acidProcessor :: Nil} andThen Combiner
val predictor = LoadBaogangPredictor()
val predict = predictor(processedTestImage)
The wrokflow is:
p1 = ImageExtractor -> ImFilter("replicate", k1) -> ImFilter("replicate", k2) -> BinaryConvertor(0.1) -> ConnectedComponentLabeler ->BoxExtractor -> ImageBoxCropper
p2 = GrayScaler -> ImageMatrixizer -> FFT2 -> ToSaltMaper -> MatToGrayConvertor -> BoxExtractor -> ImageBoxCropper
p1 + p2 -> LoadBaogangPredictor-> predict
The signature of the corresponding objects are shown in Code1.3.
**Code 1.3**
``` scala
ImFilter(imName: String) extends Transformer[Image,Image]
BinaryConvertor(threshold: Int) extends Transformer[Image,Image]
ConnectedLabeler extends Transformer[Image, DenseMatrix[Double]]
BoxExtractor extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], Seq[BoundingBox]] {
overide apply(labelMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]) =
def boundingBoxGroups(labelMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]) : Seq[BoundingBox]
LengthFilter(length: Int) extends Transformer[Seq[BoundingBox], Seq[BoundingBox]]
ImageBoxCropper extends Transformer[(Image, Seq[BoundingBox]), (Seq[Image], Seq[BoundingBox])] {
def apply(in: (Image, Seq[BoundingBox]): Seq[Image] = {
in => => cropImage(box, in._2))
def cropImage(box: BoundingBox, image: Image) : Image
ImageReScaler extends Transformer[Image,Image]
ImageMatrixizer extends Transformer[Image,DenseMatrix[Double]]
case class FFT2 extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]
SaltMaper extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]
MatToGrayConvertor extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], Image]
Combiner extends Transformer[Seq[Seq[Image]], Image]
class ContainerA(p1: Pipeline[A,B]) extends Pipeline{
override def apply(in: RDD[A]) : RDD[(A,B)]={
return (
class ConvolutionalPredictor(Cofigurations ...) extends LabelEstimator[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]]
class Displayer extends Transformer[(BoundingBox, Image, Int), Unit]

Transfer Baogang project to KeystoneML and Spark



Useful Links

KeystoneML Source Code An KeystoneML Example Programming Guide

Some Concepts


A Pipeline is a dataflow that takes some input data and maps it to some output data through a series of nodes.

package workflow

trait Pipeline[A, B] {
  // ...
  def apply(in: A): B
  def apply(in: RDD[A]): RDD[B]
  final def andThen[C](next: Pipeline[B, C]): Pipeline[A, C] = //...


Nodes come in two flavors: Transformers and Estimators.


It takes an input, and deterministically transforms it into an output

package workflow

abstract class Transformer[A, B : ClassTag] extends TransformerNode[B] with Pipeline[A, B] {
  def apply(in: A): B
  def apply(in: RDD[A]): RDD[B] =


That is Estimator takes in training data as an RDD to its fit() method, and outputs a Transformer

package workflow

abstract class Estimator[A, B] extends EstimatorNode {
  protected def fit(data: RDD[A]): Transformer[A, B]
  // ...

Chaining Nodes and Building Pipelines

val labels: RDD[Vector[Double]] = //...
val trainImages: RDD[Image] = //...

val pipe = GrayScaler andThen 
  ImageVectorizer andThen 
  (LinearMapEstimator(), trainImages, trainLabels) andThen 

Some useful packages for our project:

Nodes : images nodes useful for image processing : learning extends Estimator, as estimators for learning process : stats nodes useful for statistics : nlp : util : provides some utility functions

Loaders : load data (extends transformer) :

Evaluation: some evaluation criterion :

Pipelines (the running program) :


: images : ImageUtils : some utility functions (we should write some functions in this class)

Pipelines : images : provides some examples for doing image classification pipelines

Some Methods we can use

Fft2: breeze.signal.fourierTr Ifft2: breeze.signal.IfourierTr ...

What we need to write:

Image Processing:

A DataLoarder transformer using ImageLoaderUtils class which includes an ImageExtractor and an LabelExtractor

angle: Angle phase of a complex matrix

im2bw:Convert image to binary image, based on threshold (should be easy to implement)

bwlabel:Label connected components in 2-D binary image

RegiponGroups(imageLabel, ‘'BoundingBox'’) :Returns the smallest rectangle containing the region

Ismember(A,B): Array elements that are members of set array

Mat2gray : Convert matrix to grayscale image



repmat :

Create Learning Estimator

In utils, create a WebScaleMLUtl, which shuld include breezeVectorToTensor, tensorToDenseBreeze /* To Do */

Pipeline Designe

There are two pipelines in our project, in which, one is for training and the other one is for inference.

For the training part, the Pseudocode is shown in Code 1.1 below.

Code 1.1

object BaogangTraining extends Logging{ 
        def run(sc: SparkContext, config: BaogangConfig): Pipeline[Image, Int] = { 
                val numClasses = 2 
                val trainData = BaogangLoader(sc, config.trainLocation).cache() 
                val trainImages = ImageExtractor(trainData) 
                val labelExtractor = LabelExtractor andThen 
		                       ClassLabelIndicatorsFromIntLabels(numClasses) andThen 
		                       new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]] 
                val trainLabels = labelExtractor(trainData) 
                val predictor = ImageReScaler(a,a) andThen
                                GrayScaler andThen 
                                new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]] andThen 
                                ImageVectorizer andThen
                                // (new StandardScaler, trainImages) andThen 
                                ConvolutionalNormalization andThen
                                new Cacher[DenseVector[Double]] andThen 
                                (ConvolutionalTrainer(conf), trainImages, trainLabels) 
                val testData = ImageExtractor(BaogangLoader(sc, config.trainLocation)).cache()           
                val processedTestImage = usefulImageExtractor.apply(testData)    
                val testPredicted = predictor(testParsedImgs)                                   

It is easy to find that the wrokflow is: ImageExtractor -> ImageScalar -> GrayScaler -> ImageVectorizer -> ConvolutioanalNormalization (-> StandardScaler) -> ConvolutionalNormalization -> ConvolutionalTrainer

The signature of the corresponding objects are shown in Code1.3.

For the inference part, the Pseudocode is shown in Code 1.2 below. There are two sub-pipelines in the image processing part.

Code 1.2

object BaogangInferrence extends Logging{ 
        def run(sc: SparkContext, config: BaogangConfig): Pipeline[Image, Int] = { 
                val usefulImageExtractor = Pipeline.gather {Seq(scrapProcessor, acidProcessor)} andThen Combiner 
                val testImages = ImageExtractor(BaogangLoader(sc, config.trainLocation)).cache()         
                val scrapProcessor = new Container(GrayScaler andThen 
                                new ImFilter("replicate", k1) andThen 
                                new ImFilter("replicate", k2) andThen 
                                new BinaryConvertor(0.1) andThen 
                                BwLabel andThen
                                new UsefulBoxExtractor) andThen  
                                new ImageBoxCropper
                val acidProcessor = new Container(GrayScaler andThen
                                ImageReScaler andThen
                                ImageMatrixizer andThen
                                FFT2 andThen
                                ToSaltMaper andThen
                                MatToGrayConvertor andThen
                                new UsefulBoxExtractor) andThen
                                new ImageBoxCropper

                val processedTestImage = usefulImageExtractor.apply(testImages)
				val usefulImageExtractor = Pipeline.gather { scrapProcessor :: acidProcessor :: Nil} andThen Combiner 

				val predictor = LoadBaogangPredictor()
                val predict = predictor(processedTestImage)

The wrokflow is: p1 = ImageExtractor -> ImFilter("replicate", k1) -> ImFilter("replicate", k2) -> BinaryConvertor(0.1) -> BwLabel ->UsefulBoxExtractor -> ImageBoxCropper p2 = GrayScaler -> ImageMatrixizer -> FFT2 -> ToSaltMaper -> MatToGrayConvertor -> UsefulBoxExtractor -> ImageBoxCropper

p1 + p2 -> LoadBaogangPredictor-> predict

The signature of the corresponding objects are shown in Code1.3.

Code 1.3

ImFilter(imName: String) extends Transformer[Image,Image]
BinaryConvertor(threshold: Int) extends Transformer[Image,Image]
BwLabel extends Transformer[Image, DenseMatrix[Double]]
UsefulBoxExtractor extends  Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], Seq[BoundingBox]] {
        overide apply(labelMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]) =

        def boundingBoxGroups(labelMatrix: DenseMatrix[Double]) : Seq[BoundingBox]
FilterSize(length: Int) extends  Transformer[Seq[BoundingBox], Seq[BoundingBox]]
ImageBoxCropper extends  Transformer[(Image, Seq[BoundingBox]), (Seq[Image], Seq[BoundingBox])] {
	override apply(in: RDD[(Image, Seq[BoundingBox])]: Seq[Image] = { => => cropImage(box, pair._2)) 

	def cropImage(box: BoundingBox, image: Image) 

ImageReScaler extends  Transformer[Image,Image]
ImageMatrixizer extends  Transformer[Image,DenseMatrix[Double]]
case class FFT2 extends  Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]
SaltMaper extends  Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseMatrix[Double]]
MatToGrayConvertor extends  Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], Image]
Combiner extends  Transformer[Seq[Seq[Image]], Image]
class ContainerA(p1: Pipeline[A,B]) extends Pipeline{	
	override def apply(in: RDD[A]) : B={
		return (

class ContainerB(p1: Pipeline[A,B]) extends Pipeline{	
	override def apply(in: RDD[A]) : B={
		return (p1.apply(in), attachment)

class ConvolutionalTrainer(Cofigurations ...) extends LabelEstimator[DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double], DenseVector[Double]]

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