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pta2002/day15.hs Secret

Created December 16, 2021 16:01
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import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Arrow
import Data.IntMap (mapMaybe)
import Data.Foldable (minimumBy, maximumBy)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Char (digitToInt)
import Debug.Trace
import Data.Heap (MinHeap, viewHead, viewTail, null, MinPrioHeap)
import qualified Data.Heap as H
type CaveMap = M.Map (Int, Int) Int
sampleInput :: CaveMap
sampleInput = parseMap $ unlines
[ "1163751742"
, "1381373672"
, "2136511328"
, "3694931569"
, "7463417111"
, "1319128137"
, "1359912421"
, "3125421639"
, "1293138521"
, "2311944581" ]
sampleInput2 :: CaveMap
sampleInput2 = parseMap $ unlines
[ "11637517422274862853338597396444961841755517295286"
, "13813736722492484783351359589446246169155735727126"
, "21365113283247622439435873354154698446526571955763"
, "36949315694715142671582625378269373648937148475914"
, "74634171118574528222968563933317967414442817852555"
, "13191281372421239248353234135946434524615754563572"
, "13599124212461123532357223464346833457545794456865"
, "31254216394236532741534764385264587549637569865174"
, "12931385212314249632342535174345364628545647573965"
, "23119445813422155692453326671356443778246755488935"
, "22748628533385973964449618417555172952866628316397"
, "24924847833513595894462461691557357271266846838237"
, "32476224394358733541546984465265719557637682166874"
, "47151426715826253782693736489371484759148259586125"
, "85745282229685639333179674144428178525553928963666"
, "24212392483532341359464345246157545635726865674683"
, "24611235323572234643468334575457944568656815567976"
, "42365327415347643852645875496375698651748671976285"
, "23142496323425351743453646285456475739656758684176"
, "34221556924533266713564437782467554889357866599146"
, "33859739644496184175551729528666283163977739427418"
, "35135958944624616915573572712668468382377957949348"
, "43587335415469844652657195576376821668748793277985"
, "58262537826937364893714847591482595861259361697236"
, "96856393331796741444281785255539289636664139174777"
, "35323413594643452461575456357268656746837976785794"
, "35722346434683345754579445686568155679767926678187"
, "53476438526458754963756986517486719762859782187396"
, "34253517434536462854564757396567586841767869795287"
, "45332667135644377824675548893578665991468977611257"
, "44961841755517295286662831639777394274188841538529"
, "46246169155735727126684683823779579493488168151459"
, "54698446526571955763768216687487932779859814388196"
, "69373648937148475914825958612593616972361472718347"
, "17967414442817852555392896366641391747775241285888"
, "46434524615754563572686567468379767857948187896815"
, "46833457545794456865681556797679266781878137789298"
, "64587549637569865174867197628597821873961893298417"
, "45364628545647573965675868417678697952878971816398"
, "56443778246755488935786659914689776112579188722368"
, "55172952866628316397773942741888415385299952649631"
, "57357271266846838237795794934881681514599279262561"
, "65719557637682166874879327798598143881961925499217"
, "71484759148259586125936169723614727183472583829458"
, "28178525553928963666413917477752412858886352396999"
, "57545635726865674683797678579481878968159298917926"
, "57944568656815567976792667818781377892989248891319"
, "75698651748671976285978218739618932984172914319528"
, "56475739656758684176786979528789718163989182927419"
, "67554889357866599146897761125791887223681299833479"
ex2 :: CaveMap
ex2 = parseMap $ unlines
[ "1122334455"
, "1122334455"
, "2233445566"
, "2233445566"
, "3344556677"
, "3344556677"
, "4455667788"
, "4455667788"
, "5566778899"
, "5566778899"
getNeighbours :: (Int, Int) -> CaveMap -> [(Int, Int)]
getNeighbours (x, y) caveMap =
neighbours = [(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]
validNeighbours = filter (\(x, y) -> M.member (x, y) caveMap) neighbours
dijkstra :: CaveMap -> CaveMap -> [((Int, Int), Int)] -> S.Set (Int, Int) -> CaveMap
dijkstra caveMap costs heap visited
| Prelude.null heap = costs
| otherwise = let
(current, startCost) = minimumBy (compare `on` snd) heap
heap' = filter ((/= current) . fst) heap
unvisitedNeighbours = filter (not . flip S.member visited) $ getNeighbours current caveMap
neighbourCost = map (id &&& (startCost+) . (caveMap M.!)) unvisitedNeighbours
-- We need to generate a new heap, because we need to update the costs
-- of the neighbours of the current node
newHeap = M.toList $ foldl (\m (k, v) -> M.insertWith min k v m) (M.fromList heap') neighbourCost
newCosts = foldl (\m (k, v) -> M.insertWith min k v m) costs neighbourCost
newVisited = S.insert current visited
in dijkstra caveMap newCosts newHeap newVisited
getEdgeOfMap :: CaveMap -> (Int, Int)
getEdgeOfMap = fst . maximumBy (compare `on` (uncurry (+) . fst)) . M.toList
part1 :: CaveMap -> Int
part1 m = let
edge = getEdgeOfMap m
res = dijkstra m (M.fromList [((0, 0), 0)]) [((0,0), 0)] S.empty
in res M.! edge
mkPart2Map :: CaveMap -> CaveMap
mkPart2Map m = let
mapPositions = [ (x,y) | x <- [0..4], y <- [0..4], (x, y) /= (0,0) ]
tileSize = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral $ M.size m
changeMap :: CaveMap -> (Int, Int) -> CaveMap
changeMap cave (x,y) = foldl (\m ((x1,y1), r) -> if x1 < tileSize && y1 < tileSize then M.insert (x1+x*tileSize, y1+y*tileSize) ((r+x+y-1) `mod` 9 + 1) m else m) cave (M.toList cave)
in foldl changeMap m mapPositions
mapDiff :: CaveMap -> CaveMap -> CaveMap
mapDiff a b
| M.null a = b
| M.null b = a
| otherwise = let
minA = fst $ fromJust $ M.lookupMin a
minB = fst $ fromJust $ M.lookupMin b
a' = if minA `M.member` b && b M.! minA == a M.! minA then M.delete minA a else a
b' = if minB `M.member` a && a M.! minB == b M.! minB then M.delete minB b else b
in mapDiff a' b'
part2 :: CaveMap -> Int
part2 = part1 . mkPart2Map
parseMap :: String -> CaveMap
parseMap = M.fromList . concatMap ((\(y, bs) -> map (\(x, c) -> ((x, y), digitToInt c)) bs) . second (zip [0..])) . zip [0..] . lines
-- This is BY FAR my slowest AoC submission :(
-- Could DEFINITELY be improved by simply not implementing full dijkstra and only looking for the solution
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- parseMap <$> readFile "input.txt"
putStrLn $ "Part 1: " ++ show (part1 input)
putStrLn $ "Part 2: " ++ show (part2 input)
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