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Last active August 14, 2023 05:45
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Rings characterized by a fused multiply-add operator and negative one
{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe --postfix-projections #-}
module Fumula where
open import Level renaming (suc to ℓsuc; zero to ℓzero)
open import Function using (id)
open import Data.Product
open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Morphism
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning
import Algebra.Properties.Ring as RingProperties
C : Set
□ : C
- ⟪ - ⟫ - : C × C × C → C
Convenience definitions:
-ˢ ≝ □ ⟪ - ⟫ □
◆ ≝ □ˢ
◯ ≝ ◆ˢ
□ ⟪ a ⟫ b = b ⟪ a ⟫ □
◆ ⟪ a ⟫ b = b ⟪ a ⟫ ◆ = a
◯ ⟪ a ⟫ b = b ⟪ a ⟫ ◯ = ◯ ⟪ b ⟫ a = a ⟪ b ⟫ ◯
◯ ⟪ ◆ ⟫ a = a ⟪ ◆ ⟫ ◯ = a
□ ⟪ a ⟫ a = a ⟪ a ⟫ □ = ◆
a ⟪ b ⟪ c ⟫ d ⟫ e = b ⟪ a ⟪ c ⟫ e ⟫ d
(a ⟪ b ⟫ c) ⟪ d ⟫ e = (a ⟪ ◆ ⟫ c) ⟪ b ⟪ d ⟫ e ⟫ e
a ⟪ b ⟫ (c ⟪ d ⟫ e) = a ⟪ a ⟪ b ⟫ d ⟫ (c ⟪ ◆ ⟫ e)
(a ⟪ ◆ ⟫ b) ⟪ c ⟫ d = a ⟪ c ⟫ (b ⟪ ◆ ⟫ d)
◯ ⟪ a ⟫ (◯ ⟪ b ⟫ c) = ◯ ⟪ ◯ ⟪ a ⟫ b ⟫ c
◯ ⟪ a ⟫ (b ⟪ c ⟫ d) = ◯ ⟪ c ⟫ (b ⟪ a ⟫ d)
◯ ⟪ a ⟫ (b ⟪ ◆ ⟫ c) = b ⟪ a ⟫ c
Conventional representation:
a ∙ b ≝ a ⟪ ◆ ⟫ b
a + b ≝ ◯ ⟪ a ⟫ b
-a ≝ □ ⟪ ◆ ⟫ a
a - b ≝ □ ⟪ a ⟫ b
1 ≝ ◯
0 ≝ ◆
-1 ≝ □
record RawFumula c ℓ : Set (ℓsuc (c ⊔ ℓ)) where
infix 4 _≈_
Carrier : Set c
_≈_ : Rel Carrier ℓ
-1# : Carrier -- -1# ≈ - 1#
fma : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier → Carrier -- "fused multiply-add", fma x y z ≈ (x * y) + z
0# : Carrier
0# = fma -1# -1# -1#
1# : Carrier
1# = fma -1# -1# 0#
rawRing : RawRing c ℓ
rawRing .RawRing.Carrier = Carrier
rawRing .RawRing._≈_ = _≈_
rawRing .RawRing._+_ x y = fma 1# x y
rawRing .RawRing._*_ x y = fma x y 0#
rawRing .RawRing.-_ x = fma -1# x 0#
rawRing .RawRing.0# = 0#
rawRing .RawRing.1# = 1#
open RawRing rawRing public hiding (Carrier; _≈_; 0#; 1#)
fms : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier → Carrier -- "fused multiply-subtract" (note the inverted convention)
fms x y z = - fma x y (- z)
nfma : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier → Carrier -- "negated fused multiply-add"
nfma x y z = - fma x y z
nfms : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier → Carrier -- "negated fused multiply-subtract" (note the inverted convention)
nfms x y z = fma x y (- z)
module _ {c ℓ} (rawRing : RawRing c ℓ) where
open RawRing rawRing
RawRing→RawFumula : RawFumula c ℓ
RawRing→RawFumula .RawFumula.Carrier = Carrier
RawRing→RawFumula .RawFumula._≈_ = _≈_
RawRing→RawFumula .RawFumula.-1# = - 1#
RawRing→RawFumula .RawFumula.fma x y z = x * y + z
record IsFumula {a ℓ} {A : Set a} (_≈_ : Rel A ℓ) (-1# : A) (fma : A → A → A → A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
0# = fma -1# -1# -1#
1# = fma -1# -1# 0#
isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
fma-cong : ∀{x y u v r s} → x ≈ y → u ≈ v → r ≈ s → fma x u r ≈ fma y v s
fma-distrib₁ : ∀ v w x y z → fma (fma v w x) y z ≈ fma (fma v w 0#) y (fma x y z) -- (v * w + x) * y + z ≈ (v * w + 0) * y + (x * y + z)
fma-distrib₂ : ∀ v w x y z → fma v (fma w x y) z ≈ fma v (fma w x 0#) (fma v y z) -- v * (w * x + y) + z ≈ v * (w * x + 0) + (v * y + z)
fma-distrib₃ : ∀ v w x y z → fma v w (fma x y z) ≈ fma x y (fma v w z) -- v * w + (x * y + z) ≈ x * y + (v * w + z)
fma-1#-comm₁₂ : ∀ x y → fma 1# x y ≈ fma x 1# y -- 1 * x + y ≈ x * 1 + y
fma-identityˡ : ∀ x → fma 1# x 0# ≈ x -- 1 * x + 0 ≈ x
fma-annihilateˡ : ∀ x y → fma 0# x y ≈ y -- 0 * x + y ≈ y
fma-annihilateʳ : ∀ x y → fma x 0# y ≈ y -- x * 0 + y ≈ y
fma-comm₂₃ : ∀ x y → fma 1# x y ≈ fma 1# y x -- 1 * x + y ≈ 1 * y + x
fma‿-1#-collapse : ∀ x → fma -1# x x ≈ 0# -- -1 * x + x ≈ 0#
fma-assoc₁₂₂ : ∀ w x y z → fma (fma w x 0#) y z ≈ fma w (fma x y 0#) z -- (w * x + 0) * y + z ≈ w * (x * y + 0) + z
open IsEquivalence isEquivalence
open SetoidReasoning (record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence })
fma-assoc₁₁₂ : ∀ w x y z → fma w (fma x y 0#) z ≈ fma (fma w x 0#) y z -- w * (x * y + 0) + z ≈ (w * x + 0) * y + z
fma-assoc₁₁₂ w x y z =
sym (fma-assoc₁₂₂ w x y z)
fma-0#-comm₁₂ : ∀ x y → fma 0# x y ≈ fma x 0# y -- 0 * x + y ≈ x * 0 + y
fma-0#-comm₁₂ x y =
begin fma 0# x y ≈⟨ fma-annihilateˡ x y ⟩ y ≈⟨ sym (fma-annihilateʳ x y) ⟩ fma x 0# y ∎
fma-identityʳ : ∀ x → fma x 1# 0# ≈ x -- x * 1 + 0 ≈ x
fma-identityʳ x =
begin fma x 1# 0# ≈⟨ sym (fma-1#-comm₁₂ x 0#) ⟩ fma 1# x 0# ≈⟨ fma-identityˡ x ⟩ x ∎
fma-comm₁₃ : ∀ x y → fma x 1# y ≈ fma y 1# x -- x * 1 + y ≈ y * 1 + x
fma-comm₁₃ x y =
begin fma x 1# y ≈⟨ sym (fma-1#-comm₁₂ x y) ⟩ fma 1# x y ≈⟨ fma-comm₂₃ x y ⟩ fma 1# y x ≈⟨ fma-1#-comm₁₂ y x ⟩ fma y 1# x ∎
fma-assoc₂₂₃ : ∀ x y z → fma 1# x (fma 1# y z) ≈ fma 1# (fma 1# x y) z -- 1 * x + (1 * y + z) = 1 * (1 * x + y) + z
fma-assoc₂₂₃ x y z =
fma 1# x (fma 1# y z)
≈⟨ fma-comm₂₃ x (fma 1# y z) ⟩
fma 1# (fma 1# y z) x
≈⟨ fma-distrib₂ 1# 1# y z x ⟩
fma 1# (fma 1# y 0#) (fma 1# z x)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (fma-identityˡ y) refl ⟩
fma 1# y (fma 1# z x)
≈⟨ fma-distrib₃ 1# y 1# z x ⟩
fma 1# z (fma 1# y x)
≈⟨ fma-comm₂₃ z (fma 1# y x) ⟩
fma 1# (fma 1# y x) z
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (fma-comm₂₃ y x) refl ⟩
fma 1# (fma 1# x y) z
fma-assoc₂₁₃ : ∀ x y z → fma 1# x (fma y 1# z) ≈ fma 1# (fma x 1# y) z -- 1 * x + (y * 1 + z) = 1 * (x * 1 + y) + z
fma-assoc₂₁₃ x y z =
fma 1# x (fma y 1# z)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl refl (sym (fma-1#-comm₁₂ y z)) ⟩
fma 1# x (fma 1# y z)
≈⟨ fma-assoc₂₂₃ x y z ⟩
fma 1# (fma 1# x y) z
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (fma-1#-comm₁₂ x y) refl ⟩
fma 1# (fma x 1# y) z
fma-assoc₁₂₃ : ∀ x y z → fma x 1# (fma 1# y z) ≈ fma (fma 1# x y) 1# z -- x * 1 + (1 * y + z) = (1 * x + y) * 1 + z
fma-assoc₁₂₃ x y z =
fma x 1# (fma 1# y z)
≈⟨ sym (fma-1#-comm₁₂ x (fma 1# y z)) ⟩
fma 1# x (fma 1# y z)
≈⟨ fma-assoc₂₂₃ x y z ⟩
fma 1# (fma 1# x y) z
≈⟨ fma-1#-comm₁₂ (fma 1# x y) z ⟩
fma (fma 1# x y) 1# z
fma-assoc₁₁₃ : ∀ x y z → fma x 1# (fma y 1# z) ≈ fma (fma x 1# y) 1# z -- x * 1 + (y * 1 + z) = (x * 1 + y) * 1 + z
fma-assoc₁₁₃ x y z =
fma x 1# (fma y 1# z)
≈⟨ sym (fma-1#-comm₁₂ x (fma y 1# z)) ⟩
fma 1# x (fma y 1# z)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl refl (sym (fma-1#-comm₁₂ y z)) ⟩
fma 1# x (fma 1# y z)
≈⟨ fma-assoc₂₂₃ x y z ⟩
fma 1# (fma 1# x y) z
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (fma-1#-comm₁₂ x y) refl ⟩
fma 1# (fma x 1# y) z
≈⟨ fma-1#-comm₁₂ (fma x 1# y) z ⟩
fma (fma x 1# y) 1# z
fma-comm-inner₃ : ∀ w x y z → fma 1# (fma w x y) z ≈ fma 1# (fma w x z) y -- 1 * (w * x + y) + z ≈ 1 * (w * x + z) + y
fma-comm-inner₃ w x y z =
fma 1# (fma w x y) z
≈⟨ fma-distrib₂ 1# w x y z ⟩
fma 1# (fma w x 0#) (fma 1# y z)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl refl (fma-comm₂₃ y z) ⟩
fma 1# (fma w x 0#) (fma 1# z y)
≈⟨ sym (fma-distrib₂ 1# w x z y) ⟩
fma 1# (fma w x z) y
fma-fuse : ∀ x y z → fma 1# (fma x y 0#) z ≈ fma x y z -- 1 * (x * y + 0) + z ≈ x * y + z
fma-fuse x y z =
fma 1# (fma x y 0#) z
≈⟨ fma-comm-inner₃ x y 0# z ⟩
fma 1# (fma x y z) 0#
≈⟨ fma-identityˡ (fma x y z) ⟩
fma x y z
rawFumula : RawFumula a ℓ
rawFumula = record { _≈_ = _≈_; -1# = -1#; fma = fma }
open RawFumula rawFumula using (_+_; _*_; -_; fms)
isRing : IsRing _≈_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0# 1#
.IsMagma.isEquivalence =
.IsMagma.∙-cong x≈y u≈v =
fma-cong refl x≈y u≈v
.IsSemigroup.assoc x y z =
fma 1# (fma 1# x y) z
≈⟨ sym (fma-assoc₂₂₃ x y z) ⟩
fma 1# x (fma 1# y z)
.proj₁ x =
fma 1# 0# x
≈⟨ fma-annihilateʳ 1# x ⟩
.proj₂ x =
fma 1# x 0#
≈⟨ fma-identityˡ x ⟩
.proj₁ x =
fma 1# (fma -1# x 0#) x
≈⟨ fma-fuse -1# x x ⟩
fma -1# x x
≈⟨ fma‿-1#-collapse x ⟩
.proj₂ x =
fma 1# x (fma -1# x 0#)
≈⟨ fma-comm₂₃ x (fma -1# x 0#) ⟩
fma 1# (fma -1# x 0#) x
≈⟨ fma-fuse -1# x x ⟩
fma -1# x x
≈⟨ fma‿-1#-collapse x ⟩
.IsGroup.⁻¹-cong x≈y =
fma-cong refl x≈y refl
.IsAbelianGroup.comm x y =
fma 1# x y
≈⟨ fma-comm₂₃ x y ⟩
fma 1# y x
.IsMagma.isEquivalence =
.IsMagma.∙-cong x≈y u≈v =
fma-cong x≈y u≈v refl
.IsSemigroup.assoc x y z =
fma (fma x y 0#) z 0#
≈⟨ fma-assoc₁₂₂ x y z 0# ⟩
fma x (fma y z 0#) 0#
.proj₁ x =
fma 1# x 0#
≈⟨ fma-identityˡ x ⟩
.proj₂ x =
fma x 1# 0#
≈⟨ fma-identityʳ x ⟩
.proj₁ x y z =
fma x (fma 1# y z) 0#
≈⟨ fma-distrib₂ x 1# y z 0# ⟩
fma x (fma 1# y 0#) (fma x z 0#)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (fma-identityˡ y) refl ⟩
fma x y (fma x z 0#)
≈⟨ sym (fma-fuse x y (fma x z 0#)) ⟩
fma 1# (fma x y 0#) (fma x z 0#)
.proj₂ x y z =
fma (fma 1# y z) x 0#
≈⟨ fma-distrib₁ 1# y z x 0# ⟩
fma (fma 1# y 0#) x (fma z x 0#)
≈⟨ fma-cong (fma-identityˡ y) refl refl ⟩
fma y x (fma z x 0#)
≈⟨ sym (fma-fuse y x (fma z x 0#)) ⟩
fma 1# (fma y x 0#) (fma z x 0#)
.proj₁ x =
fma 0# x 0#
≈⟨ fma-annihilateˡ x 0# ⟩
.proj₂ x =
fma x 0# 0#
≈⟨ fma-annihilateʳ x 0# ⟩
open IsRing isRing public hiding (isEquivalence; refl; sym; trans)
open RingProperties (record { isRing = isRing }) public
-‿1#≈-1# : -1# ≈ (- 1#)
-‿1#≈-1# =
sym (fma-identityʳ -1#)
x*-1#≈-x : ∀{x} → (x * -1#) ≈ (- x)
x*-1#≈-x {x} =
(x * -1#)
≈⟨ *-cong refl -‿1#≈-1# ⟩
(x * (- 1#))
≈⟨ sym (-‿distribʳ-* x 1#) ⟩
(- (x * 1#))
≈⟨ -‿cong (*-identityʳ x) ⟩
(- x)
fma‿-1#-comm₁₂ : ∀ x y → fma -1# x y ≈ fma x -1# y -- -1 * x + y ≈ x * -1 + y
fma‿-1#-comm₁₂ x y =
fma -1# x y
≈⟨ sym (fma-fuse -1# x y) ⟩
((- x) + y)
≈⟨ +-cong (sym x*-1#≈-x) refl ⟩
((x * -1#) + y)
≈⟨ fma-fuse x -1# y ⟩
fma x -1# y
fms-rearrangeˡ : ∀ x y z → fms x y z ≈ fma (- x) y z
fms-rearrangeˡ x y z =
fms x y z
≈⟨ fma-distrib₂ -1# x y (- z) 0# ⟩
fma -1# (x * y) (- (- z))
≈⟨ fma-cong refl refl (-‿involutive z) ⟩
fma -1# (x * y) z
≈⟨ fma-assoc₁₁₂ -1# x y z ⟩
fma (- x) y z
fms-rearrangeʳ : ∀ x y z → fms x y z ≈ fma x (- y) z
fms-rearrangeʳ x y z =
fms x y z
≈⟨ fms-rearrangeˡ x y z ⟩
fma (- x) y z
≈⟨ fma-cong (fma‿-1#-comm₁₂ x 0#) refl refl ⟩
fma (x * -1#) y z
≈⟨ fma-assoc₁₂₂ x -1# y z ⟩
fma x (- y) z
module _ {a ℓ} {A : Set a} {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ} {_+_ _*_ : Op₂ A} { -_ : Op₁ A} {0# 1# : A} (isRing : IsRing _≈_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0# 1#) where
open IsRing isRing
rawRing : RawRing a ℓ
rawRing .RawRing.Carrier = A
rawRing .RawRing._≈_ = _≈_
rawRing .RawRing._+_ = _+_
rawRing .RawRing._*_ = _*_
rawRing .RawRing.-_ = -_
rawRing .RawRing.0# = 0#
rawRing .RawRing.1# = 1#
rawFumula : RawFumula a ℓ
rawFumula = RawRing→RawFumula rawRing
open RawFumula rawFumula using (-1#; fma)
open SetoidReasoning setoid
open RingProperties (record { isRing = isRing })
-1#*x≈-x : ∀{x} → (-1# * x) ≈ (- x)
-1#*x≈-x {x} =
((- 1#) * x)
≈⟨ sym (-‿distribˡ-* 1# x) ⟩
(- (1# * x))
≈⟨ -‿cong (*-identityˡ x) ⟩
(- x)
-1#*-1#≈1# : (-1# * -1#) ≈ 1#
-1#*-1#≈1# =
((- 1#) * (- 1#))
≈⟨ -1#*x≈-x ⟩
(- (- 1#))
≈⟨ -‿involutive 1# ⟩
0#-fma-defined : fma -1# -1# -1# ≈ 0#
0#-fma-defined =
(((- 1#) * (- 1#)) + (- 1#))
≈⟨ +-cong -1#*-1#≈1# refl ⟩
(1# + (- 1#))
≈⟨ -‿inverseʳ 1# ⟩
1#-fma-defined-partial : fma -1# -1# 0# ≈ 1#
1#-fma-defined-partial =
(((- 1#) * (- 1#)) + 0#)
≈⟨ +-cong -1#*-1#≈1# refl ⟩
(1# + 0#)
≈⟨ +-identityʳ 1# ⟩
1#-fma-defined : fma -1# -1# (fma -1# -1# -1#) ≈ 1#
1#-fma-defined =
(((- 1#) * (- 1#)) + (((- 1#) * (- 1#)) + (- 1#)))
≈⟨ +-cong refl 0#-fma-defined ⟩
(((- 1#) * (- 1#)) + 0#)
≈⟨ 1#-fma-defined-partial ⟩
fma-cong : ∀{x y u v r s} → x ≈ y → u ≈ v → r ≈ s → fma x u r ≈ fma y v s
fma-cong x≈y u≈v r≈s = +-cong (*-cong x≈y u≈v) r≈s
IsRing→IsFumula : IsFumula _≈_ -1# fma
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.isEquivalence =
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-cong =
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₁ v w x y z =
fma (fma v w x) y z
≈⟨ +-cong (distribʳ y (v * w) x) refl ⟩
(fma (v * w) y (x * y) + z)
≈⟨ +-assoc ((v * w) * y) (x * y) z ⟩
fma (v * w) y (fma x y z)
≈⟨ fma-cong (sym (+-identityʳ (v * w))) refl refl ⟩
fma (fma v w 0#) y (fma x y z)
≈⟨ fma-cong (fma-cong refl refl (sym 0#-fma-defined)) refl refl ⟩
fma (fma v w (fma -1# -1# -1#)) y (fma x y z)
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₂ v w x y z =
fma v (fma w x y) z
≈⟨ +-cong (distribˡ v (w * x) y) refl ⟩
(fma v (w * x) (v * y) + z)
≈⟨ +-assoc (v * (w * x)) (v * y) z ⟩
fma v (w * x) (fma v y z)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (sym (+-identityʳ (w * x))) refl ⟩
fma v (fma w x 0#) (fma v y z)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (fma-cong refl refl (sym 0#-fma-defined)) refl ⟩
fma v (fma w x (fma -1# -1# -1#)) (fma v y z)
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₃ v w x y z =
fma v w (fma x y z)
≈⟨ sym (+-assoc (v * w) (x * y) z) ⟩
(fma v w (x * y) + z)
≈⟨ +-cong (+-comm (v * w) (x * y)) refl ⟩
(fma x y (v * w) + z)
≈⟨ +-assoc (x * y) (v * w) z ⟩
fma x y (fma v w z)
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-1#-comm₁₂ x y =
fma (fma -1# -1# (fma -1# -1# -1#)) x y
≈⟨ fma-cong 1#-fma-defined refl refl ⟩
fma 1# x y
≈⟨ +-cong (*-identityˡ x) refl ⟩
(x + y)
≈⟨ +-cong (sym (*-identityʳ x)) refl ⟩
fma x 1# y
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (sym 1#-fma-defined) refl ⟩
fma x (fma -1# -1# (fma -1# -1# -1#)) y
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-identityˡ x =
fma (fma -1# -1# (fma -1# -1# -1#)) x (fma -1# -1# -1#)
≈⟨ fma-cong 1#-fma-defined refl 0#-fma-defined ⟩
fma 1# x 0#
≈⟨ +-identityʳ (1# * x) ⟩
(1# * x)
≈⟨ *-identityˡ x ⟩
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-annihilateˡ x y =
fma (fma -1# -1# -1#) x y
≈⟨ fma-cong 0#-fma-defined refl refl ⟩
fma 0# x y
≈⟨ +-cong (zeroˡ x) refl ⟩
(0# + y)
≈⟨ +-identityˡ y ⟩
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-annihilateʳ x y =
fma x (fma -1# -1# -1#) y
≈⟨ fma-cong refl 0#-fma-defined refl ⟩
fma x 0# y
≈⟨ +-cong (zeroʳ x) refl ⟩
(0# + y)
≈⟨ +-identityˡ y ⟩
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-comm₂₃ x y =
fma (fma -1# -1# (fma -1# -1# -1#)) x y
≈⟨ fma-cong 1#-fma-defined refl refl ⟩
fma 1# x y
≈⟨ +-cong (*-identityˡ x) refl ⟩
(x + y)
≈⟨ +-comm x y ⟩
(y + x)
≈⟨ +-cong (sym (*-identityˡ y)) refl ⟩
fma 1# y x
≈⟨ fma-cong (sym 1#-fma-defined) refl refl ⟩
fma (fma -1# -1# (fma -1# -1# -1#)) y x
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma‿-1#-collapse x =
fma -1# x x
≈⟨ +-cong -1#*x≈-x refl ⟩
((- x) + x)
≈⟨ -‿inverseˡ x ⟩
≈⟨ sym 0#-fma-defined ⟩
fma -1# -1# -1#
IsRing→IsFumula .IsFumula.fma-assoc₁₂₂ w x y z =
fma (fma w x (fma -1# -1# -1#)) y z
≈⟨ fma-cong (fma-cong refl refl 0#-fma-defined) refl refl ⟩
fma (fma w x 0#) y z
≈⟨ fma-cong (+-identityʳ (w * x)) refl refl ⟩
fma (w * x) y z
≈⟨ +-cong (*-assoc w x y) refl ⟩
fma w (x * y) z
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (sym (+-identityʳ (x * y))) refl ⟩
fma w (fma x y 0#) z
≈⟨ fma-cong refl (fma-cong refl refl (sym 0#-fma-defined)) refl ⟩
fma w (fma x y (fma -1# -1# -1#)) z
record Fumula c ℓ : Set (ℓsuc (c ⊔ ℓ)) where
infix 4 _≈_
Carrier : Set c
_≈_ : Rel Carrier ℓ
-1# : Carrier
fma : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier → Carrier
isFumula : IsFumula _≈_ -1# fma
rawFumula : RawFumula c ℓ
rawFumula = record { _≈_ = _≈_; -1# = -1#; fma = fma }
open RawFumula rawFumula public hiding (Carrier; _≈_; -1#; fma)
open IsFumula isFumula public
ring : Ring c ℓ
ring = record { isRing = isRing }
open Ring ring public using
( +-magma; +-commutativeMagma; +-semigroup; +-commutativeSemigroup; +-group; +-abelianGroup
; *-magma; *-semigroup
; +-monoid ; +-commutativeMonoid
; *-monoid
; nearSemiring; semiringWithoutOne; semiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero; semiring
Ring→Fumula : ∀{c ℓ} → Ring c ℓ → Fumula c ℓ
Ring→Fumula ring = record { isFumula = IsRing→IsFumula isRing }
where open Ring ring
module _ {c ℓ} (ring : Ring c ℓ) where
ringFromFumula : Ring c ℓ
ringFromFumula = Fumula.ring (Ring→Fumula ring)
module FromFumula = Ring ringFromFumula
open Ring ring
open RingProperties ring
open SetoidReasoning setoid
-1# : Carrier
-1# = - 1#
-1#*-1#≈1# : -1# * -1# ≈ 1#
-1#*-1#≈1# =
(-1# * -1#)
≈⟨ sym (-‿distribˡ-* 1# -1#) ⟩
(- (1# * -1#))
≈⟨ -‿cong (*-identityˡ -1#) ⟩
(- -1#)
≈⟨ -‿involutive 1# ⟩
fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈0# : (-1# * -1#) + -1# ≈ 0#
fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈0# =
((-1# * -1#) + -1#)
≈⟨ +-cong -1#*-1#≈1# refl ⟩
(1# + -1#)
≈⟨ -‿inverseʳ 1# ⟩
fma‿-1#‿-1#‿0#≈1# : (-1# * -1#) + 0# ≈ 1#
fma‿-1#‿-1#‿0#≈1# =
((-1# * -1#) + 0#)
≈⟨ +-cong -1#*-1#≈1# refl ⟩
(1# + 0#)
≈⟨ +-identityʳ 1# ⟩
fma‿-1#‿-1#‿fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈1# : (-1# * -1#) + ((-1# * -1#) + -1#) ≈ 1#
fma‿-1#‿-1#‿fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈1# =
((-1# * -1#) + ((-1# * -1#) + -1#))
≈⟨ +-cong refl fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈0# ⟩
((-1# * -1#) + 0#)
≈⟨ fma‿-1#‿-1#‿0#≈1# ⟩
ring∘Ring→Fumula-isRingIsomorphism : IsRingIsomorphism rawRing FromFumula.rawRing id
.IsMagmaHomomorphism.isRelHomomorphism =
record { cong = id }
.IsMagmaHomomorphism.homo x y =
(x + y)
≈⟨ +-cong (sym (*-identityˡ x)) refl ⟩
((1# * x) + y)
≈⟨ +-cong (*-cong (sym fma‿-1#‿-1#‿fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈1#) refl) refl ⟩
((((-1# * -1#) + ((-1# * -1#) + -1#)) * x) + y)
≈⟨ refl ⟩
(x FromFumula.+ y)
.IsMonoidHomomorphism.ε-homo =
≈⟨ sym fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈0# ⟩
((-1# * -1#) + -1#)
≈⟨ refl ⟩
.IsGroupHomomorphism.⁻¹-homo x =
(- x)
≈⟨ -‿cong (sym (*-identityˡ x)) ⟩
(- (1# * x))
≈⟨ sym (+-identityʳ (- (1# * x))) ⟩
(- (1# * x) + 0#)
≈⟨ +-cong (-‿distribˡ-* 1# x) (sym fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈0#) ⟩
((-1# * x) + ((-1# * -1#) + -1#))
≈⟨ refl ⟩
(FromFumula.- x)
.IsMagmaHomomorphism.isRelHomomorphism =
record { cong = id }
.IsMagmaHomomorphism.homo x y =
(x * y)
≈⟨ sym (+-identityʳ (x * y)) ⟩
((x * y) + 0#)
≈⟨ +-cong refl (sym fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈0#) ⟩
((x * y) + ((-1# * -1#) + -1#))
≈⟨ refl ⟩
(x FromFumula.* y)
.IsMonoidHomomorphism.ε-homo =
≈⟨ sym fma‿-1#‿-1#‿fma‿-1#‿-1#‿-1#≈1# ⟩
((-1# * -1#) + ((-1# * -1#) + -1#))
≈⟨ refl ⟩
.IsRingMonomorphism.injective =
.IsRingIsomorphism.surjective x
.proj₁ =
.IsRingIsomorphism.surjective _
.proj₂ =
{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe --postfix-projections #-}
module ReversibleFumula where
open import Level renaming (suc to ℓsuc; zero to ℓzero)
open import Function using (id)
open import Data.Product
open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Morphism
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidReasoning
open import Fumula as _
Additional axiom:
a ⟪ b ⟫ c = c ⟪ b ⟫ a
record IsReversibleFumula {a ℓ} {A : Set a} (_≈_ : Rel A ℓ) (-1# : A) (fma : A → A → A → A) : Set (a ⊔ ℓ) where
0# = fma -1# -1# -1#
1# = fma -1# -1# 0#
isEquivalence : IsEquivalence _≈_
fma-cong : ∀{x y u v r s} → x ≈ y → u ≈ v → r ≈ s → fma x u r ≈ fma y v s
fma-distrib₁ : ∀ v w x y z → fma (fma v w x) y z ≈ fma (fma v w 0#) y (fma x y z) -- (v * w + x) * y + z ≈ (v * w + 0) * y + (x * y + z)
fma-distrib₃ : ∀ v w x y z → fma v w (fma x y z) ≈ fma x y (fma v w z) -- v * w + (x * y + z) ≈ x * y + (v * w + z)
fma-identityˡ : ∀ x → fma 1# x 0# ≈ x -- 1 * x + 0 ≈ x
fma-annihilateˡ : ∀ x y → fma 0# x y ≈ y -- 0 * x + y ≈ y
fma-comm₂₃ : ∀ x y → fma 1# x y ≈ fma 1# y x -- 1 * x + y ≈ 1 * y + x
fma‿-1#-collapse : ∀ x → fma -1# x x ≈ 0# -- -1 * x + x ≈ x
fma-assoc₁₂₂ : ∀ w x y z → fma (fma w x 0#) y z ≈ fma w (fma x y 0#) z -- (w * x + 0) * y + z ≈ w * (x * y + 0) + z
fma-comm₁₂ : ∀ x y z → fma x y z ≈ fma y x z -- x * y + z ≈ y * x + z
open IsEquivalence isEquivalence
open SetoidReasoning (record { isEquivalence = isEquivalence })
isFumula : IsFumula _≈_ -1# fma
isFumula .IsFumula.isEquivalence =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-cong =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₁ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₂ v w x y z =
fma v (fma w x y) z
≈⟨ fma-comm₁₂ v (fma w x y) z ⟩
fma (fma w x y) v z
≈⟨ fma-distrib₁ w x y v z ⟩
fma (fma w x 0#) v (fma y v z)
≈⟨ fma-cong refl refl (fma-comm₁₂ y v z) ⟩
fma (fma w x 0#) v (fma v y z)
≈⟨ fma-comm₁₂ (fma w x 0#) v (fma v y z) ⟩
fma v (fma w x 0#) (fma v y z)
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₃ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-1#-comm₁₂ =
fma-comm₁₂ 1#
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-identityˡ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-annihilateˡ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-annihilateʳ x y =
fma x 0# y
≈⟨ fma-comm₁₂ x 0# y ⟩
fma 0# x y
≈⟨ fma-annihilateˡ x y ⟩
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-comm₂₃ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma‿-1#-collapse =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-assoc₁₂₂ =
open IsFumula isFumula public hiding
( isEquivalence
; fma-cong
; fma-distrib₁
; fma-distrib₃
; fma-identityˡ
; fma-annihilateˡ
; fma-comm₂₃
; fma‿-1#-collapse
; fma-assoc₁₂₂
rawFumula : RawFumula a ℓ
rawFumula = record { _≈_ = _≈_; -1# = -1#; fma = fma }
open RawFumula rawFumula using (_+_; _*_; -_)
isCommutativeRing : IsCommutativeRing _≈_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0# 1#
isCommutativeRing .IsCommutativeRing.isRing =
isCommutativeRing .IsCommutativeRing.*-comm x y =
fma-comm₁₂ x y 0#
open IsCommutativeRing isCommutativeRing public using
( *-isCommutativeMagma; *-isCommutativeSemigroup; *-isCommutativeMonoid
; isCommutativeSemiringWithoutOne; isCommutativeSemiring
module _ {a ℓ} {A : Set a} {_≈_ : Rel A ℓ} {_+_ _*_ : Op₂ A} { -_ : Op₁ A} {0# 1# : A} (isCommutativeRing : IsCommutativeRing _≈_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0# 1#) where
open IsCommutativeRing isCommutativeRing
-1# : A
-1# = - 1#
fma : A → A → A → A
fma x y z = (x * y) + z
isFumula : IsFumula _≈_ -1# fma
isFumula = IsRing→IsFumula isRing
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula : IsReversibleFumula _≈_ -1# fma
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.isEquivalence =
isFumula .IsFumula.isEquivalence
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-cong =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-cong
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-distrib₁ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₁
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-distrib₃ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-distrib₃
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-identityˡ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-identityˡ
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-annihilateˡ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-annihilateˡ
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-comm₂₃ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-comm₂₃
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma‿-1#-collapse =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma‿-1#-collapse
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-assoc₁₂₂ =
isFumula .IsFumula.fma-assoc₁₂₂
IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula .IsReversibleFumula.fma-comm₁₂ x y _ =
+-cong (*-comm x y) refl
record ReversibleFumula c ℓ : Set (ℓsuc (c ⊔ ℓ)) where
infix 4 _≈_
Carrier : Set c
_≈_ : Rel Carrier ℓ
-1# : Carrier
fma : Carrier → Carrier → Carrier → Carrier
isReversibleFumula : IsReversibleFumula _≈_ -1# fma
rawFumula : RawFumula c ℓ
rawFumula = record { _≈_ = _≈_; -1# = -1#; fma = fma }
open RawFumula rawFumula public hiding (Carrier; _≈_; -1#; fma)
open IsReversibleFumula isReversibleFumula public
fumula : Fumula c ℓ
fumula = record { isFumula = isFumula }
open Fumula fumula public using (ring)
commutativeRing : CommutativeRing c ℓ
commutativeRing = record { isCommutativeRing = isCommutativeRing }
open CommutativeRing commutativeRing public using
( +-magma; +-commutativeMagma; +-semigroup; +-commutativeSemigroup
; *-magma; *-commutativeMagma; *-semigroup; *-commutativeSemigroup
; +-monoid; +-commutativeMonoid
; *-monoid; *-commutativeMonoid
; nearSemiring; semiringWithoutOne; semiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero; semiring; commutativeSemiring
CommutativeRing→ReversibleFumula : ∀{c ℓ} → CommutativeRing c ℓ → ReversibleFumula c ℓ
CommutativeRing→ReversibleFumula commutativeRing = record { isReversibleFumula = IsCommutativeRing→IsReversibleFumula isCommutativeRing }
where open CommutativeRing commutativeRing
module _ {c ℓ} (commutativeRing : CommutativeRing c ℓ) where
commutativeRingFromReversibleFumula : CommutativeRing c ℓ
commutativeRingFromReversibleFumula = ReversibleFumula.commutativeRing (CommutativeRing→ReversibleFumula commutativeRing)
module FromReversibleFumula = CommutativeRing commutativeRingFromReversibleFumula
open CommutativeRing commutativeRing
commutativeRing∘CommutativeRing→ReversibleFumula-isRingIsomorphism : IsRingIsomorphism rawRing FromReversibleFumula.rawRing id
commutativeRing∘CommutativeRing→ReversibleFumula-isRingIsomorphism = ring∘Ring→Fumula-isRingIsomorphism ring
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