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Last active October 12, 2020 16:28
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Runge-Kutta integrator in Python
# Copyright 2020, Paul McGuire
from typing import Callable, Sequence
from array import array
class RKIntegrator:
Class used to perform Runge-Kutta numerical integration of set of ODE's.
Works with a Sequence[float] representing current state [x, x', x'', ...].
- dt (float): time step
- deriv_fn (callable): function for computing derivative at
time t; given state [x, x', x'', ...], returns vector
of computed derivatives [x', x'', x''', ...]
- degree (int): optional argument to indicate the degree of the
state X (number of derivatives maintained in state)
- init_conds (list(float)): optional argument giving initial
conditions for modeling state X
Must specify degree or init_conds.
def __init__(self,
dt: float,
deriv_fn: Callable[[float, Sequence[float]], Sequence[float]],
degree: int = 0,
init_conds: Sequence[float] = None):
if (degree == 0 and init_conds is None) or (degree != 0 and init_conds is not None):
raise ValueError("must specify degree or initial conditions")
self.dt = float(dt)
self.t = 0.0
if init_conds is not None:
self.x = array('f', init_conds[:])
self.x = array('f', [0.0] * degree)
self.deriv_fn = deriv_fn
def integrate(self):
dt = self.dt
dt_c = 0.0
dx_func = self.deriv_fn
while True:
t2 = self.t + dt / 2.0
delx0 = [dx_i * dt for dx_i in dx_func(self.t, self.x)]
xv = [x_i + delx0_i / 2.0 for x_i, delx0_i in zip(self.x, delx0)]
delx1 = [dx_i * dt for dx_i in dx_func(t2, xv)]
xv = [x_i + delx1_i / 2.0 for x_i, delx1_i in zip(self.x, delx1)]
delx2 = [dx_i * dt for dx_i in dx_func(t2, xv)]
xv = [x_i + delx2_i for x_i, delx2_i in zip(self.x, delx2)]
# avoid accumulating floating-point error
# (from
y = dt - dt_c
t = self.t + y
dt_c = t - self.t - y
self.t = t
dx = dx_func(self.t, xv)
self.x = array('f', (x_i + (delx0_i + dx_i * dt + 2.0 * (delx1_i + delx2_i)) / 6.0
for x_i, dx_i, delx0_i, delx1_i, delx2_i in zip(self.x, dx, delx0, delx1, delx2)))
yield self.t, self.x
def constant_acceleration(a: float) -> Callable[[float, Sequence[float]], Sequence[float]]:
# helpful method to create a derivative function representing constant acceleration
# (common for modeling gravity)
def _inner(t, x_vec):
return [
return _inner
if __name__ == "__main__":
is_whole = lambda x: abs(x - round(x)) < 1e-9
# example of motion with constant acceleration = 4 m/s², with dt=0.1 sec
# (could also have specified with init_conds=[0.0, 0.0])
accel = 4.0
rk = RKIntegrator(dt=0.1, deriv_fn=constant_acceleration(accel), degree=2)
for t, x in rk.integrate():
if t > 10:
if is_whole(t):
# print current state, plus actual solution for x = ½at², to compare against x[0]
print(round(t), ', '.join('%.2f' % xx for xx in x), 'actual x=', 0.5 * accel * t * t)
# implementation to compare with
def dx2(tt: float, x_vec: Sequence[float]) -> float:
stiffness = 1
damping = -0.005
return -stiffness * x_vec[0] - damping * x_vec[1]
def dx(tt: float, x_vec: Sequence[float]) -> Sequence[float]:
return [
dx2(tt, x_vec)
rk = RKIntegrator(dt=1.0 / 40.0, deriv_fn=dx, init_conds=[50.0, 5.0])
for t, x in rk.integrate():
if t > 100.1:
if is_whole(t):
print(round(t), ', '.join('%.2f' % xx for xx in x))
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