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Last active December 14, 2015 20:08
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fabfile to be used in conjunction with beeswithmachineguns
""" fabfile to be used in conjunction with beeswithmachineguns
(Note, at time of wrinting (2013-03-12): use the version from
github. pip install beeswithmachineguns will install an old version
that does not support setting the zone)
Once bees is installed you can use the fabfile to execute fab commands
on the unleashed bees. The gist shows how to use ab as an example
which is probably better done with 'BWM' but you can see where to take
if from here (also note this example doesn't divide the work among the
bees -- *all instances* do 1000 requests):
# the ami is ubuntu server 12.10
./bees up -z eu-west-1a -l ubuntu -k pterk-fashiolista-aws -g ssh-whitelist -i ami-640a0610
fab install_ab
fab ab:n=1000,c=50,url=
./bees down
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
import boto
import boto.ec2
from beeswithmachineguns import bees
def _get_hosts(instance_ids, zone):
if not instance_ids:
return []
ec2_connection = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(bees._get_region(zone))
reservations = ec2_connection.get_all_instances(instance_ids=instance_ids)
instances = []
for reservation in reservations:
return [instance.public_dns_name for instance in instances]
env.user, key_name, zone, instance_ids = bees._read_server_list()
env.key_filename = bees._get_pem_path(key_name)
env.hosts = _get_hosts(instance_ids, zone)
def install_ab():
sudo('apt-get install -y apache2-utils')
def ab(c, n, url):
run('ab -c {}, -n {} {}'.format(c,n,url))
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