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Forked from danownsthisspace/stratch.clj
Last active December 9, 2021 18:08
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A function wrapper that ensures that a function can only be called once
(ns scratch.core
(:require [taoensso.encore :as enc]))
(defn wrap-once-in-a-while-1
"Uses atom + `swap-vals!`"
[^long msecs-period f]
(let [last-executed_ (atom 0)]
(fn wrapper [& args]
(let [[old new]
(swap-vals! last-executed_
(fn [^long last-executed]
(let [now (System/currentTimeMillis)
elapsed (- now last-executed)]
(if (>= elapsed msecs-period)
execute? (not= old new)]
(when execute?
(do {:okay (apply f args)})
(catch Throwable t {:error t})))))))
(defn wrap-once-in-a-while-2
"Uses atom + lock"
[^long msecs-period f]
(let [last-executed_ (atom 0)
lock (Object.)]
(fn wrapper [& args]
(let [execute?
(locking lock
(let [now (System/currentTimeMillis)
elapsed (- now ^long @last-executed_)]
(when (>= elapsed msecs-period)
(reset! last-executed_ now))))]
(when execute?
(do {:okay (apply f args)})
(catch Throwable t {:error t})))))))
(defn wrap-once-in-a-while-3
"Uses atom + manual `compare-and-set!` loop"
[msecs-period f]
(let [last-executed_ (atom 0)]
(fn wrapper [& args]
(let [execute?
(loop []
(let [now (System/currentTimeMillis)
^long last-executed @last-executed_
elapsed (- now last-executed)]
(when (>= elapsed ^long msecs-period)
(if (compare-and-set! last-executed_ last-executed now)
(when execute?
(do {:okay (apply f args)})
(catch Throwable t {:error t})))))))
(def f0 (fn [])) ; Control, without wrapper
(def f1 (wrap-once-in-a-while-1 10 (fn [])))
(def f2 (wrap-once-in-a-while-2 10 (fn [])))
(def f3 (wrap-once-in-a-while-3 10 (fn []))))
;; Quick+dirty single-thread comparative bench
(enc/quick-bench 1e6 (f0) (f1) (f2) (f3)) ; [35.98 95.64 66.31 64.26]
;; Quick+dirty multi-thread comparative bench
(enc/quick-bench 1e4
(let [futures (repeatedly 10 (fn [] (future (f0))))] (run! deref futures))
(let [futures (repeatedly 10 (fn [] (future (f1))))] (run! deref futures))
(let [futures (repeatedly 10 (fn [] (future (f2))))] (run! deref futures))
(let [futures (repeatedly 10 (fn [] (future (f3))))] (run! deref futures))) [507.57 523.9 521.53 517.19]
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A very simple set of comparative benchmarks, just to demo what a comparison might look like.

The key results (times) are [35.98 95.64 66.31 64.26], [507.57 523.9 521.53 517.19]

Some quick conclusions, at least for these numbers:

  • All implementations add pretty trivial absolute amount of cost to single-threaded calls.
  • swap-vals! implementation is the slowest - at about 140% cost of the lock / CAS implementations.
  • lock and CAS implementations costs are similar.
  • The multi-threaded times aren't too interesting since all times seem to be dominated by factors outside the wrappers.

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