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Created March 16, 2022 15:18
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Heap Sort
// Program for heap sort in ascending order
// 6/10/2019
// Binary heap sort algorithm
// Min heap, ascending sort
class HeapSort {
// Accepts an Array, Unsorted (or sorted - ezpz)
constructor(arr) {
this.heap = [...arr];
// Placeholder to not lose heap while we use it
this.placeHolder = [...arr];
// Mathematical Index representations of parent and children
// note - these are FUNCTIONS
this.parentIndex = (child) => Math.floor((child - 1) / 2);
this.leftChildIndex = (parent) => 2 * parent + 1;
this.rightChildIndex = (parent) => 2 * parent + 2;
// Public Methods
// ----------------------------------
// (should) Only be allowed to print the array that's sorted!
printSortedArray() {
// Print the heap! - it's not gonna be sorted, but min is always first
printMinHeap() {
// Private or 'hidden' methods
// ----------------------------------
// 1. Converts into Complete Min Heap
// 2. Pops root off, repeats until heap == empty
_setSortedArray() {
const sorted = [];
// While heap has at least one node
while (this.heap.length > 1) {
// Re-create the heap
// Pop the root (minimum) off heap
// Last leaf node in heap swaps into the root
// This makes it NOT A HEAP ANYMORE
this.heap[0] = this.heap.pop();
// With one root left in heap, push it
// Re-build heap for printing
this.heap = [...this.placeHolder];
return sorted;
// Start from the bottom and heap up, then heap down
// End result is a Complete Min Heap
_setMinHeap() {
// Smaller values need to be heaped up towards to the top
_heapBottomUp() {
// The index of the value to be heapified
let i = this.heap.length - 1;
// We are trying to PUSH the "leaf" nodes up (if they are smaller than parents)
// So we start at the bottom (high index), and decrement
while (i >= 0) {
// Higher values need to be heaped down to their respective positions
_heapTopDown() {
// The index of the value to be heapified
let i = 0;
// Now going reverse, pushing larger values down the heap as far as they will go
while (i < this.heap.length) {
// Sub-tree Analyzer
// This looks at a parent node and it's two children (no matter the index)
// It will swap the parent with the minimum value of the subtree
// Done many enough times, this will create Complete Min Heap
_heapifySubTree(index) {
// Given the index, find the indices of the subtree
const parentIndex = this.parentIndex(index);
const lcIndex = this.leftChildIndex(parentIndex);
const rcIndex = this.rightChildIndex(parentIndex);
// Get Parents Value
const parent = this.heap[parentIndex];
// Ensure real-value
if (parent !== undefined) {
// Get Children's Values
const left = this.heap[lcIndex];
const right = this.heap[rcIndex];
// Boolean value, Right will be undefined before left
const leftSmallerThanRight = left <= right || right === undefined;
// Check who is the smallest of the three
if (left < parent && leftSmallerThanRight) {
// We need to perform a swap to move Left to Parent
const tmp = this.heap[parentIndex];
// Assign Left to Parent
this.heap[parentIndex] = this.heap[lcIndex];
// Assign Parent to Left
this.heap[lcIndex] = tmp;
// Otherwise, check if Right is smallest
} else if (right < parent && right <= left) {
// We need to perform a swap to move Right to Parent
const tmp = this.heap[parentIndex];
// Assign Right to Parent
this.heap[parentIndex] = this.heap[rcIndex];
// Assign Parent to Right
this.heap[rcIndex] = tmp;
// A small unsorted testing array
const unsorted = [10, 7, 3, 6, 1, 4, 2, 5, 8, 9];
// New Object
const a = new HeapSort(unsorted);
console.log("Complete Minimum Heap");
console.log("\nFully Sorted Array in O(nlogn) Time");
module.exports = HeapSort
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