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Last active June 19, 2019 18:23
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BindingObject auto didChange
import SwiftUI
import Combine
@propertyWrapper struct MyObjectBinding<BindableObjectType: BindableObject> : DynamicViewProperty where BindableObjectType.PublisherType == PassthroughSubject<(), Never> {
init(initialValue: BindableObjectType) {
delegateValue = Wrapper(bindableObject: initialValue)
@dynamicMemberLookup struct Wrapper {
var bindableObject: BindableObjectType
subscript<Subject>(dynamicMember keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<BindableObjectType, Subject>) -> Binding<Subject> {
Binding<Subject>(getValue: {
self.bindableObject[keyPath: keyPath]
}, setValue: {
self.bindableObject[keyPath: keyPath] = $0
var delegateValue: Wrapper
var value: BindableObjectType {
get {
set {
delegateValue.bindableObject = newValue
final class DummyStore: BindableObject {
let didChange = PassthroughSubject<(), Never>()
var isOn: Bool = true
let _store = DummyStore()
struct ContentView : View {
@MyObjectBinding var store: DummyStore = _store
@ObjectBinding var nativeStore: DummyStore = _store
var body: some View {
List(0...100) { _ in
Toggle(isOn: self.$store.isOn) {
Text("is it on?")
struct ContentView_Previews : PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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