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Created March 21, 2012 12:19
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pouring water scala
import collection.mutable.HashSet
import collection.mutable.Queue
import collection.mutable.ArraySeq
case class Container(capacity: Int, filled: Int) {
// overload + and - methods
def +(toAdd: Int) = {
assert (filled + toAdd <= capacity, { println("Too much water in container")})
new Container(capacity, filled + toAdd)
def -(toSub: Int) = {
assert (filled - toSub >= 0, { println("Not enough water in container")})
new Container(capacity, filled - toSub)
// how much can we pour into an other container ?
def howMuchToPour(other: Container) =
math.min(filled, other.capacity - other.filled)
// just print the filling level when printing a Container
override def toString(): String = filled.toString;
case class State(containers : ArraySeq[Container]) {
var parent:State = _
// returns all the ancesters of a State
def ancesters() : List[State] =
if (Option(parent) != None) parent :: parent.ancesters
else List[State]()
// returns a new State with i-th container poured into j-th container
// no check if it's possible or not
def pour(i: Int, j: Int, q: Int) = {
val new_containers = containers.slice(0, containers.length) // make a copy
new_containers(i) = containers(i) - q
new_containers(j) = containers(j) + q
val ns = State(new_containers)
ns.parent = this
override def toString(): String = containers map{_ toString} mkString "\t"
def next_states() =
for { i <- (0 until containers.length);
j <- (0 until containers.length)
q = containers(i) howMuchToPour containers(j)
if (i !=j) && q > 0 }
yield pour(i, j, q)
object Pouring {
def _bfs(start: State, condition: (State) => Boolean) : List[State] = {
val q = Queue[State]()
val seen = HashSet[State]()
q += start
seen += start
while (q.length > 0) {
val s = q.dequeue()
if (condition(s))
return s :: s.ancesters
s.next_states().foreach(ns => {
if (!seen.contains(ns)) {
q += ns
seen += ns
def solve(problem:Seq[Array[Int]]) {
val state = State(problem(1).zip(problem(2)).map(x => Container(x._1, x._2)))
val cond_funcs = for { (filled, index) <- problem(3).zipWithIndex
.filter(x => x._1 != 0) }
yield (x:State) => x.containers(index).filled == filled
_bfs(state, (x) => cond_funcs.forall(_(x)))
.foreach(s => println(s))
// convenient way to ask user for input
def askForInput(question: String) = {
// parse a line into an array of int
def line_to_int(line: String) = line.split(" ").map(_.toInt)
// is a valid problem ? nb_container, capacities, start, goal
def isProblem(problem: Seq[Array[Int]]) =
problem.length == 4 &&
problem(0)(0) > 0 &&
problem(1).length == problem(0)(0) &&
problem(2).length == problem(0)(0) &&
problem(3).length == problem(0)(0)
def usage() =
println("usage : scala Pouring [filename]. you can use input.txt as an input. Or you can just run 'scala Pouring' and enter custom values")
def main (args: Array[String]) = {
if (args.length == 1) {
val filename = args(0)
val f = new File(filename)
if (!f.exists()) {
println(filename + "doesn't exists")
val cur = System.currentTimeMillis
println("Running all problems from " + filename)
.foreach(x=> { println(); solve(x) })
println("Runned all the problems from " + filename + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis - cur) + "ms")
else if(args.length == 0) {
solve(Array("how many containers ?",
"capacities ? (space separated)",
"starting values ?",
"goal ? (zeros will be discarded)")
.map(q => line_to_int(askForInput(q))))
else {
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