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Created February 21, 2015 23:29
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JS Bin // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JS Bin</title>
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
// Configuration values that are global to the store. These would need
// some sort of a Magento dialog to allow the business team to maintain
// them. Values are stored in cents to avoid JavaScript floating point
// issues
// standardShippingRate
// The amount of shipping that should be charged on a per item
// basis unless the individual SKU has a special shipping charge
// freeShippingThreshold
// The amount of the sub-total of the cart of the items that do
// not have special shipping charges that, once exceeded, will
// result in a zero charge for shipping of the items that do not
// have the special shipping charges
var globalSettings = {
standardShippingRate: 500,
freeShippingThreshold: 12000
// Sample product catalog. Of course, in a real implementation, these
// items would come from the product catalog database. And, the logic
// around the price I'm sure has additional considerations. But, the
// important new piece here is 'specialShippingCharge'. The product
// inventory maintenance pages in the back-end would need to have a place
// where the business team can set this 'specialShippingCharge' for
// each item.
// sku
// Unique identifier for the product catalog item
// price
// The integer price in cents (to avoid floating point problems in
// JavaScipt) for one unit of the item
// specialShippingCharge
// If this amount is defined (or is not zero in strong typed
// languages), then this amount defines the amount of shipping that
// is always charged for this item.
var productCatalog = {
items: [
sku: "12345",
price: 1000
sku: "67890",
price: 1500
sku: "23456",
price: 10500,
specialShippingCharge: 7500
sku: "78901",
price: 12500
sku: "34567",
price: 750,
specialShippingCharge: 500
// Various sample chopping carts
// Empty cart
var sampleCartA = {
description: "Empty cart",
items: []
// Cart containing no special shipping items
var sampleCartB = {
description: "Cart containing no special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 3
quantity: 2
quantity: 2
// Cart containing no special shipping items but where the subtotal of
// the items exceeds the free shipping threshold.
var sampleCartC = {
description: "Cart containing no special shipping items but where the subtotal of the items exceeds the free shipping threshold",
items: [
quantity: 30
quantity: 2
// Cart containing special shipping items
var sampleCartD = {
description: "Cart containing special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 1
quantity: 2
// Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items
var sampleCartE = {
description: "Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 3
quantity: 2
quantity: 2
// Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items where the
// subtotal of the regular items exceeds the free shipping theshold.
var sampleCartF = {
description: "Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items where the subtotal of the regular items exceeds the free shipping theshold",
items: [
quantity: 2
// Helper function to left pad a string with a character to a width
// Credit for this goes to:
function paddy(n, p, c) {
var pad_char = typeof c !== 'undefined' ? c : '0';
var pad = new Array(1 + p).join(pad_char);
return (pad + n).slice(-pad.length);
// Helper function to add commas using U.S. format pattern (9,999,999)
// Credit for this goes to:
function addCommas(value) {
return value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
// A type-safe helper function to nicely format a string to a width.
// Strings that are wider than the width are displayed as a width-wide
// string of 'x'. If passed a non-string value, the value is returned
// unaltered.
function formatString(value, width) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
return value;
if (value.length > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return paddy(value, width, ' ');
// Helper function to nicely format currency based upon an integer
// currency value where the least significant two digits represent cents
// using U.S. format pattern ($ 9,999.99). Values that overflow the width
// are displayed as a width-wide string of 'x'.
function formatCurrency(value, width) {
var dollars = Math.floor(value / 100);
var cents = value % 100;
var formatted = addCommas(dollars) + "." + paddy(cents, 2, "0");
if (formatted.length + 1 > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return '$' + paddy(formatted, width - 1, ' ');
// Helper function to nicely format integers. Values that overflow the
// width are displayed as a width-wide string of 'x'.
function formatInteger(value, width) {
if (value.length > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return paddy(value, width, ' ');
// Helper function to look up a SKU from the product catalog
// Notes: This is a really stupid O(n) approach, but for this demo it
// works fine
function getSKU(sku, catalog) {
var result = {},
for (index = 0, size = catalog.items.length; index < size; index += 1) {
skuTemp = catalog.items[index].sku;
if (skuTemp !== undefined && skuTemp === sku) {
return catalog.items[index];
return undefined;
// Add unit prices to the items in the cart
function addUnitPrices(cart, catalog) {
var newItems ={
var newItem = item,
itemDetail = getSKU(item.sku, catalog),
if (itemDetail === undefined || itemDetail.price === undefined) {
newItem.unitPrice = 0;
} else {
newItem.unitPrice = itemDetail.price;
return newItem;
return newItems;
// Calculate extended prices
function extendPrices(cart) {
var newItems ={
var newItem = item;
item.extendedPrice = item.unitPrice * item.quantity;
return newItem;
return newItems;
// Calculate cart sub-total
function calcSubtotal(cart) {
cart.subtotal = 0;
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
cart.subtotal += item.extendedPrice;
// Add shipping costs to the cart
function addShipping(cart, globals, catalog) {
var regularShippingTotal = 0, // Accumulated regular shipping expenses
specialShippingTotal = 0; // Accumulated special shipping expense
// Spin through the items in the shopping cart evaluating the shipping
// charge situation for each.
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
// Look up the special shipping amount for the current cart item
var specialShipping = getSKU(item.sku, catalog).specialShippingCharge;
// If there is 'special shipping' amount for the item then add the
// accumualted special shipping charges. Otherwise, add the global
// regular shipping fee to the accumulated regular shipping charges.
// Of course, both the above taking into account quanity.
if (specialShipping !== undefined && specialShipping !== 0) {
specialShippingTotal += specialShipping * item.quantity;
} else {
regularShippingTotal += globals.standardShippingRate * item.quantity;
// Now that all items have been evaluated, if accumulated regular
// shipping is over the global free shipping threshold then give
// the customer free shipping.
if (cart.subtotal > globals.freeShippingThreshold) {
regularShippingTotal = 0;
// Final shipping amount equals regular plus special shipping
cart.shipping = regularShippingTotal + specialShippingTotal;
// Calculate the cart total
function calcTotal(cart) { = cart.subtotal + cart.shipping;
// Calculate the cart
function calculateCart(cart, global, catalog) {
addUnitPrices(cart, catalog);
addShipping(cart, global, catalog);
// Display the contents of a cart on the console
function showCartOnConsole(cart) {
if (cart.items.length === 0) {
console.log("The cart is empty");
} else {
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
formatString(item.sku, 6) + " " +
formatCurrency(item.unitPrice, 10) + " " +
formatInteger(item.quantity, 6) + " " +
formatCurrency(item.extendedPrice, 10)
formatString("Subtotal", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(cart.subtotal, 10)
formatString("Shipping", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(cart.shipping, 10)
formatString("Total", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(, 10)
// Calculate test carts and show the results.
calculateCart(sampleCartA, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartB, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartC, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartD, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartE, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartF, globalSettings, productCatalog);
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">// Configuration values that are global to the store. These would need
// some sort of a Magento dialog to allow the business team to maintain
// them. Values are stored in cents to avoid JavaScript floating point
// issues
// standardShippingRate
// The amount of shipping that should be charged on a per item
// basis unless the individual SKU has a special shipping charge
// freeShippingThreshold
// The amount of the sub-total of the cart of the items that do
// not have special shipping charges that, once exceeded, will
// result in a zero charge for shipping of the items that do not
// have the special shipping charges
var globalSettings = {
standardShippingRate: 500,
freeShippingThreshold: 12000
// Sample product catalog. Of course, in a real implementation, these
// items would come from the product catalog database. And, the logic
// around the price I'm sure has additional considerations. But, the
// important new piece here is 'specialShippingCharge'. The product
// inventory maintenance pages in the back-end would need to have a place
// where the business team can set this 'specialShippingCharge' for
// each item.
// sku
// Unique identifier for the product catalog item
// price
// The integer price in cents (to avoid floating point problems in
// JavaScipt) for one unit of the item
// specialShippingCharge
// If this amount is defined (or is not zero in strong typed
// languages), then this amount defines the amount of shipping that
// is always charged for this item.
var productCatalog = {
items: [
sku: "12345",
price: 1000
sku: "67890",
price: 1500
sku: "23456",
price: 10500,
specialShippingCharge: 7500
sku: "78901",
price: 12500
sku: "34567",
price: 750,
specialShippingCharge: 500
// Various sample chopping carts
// Empty cart
var sampleCartA = {
description: "Empty cart",
items: []
// Cart containing no special shipping items
var sampleCartB = {
description: "Cart containing no special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 3
quantity: 2
quantity: 2
// Cart containing no special shipping items but where the subtotal of
// the items exceeds the free shipping threshold.
var sampleCartC = {
description: "Cart containing no special shipping items but where the subtotal of the items exceeds the free shipping threshold",
items: [
quantity: 30
quantity: 2
// Cart containing special shipping items
var sampleCartD = {
description: "Cart containing special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 1
quantity: 2
// Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items
var sampleCartE = {
description: "Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 3
quantity: 2
quantity: 2
// Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items where the
// subtotal of the regular items exceeds the free shipping theshold.
var sampleCartF = {
description: "Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items where the subtotal of the regular items exceeds the free shipping theshold",
items: [
quantity: 2
// Helper function to left pad a string with a character to a width
// Credit for this goes to:
function paddy(n, p, c) {
var pad_char = typeof c !== 'undefined' ? c : '0';
var pad = new Array(1 + p).join(pad_char);
return (pad + n).slice(-pad.length);
// Helper function to add commas using U.S. format pattern (9,999,999)
// Credit for this goes to:
function addCommas(value) {
return value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
// A type-safe helper function to nicely format a string to a width.
// Strings that are wider than the width are displayed as a width-wide
// string of 'x'. If passed a non-string value, the value is returned
// unaltered.
function formatString(value, width) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
return value;
if (value.length > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return paddy(value, width, ' ');
// Helper function to nicely format currency based upon an integer
// currency value where the least significant two digits represent cents
// using U.S. format pattern ($ 9,999.99). Values that overflow the width
// are displayed as a width-wide string of 'x'.
function formatCurrency(value, width) {
var dollars = Math.floor(value / 100);
var cents = value % 100;
var formatted = addCommas(dollars) + "." + paddy(cents, 2, "0");
if (formatted.length + 1 > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return '$' + paddy(formatted, width - 1, ' ');
// Helper function to nicely format integers. Values that overflow the
// width are displayed as a width-wide string of 'x'.
function formatInteger(value, width) {
if (value.length > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return paddy(value, width, ' ');
// Helper function to look up a SKU from the product catalog
// Notes: This is a really stupid O(n) approach, but for this demo it
// works fine
function getSKU(sku, catalog) {
var result = {},
for (index = 0, size = catalog.items.length; index < size; index += 1) {
skuTemp = catalog.items[index].sku;
if (skuTemp !== undefined && skuTemp === sku) {
return catalog.items[index];
return undefined;
// Add unit prices to the items in the cart
function addUnitPrices(cart, catalog) {
var newItems ={
var newItem = item,
itemDetail = getSKU(item.sku, catalog),
if (itemDetail === undefined || itemDetail.price === undefined) {
newItem.unitPrice = 0;
} else {
newItem.unitPrice = itemDetail.price;
return newItem;
return newItems;
// Calculate extended prices
function extendPrices(cart) {
var newItems ={
var newItem = item;
item.extendedPrice = item.unitPrice * item.quantity;
return newItem;
return newItems;
// Calculate cart sub-total
function calcSubtotal(cart) {
cart.subtotal = 0;
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
cart.subtotal += item.extendedPrice;
// Add shipping costs to the cart
function addShipping(cart, globals, catalog) {
var regularShippingTotal = 0, // Accumulated regular shipping expenses
specialShippingTotal = 0; // Accumulated special shipping expense
// Spin through the items in the shopping cart evaluating the shipping
// charge situation for each.
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
// Look up the special shipping amount for the current cart item
var specialShipping = getSKU(item.sku, catalog).specialShippingCharge;
// If there is 'special shipping' amount for the item then add the
// accumualted special shipping charges. Otherwise, add the global
// regular shipping fee to the accumulated regular shipping charges.
// Of course, both the above taking into account quanity.
if (specialShipping !== undefined && specialShipping !== 0) {
specialShippingTotal += specialShipping * item.quantity;
} else {
regularShippingTotal += globals.standardShippingRate * item.quantity;
// Now that all items have been evaluated, if accumulated regular
// shipping is over the global free shipping threshold then give
// the customer free shipping.
if (cart.subtotal > globals.freeShippingThreshold) {
regularShippingTotal = 0;
// Final shipping amount equals regular plus special shipping
cart.shipping = regularShippingTotal + specialShippingTotal;
// Calculate the cart total
function calcTotal(cart) { = cart.subtotal + cart.shipping;
// Calculate the cart
function calculateCart(cart, global, catalog) {
addUnitPrices(cart, catalog);
addShipping(cart, global, catalog);
// Display the contents of a cart on the console
function showCartOnConsole(cart) {
if (cart.items.length === 0) {
console.log("The cart is empty");
} else {
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
formatString(item.sku, 6) + " " +
formatCurrency(item.unitPrice, 10) + " " +
formatInteger(item.quantity, 6) + " " +
formatCurrency(item.extendedPrice, 10)
formatString("Subtotal", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(cart.subtotal, 10)
formatString("Shipping", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(cart.shipping, 10)
formatString("Total", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(, 10)
// Calculate test carts and show the results.
calculateCart(sampleCartA, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartB, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartC, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartD, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartE, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartF, globalSettings, productCatalog);
// Configuration values that are global to the store. These would need
// some sort of a Magento dialog to allow the business team to maintain
// them. Values are stored in cents to avoid JavaScript floating point
// issues
// standardShippingRate
// The amount of shipping that should be charged on a per item
// basis unless the individual SKU has a special shipping charge
// freeShippingThreshold
// The amount of the sub-total of the cart of the items that do
// not have special shipping charges that, once exceeded, will
// result in a zero charge for shipping of the items that do not
// have the special shipping charges
var globalSettings = {
standardShippingRate: 500,
freeShippingThreshold: 12000
// Sample product catalog. Of course, in a real implementation, these
// items would come from the product catalog database. And, the logic
// around the price I'm sure has additional considerations. But, the
// important new piece here is 'specialShippingCharge'. The product
// inventory maintenance pages in the back-end would need to have a place
// where the business team can set this 'specialShippingCharge' for
// each item.
// sku
// Unique identifier for the product catalog item
// price
// The integer price in cents (to avoid floating point problems in
// JavaScipt) for one unit of the item
// specialShippingCharge
// If this amount is defined (or is not zero in strong typed
// languages), then this amount defines the amount of shipping that
// is always charged for this item.
var productCatalog = {
items: [
sku: "12345",
price: 1000
sku: "67890",
price: 1500
sku: "23456",
price: 10500,
specialShippingCharge: 7500
sku: "78901",
price: 12500
sku: "34567",
price: 750,
specialShippingCharge: 500
// Various sample chopping carts
// Empty cart
var sampleCartA = {
description: "Empty cart",
items: []
// Cart containing no special shipping items
var sampleCartB = {
description: "Cart containing no special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 3
quantity: 2
quantity: 2
// Cart containing no special shipping items but where the subtotal of
// the items exceeds the free shipping threshold.
var sampleCartC = {
description: "Cart containing no special shipping items but where the subtotal of the items exceeds the free shipping threshold",
items: [
quantity: 30
quantity: 2
// Cart containing special shipping items
var sampleCartD = {
description: "Cart containing special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 1
quantity: 2
// Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items
var sampleCartE = {
description: "Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items",
items: [
quantity: 3
quantity: 2
quantity: 2
// Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items where the
// subtotal of the regular items exceeds the free shipping theshold.
var sampleCartF = {
description: "Cart containing a mix of regular and special shipping items where the subtotal of the regular items exceeds the free shipping theshold",
items: [
quantity: 2
// Helper function to left pad a string with a character to a width
// Credit for this goes to:
function paddy(n, p, c) {
var pad_char = typeof c !== 'undefined' ? c : '0';
var pad = new Array(1 + p).join(pad_char);
return (pad + n).slice(-pad.length);
// Helper function to add commas using U.S. format pattern (9,999,999)
// Credit for this goes to:
function addCommas(value) {
return value.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
// A type-safe helper function to nicely format a string to a width.
// Strings that are wider than the width are displayed as a width-wide
// string of 'x'. If passed a non-string value, the value is returned
// unaltered.
function formatString(value, width) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
return value;
if (value.length > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return paddy(value, width, ' ');
// Helper function to nicely format currency based upon an integer
// currency value where the least significant two digits represent cents
// using U.S. format pattern ($ 9,999.99). Values that overflow the width
// are displayed as a width-wide string of 'x'.
function formatCurrency(value, width) {
var dollars = Math.floor(value / 100);
var cents = value % 100;
var formatted = addCommas(dollars) + "." + paddy(cents, 2, "0");
if (formatted.length + 1 > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return '$' + paddy(formatted, width - 1, ' ');
// Helper function to nicely format integers. Values that overflow the
// width are displayed as a width-wide string of 'x'.
function formatInteger(value, width) {
if (value.length > width) {
return paddy('', width, 'x');
} else {
return paddy(value, width, ' ');
// Helper function to look up a SKU from the product catalog
// Notes: This is a really stupid O(n) approach, but for this demo it
// works fine
function getSKU(sku, catalog) {
var result = {},
for (index = 0, size = catalog.items.length; index < size; index += 1) {
skuTemp = catalog.items[index].sku;
if (skuTemp !== undefined && skuTemp === sku) {
return catalog.items[index];
return undefined;
// Add unit prices to the items in the cart
function addUnitPrices(cart, catalog) {
var newItems ={
var newItem = item,
itemDetail = getSKU(item.sku, catalog),
if (itemDetail === undefined || itemDetail.price === undefined) {
newItem.unitPrice = 0;
} else {
newItem.unitPrice = itemDetail.price;
return newItem;
return newItems;
// Calculate extended prices
function extendPrices(cart) {
var newItems ={
var newItem = item;
item.extendedPrice = item.unitPrice * item.quantity;
return newItem;
return newItems;
// Calculate cart sub-total
function calcSubtotal(cart) {
cart.subtotal = 0;
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
cart.subtotal += item.extendedPrice;
// Add shipping costs to the cart
function addShipping(cart, globals, catalog) {
var regularShippingTotal = 0, // Accumulated regular shipping expenses
specialShippingTotal = 0; // Accumulated special shipping expense
// Spin through the items in the shopping cart evaluating the shipping
// charge situation for each.
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
// Look up the special shipping amount for the current cart item
var specialShipping = getSKU(item.sku, catalog).specialShippingCharge;
// If there is 'special shipping' amount for the item then add the
// accumualted special shipping charges. Otherwise, add the global
// regular shipping fee to the accumulated regular shipping charges.
// Of course, both the above taking into account quanity.
if (specialShipping !== undefined && specialShipping !== 0) {
specialShippingTotal += specialShipping * item.quantity;
} else {
regularShippingTotal += globals.standardShippingRate * item.quantity;
// Now that all items have been evaluated, if accumulated regular
// shipping is over the global free shipping threshold then give
// the customer free shipping.
if (cart.subtotal > globals.freeShippingThreshold) {
regularShippingTotal = 0;
// Final shipping amount equals regular plus special shipping
cart.shipping = regularShippingTotal + specialShippingTotal;
// Calculate the cart total
function calcTotal(cart) { = cart.subtotal + cart.shipping;
// Calculate the cart
function calculateCart(cart, global, catalog) {
addUnitPrices(cart, catalog);
addShipping(cart, global, catalog);
// Display the contents of a cart on the console
function showCartOnConsole(cart) {
if (cart.items.length === 0) {
console.log("The cart is empty");
} else {
cart.items.forEach(function(item) {
formatString(item.sku, 6) + " " +
formatCurrency(item.unitPrice, 10) + " " +
formatInteger(item.quantity, 6) + " " +
formatCurrency(item.extendedPrice, 10)
formatString("Subtotal", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(cart.subtotal, 10)
formatString("Shipping", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(cart.shipping, 10)
formatString("Total", 10) + " " +
formatCurrency(, 10)
// Calculate test carts and show the results.
calculateCart(sampleCartA, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartB, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartC, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartD, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartE, globalSettings, productCatalog);
calculateCart(sampleCartF, globalSettings, productCatalog);
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