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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save ptoche/8962091 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
demo of a shiny survey
# global.R
# Static Non-Reactive Area
# Read Survey Questions & Suggested Answers
Q <- read.csv("survey.csv", 'header' = FALSE)
# column 1 : questions
# column 2+: several answers
# Store Survey Questions & User Answers in a dataframe
A <- rep("", nrow(Q))
names(A) <- Q[,3]
A[nrow(Q)+1] <- ""
names(A)[nrow(Q)+1] <- "Time"
A[nrow(Q)+2] <- ""
names(A)[nrow(Q)+2] <- "User"
A[nrow(Q)+3] <- ""
names(A)[nrow(Q)+3] <- "Course"
A[nrow(Q)+4] <- ""
names(A)[nrow(Q)+4] <- "Program"
A[nrow(Q)+5] <- ""
names(A)[nrow(Q)+5] <- "Title"
df0 <- data.frame(names(A), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df0) <- "Survey"
# server.R
function(input, output, session) {
# create directory in which to save data
if (!file.exists("data/")) {
# reactiveValues holds the counter - i - and User Answers - A -
values <- reactiveValues(i = 0, A = A)
# The observers re-run the code whenever the button is clicked
# Use isolate to avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop
if(is.null(input$increment) || input$increment == 0){return()}
values$i <- isolate(values$i) + 1
if(is.null(input$decrement) || input$decrement == 0){return()}
values$i <- isolate(values$i) - 1
# User Info Area
userInfo <- renderUI({
textInput("userName", "Enter your random ID:", "ABC123")
textInput("programName", "Enter program name:", "LBA")
textInput("courseName", "Enter course code:", "LBA201")
textInput("courseTitle", "Enter course name:", "Accounting I")
# Next Question Button
nextButton <- renderUI({
actionButton("increment", "Next")
# Previous Question Button
backButton <- renderUI({
actionButton("decrement", "Back")
# End Survey Button
submitButton <- renderUI({
actionButton("submit", HTML("<span style='color:#FF0000;'>Submit!</span>"))
# Save Data Button
saveButton <- renderUI({
downloadButton("download", "Save")
# Abort Survey Button
abortButton <- renderUI({
HTML("<a class='btn' href='/'>Start Over</a>")
# Display Survey in mainPanel
output$survey <- renderUI({
# Start Survey
if (values$i == 0) {
return(list(h4("Ready to start the survey?"),br(),userInfo(),br(),nextButton()))
} else {
# End Survey
if (values$i > nrow(Q)) { #values$i == nrow(Q)+1 is vulnerable to rapid clicks
# Save Survey
if ( is.null(input$submit) || input$submit==0 ) {
list(h4("Ready to submit your answers?"),br())
# Start Over
return(list(br(),h4("Survey Completed, thanks!"),br(),abortButton()))
} else {
# Main Survey
, br(),
, br(),
radioButtons("survey", "Select an answer:", c(Answers()))
# Survey Question Printed
output$Question1 <- renderText({
paste0("Q", values$i,": ", Q[values$i,2])
# Survey Question Printed
output$Question2 <- renderText({
v <- paste0(Q[values$i,3])
v <- sub("the program", paste0("the ",input$programName," program"), v, fixed = TRUE)
v <- sub("this course", paste0("this course (",input$courseName,")"), v, fixed = TRUE)
# Survey Question Displayed as counter is incremented/decremented
Answers <- reactive({
N <- length(Q[values$i,])
Q <- Q[values$i,4:N]
# Save each answers after each click on "next"
if(is.null(input$survey)) {return()}
if (values$i > 0 & values$i < nrow(Q)+1) {
values$A[values$i] <- input$survey
# filename <- paste0("data/answers-",input$courseName, "-", input$userName, "-", as.numeric(Sys.time()))
# write.table(values$A, 'file' = paste0(filename,".csv"), 'sep' = ",", 'col.names' = FALSE)
# Save User Info
if (is.null(input$userName)){return()}
values$A[nrow(Q)+1] <- as.character(Sys.time())
values$A[nrow(Q)+2] <- input$userName
values$A[nrow(Q)+3] <- input$courseName
values$A[nrow(Q)+4] <- input$programName
values$A[nrow(Q)+5] <- input$courseTitle
# Save all answers after click on "submit"
if(is.null(input$submit) || input$submit == 0) {return()}
filename <- "data/results.Rdata"
if (!file.exists(filename)) {df <- df0} # initialize dataframe
if (file.exists(filename)) {load(file = filename)}
df1 <- data.frame(values$A, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(df1) <- gsub("\\.","",paste0(as.numeric(Sys.time(),LETTERS[sample(1:5)])))
df <- cbind(df, df1)
save(df, file = filename, compress = "xz")
# Display User Answers
output$summary <- renderTable({
if (values$i < nrow(Q)+1) {return()}$A[(nrow(Q)+3):1])
}, 'include.rownames' = TRUE
, 'include.colnames' = FALSE
, 'sanitize.text.function' = function(x){x}
# Download Answers
output$download <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste0("answers-", Sys.Date(), ".csv")
} ,
content = function(file) {
write.table(values$A, file, 'sep' = ",", 'col.names' = FALSE)
# Debug Area
output$Console <- renderUI({
btnTags <- function(){tags$style(type = 'text/css',"")}
if (is.null(input$console) || !nzchar(input$console) || input$console == 0) {
btnTags <- function(){tags$style(type = 'text/css'
, '#console {color: rgb(221,17,68);}'
, '#console.recalculating {color: grey; opacity: 0.2; transition: opacity 250ms ease 500ms;}'
list(btnTags(),actionButton(inputId = "console", label = "console"))
observe(label = "console", {
if (is.null(input$console) || !nzchar(input$console)) {return()}
if (input$console != 0) {
options(browserNLdisabled = TRUE)
saved_console <- ".RDuetConsole"
if (file.exists(saved_console)) {load(saved_console)}
save(file = saved_console, list = ls(environment()))
blabla How do you feel about? This Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable
blabla How do you feel about? That Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable
# ui.R
# Define UI for slider demo application
headerPanel("LBA Program Survey")
# customize display settings
, ".span12 h1 {font-size: 21px; line-height:21px;}" # font size in title
, ".span12 h1 {color: rgb(0,0,150);}" # color in title
, ".row-fluid .span4 {width: 25%;}" # width of sidebarPanel
, ".row-fluid .span4 .well {font-size: 10pt;}"
, ".shiny-bound-input {font-size: 120%;}" # font size in input panel
, ".shiny-bound-output {font-size: 100%;}" # font size in output panel
, ".btn {padding: 8px; font-size: 120%;}" # button appearance
, ".data td, .data th, .data tr {font-family: monospace; text-align: left;}"
, " td[align=right] {font-family: monospace; text-align: left;}" # row.names appearance
, ".data tr:nth-child(even){background-color: rgb(245,245,245);}" # even-numbered rows background
, ".table {border-spacing: 0px;}" # horizontal line and background color superimposed
, " {color: rgb(0,0,150);}" # background color in data table
, ".table-bordered td, .table-bordered th {border-top: 1px solid rgb(245,245,245);}" # horizontal lines
, ".table-bordered {border-width: 0px;}" # suppress border around whole table
, ".table-bordered td, .table-bordered th {border-left: none;}" # suppress vertical lines
, a(""
, href=" Survey"
, target="_top"
helpText("Shiny App written by Patrick Toche © 2014.")
helpText("This app is intended for use by instructors of the LBA (Licentiate in Business Administration) of the Faculty of Business, Government, and Social Work at the University of Saint Joseph in Macau. The app is written in the open source R language and relies on the shiny package designed by RStudio.")
helpText("This app is presently hosted on the shiny beta server. Thanks to the RStudio team for making this app and the server available free of charge. ")
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Hi Patrick. I wonder whether you could figure out what might be wrong? I am new to shiny R but extremely interested in your survey approach (comes pretty close to what I want to do). However, I get the same error massage. I can run the app if I change the code for the buttons in the server file to:

nextButton <- actionButton("increment", "Next")
output$survey <- renderUI({list(h4("text"), br(), nextButton, br())})

Hence, there seems to be a problem with using rederUI for the buttons.. but I have no idea why!
Any other solutions or thoughts?

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