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Created March 28, 2013 11:34
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# Ashcroft-Sturm model # (Chapter 7 of my PhD thesis, "Two-dimensional optics")
import numpy as N
from scipy import constants as Const
from crystal_plane import CrystalPlane
Parallel-band conductivity (Ashcroft & Sturm, 1971) using measured data and
fits (Mathewson & Myers, 1972)
# sigma_a: Ashcroft & Sturm's "convenient" unit of conductivity
sigma_a = Const.e ** 2 / (24 * N.pi * Const.value('Bohr radius') * Const.hbar)
sigma_CGS = Const.c ** 2.0 * 1e-7 # Multiply S/m by sigma_CGS to get 1/s
# sigma_a * sigma_CGS should equal 5.48e14 1/s (misprint in paper: 5.48e-14 1/s)
N.testing.assert_approx_equal(sigma_a * sigma_CGS, 5.48e14, significant=3)
# Mathewson & Myers (1972) temperature-dependent data
# 4.2 K: U111, U200, tau_d, tau_pb, sigma_dc from Benbow & Lynch (1975)
# other parameters at 4.2 K are Mathewson & Myers' extrapolated values for 0 K
mm_temp = N.array([4.2, 198.0, 298.0, 404.0, 552.0])
mm_a = N.array([4.032, 4.041, 4.050, 4.060, 4.076]) * 1e-10 # m
mm_k_fermi = N.array([.9273, .9252, .9232, .9209, .9173]) / Const.value('Bohr radius')
mm_U111 = N.array([0.218, 0.208, 0.190, 0.166, 0.165]) * Const.eV
mm_U200 = N.array([0.802, 0.763, 0.738, 0.699, 0.659]) * Const.eV
mm_m0 = N.array([1.56, 1.51, 1.48, 1.43, 1.41])
mm_tau_d = N.array([11.0, 11.8, 10.2, 6.2, 5.2]) * 1e-15 # s
mm_tau_pb = N.array([6.09, 4.9, 3.8, 3.1, 2.2]) * 1e-15 # s
mm_sigma_dc = N.array([3.25, 3.58, 3.14, 1.96, 1.65]) * 1e17 / sigma_CGS
P200 = N.array([0.985, 0.956, 0.933, 0.898, 0.835])
P111 = N.array([.9887, .9654, .9593, .9166, .865])
# Plasma frequency:
#print N.sqrt(mm_sigma_dc / (mm_tau_d * Const.epsilon_0)) * Const.hbar / Const.eV
def pb_absorption_energy_range(plane, a, m0, k_fermi, U):
Return the range of energies within which parallel-band absorption takes
place; it starts at twice the pseudopotential, and ends at the point where
the upper band crosses the Fermi energy (?)
@plane: a CrystalPlane instance
@a: lattice constant in m
@m0: mass ratio
@k_fermi: fermi wave vector in 1/m
@U: crystal plane pseudopotential in J
K = plane.magnitude_factor / a
energy_K = (Const.hbar * K) ** 2 / (2 * m0 * Const.m_e)
hbar_omega0 = energy_K * (2 * k_fermi / K - 1)
return 2 * U, hbar_omega0
def horrible_function(z, b, t0, rho, phi):
"""J(omega) from Ashcroft & Sturm (1971)"""
# Calculation shortcuts
z2b2 = (z ** 2 - b ** 2) / (z ** 2 + b ** 2)
zb2 = 2 * z * b / (z ** 2 + b ** 2)
sphi, cphi = N.sin(phi), N.cos(phi)
J1 = 2 * zb2 * rho * N.arctan(t0)
J2 = (0.5 * (cphi * z2b2 + sphi * zb2)
* N.log((t0 ** 2 + 2 * t0 * rho * sphi + rho ** 2) /
(t0 ** 2 - 2 * t0 * rho * sphi + rho ** 2)))
J3 = ((sphi * z2b2 - cphi * zb2)
* (N.arctan2(t0 + rho * sphi, rho * cphi) +
N.arctan2(t0 - rho * sphi, rho * cphi)))
return (J1 + J2 + J3) / N.pi
def imaginary_horrible_function(z, b, t0, rho, phi1, phi2):
sphi1, cphi1 = N.sin(phi1), N.cos(phi1)
J1 = 0.5 * sphi1 * N.log((t0 ** 2 + 2 * t0 * rho * cphi1 + rho ** 2) /
(t0 ** 2 - 2 * t0 * rho * cphi1 + rho ** 2))
J2 = cphi1 * (N.arctan2(t0 + rho * cphi1, rho * sphi1) +
N.arctan2(t0 - rho * cphi1, rho * sphi1))
J3 = (N.pi * ((b ** 2 - z ** 2) / (z ** 2 + b ** 2))
* horrible_function(z, b, t0, rho, phi2))
return (J1 + J2 + J3) / (2 * b * N.pi * rho)
def parallel_band_conductivity(frequency, plane, a, m0, k_fermi, U, tau):
Return the contribution to the optical conductivity resulting from
parallel-band absorption in a certain plane.
@frequency: frequency in Hz
@plane: a CrystalPlane instance
@a: lattice constant in m
@m0: mass ratio
@k_fermi: fermi wave vector in 1/m
@U: crystal plane pseudopotential in J
@tau: parallel-band relaxation time in s
K = plane.magnitude_factor / a
energy_low, energy_high = pb_absorption_energy_range(plane, a, m0, k_fermi, U)
energy = Const.hbar * frequency
damping_energy = Const.hbar / tau
z = energy / energy_low
z0 = energy_high / energy_low
t0 = N.sqrt(z0 ** 2 - 1.0)
# "To obtain the total absorption corresponding to the entire first zone
# we simply weight these results by the appropriate number of planes
# bounding the zone."
factor = plane.multiplicity * sigma_a * Const.value('Bohr radius') * K
b = damping_energy / energy_low
rho = ((1 + b ** 2 - z ** 2) ** 2 + (2 * b * z) ** 2) ** 0.25
phi1 = 0.5 * (0.5 * N.pi + N.arctan2(1 + b ** 2 - z ** 2, 2 * b * z))
phi2 = 0.5 * (0.5 * N.pi - N.arctan2(1 + b ** 2 - z ** 2, 2 * b * z))
realpart = (((z / rho) / (z ** 2 + b ** 2))
* horrible_function(z, b, t0, rho, phi2))
imagpart = imaginary_horrible_function(z, b, t0, rho, phi1, phi2)
return factor * (realpart - 1j * imagpart)
def drude_conductivity(frequency, sigma_dc, tau_d):
Return the ideal Drude conductivity as a function of @frequency in Hz,
given the parameters @sigma_dc, conductivity at frequency 0 in S/m, and
@tau_d, relaxation time in s.
return sigma_dc / (1 - 1j * tau_d * frequency)
def conductivity(frequency, temperature_index=None, temperature=300.0,
include_parallel_band=True, **kw):
Return the total optical conductivity, consisting of the Drude conductivity
plus the contribution from the parallel-band absorption in the {111} and
{200} planes. Also returns a tuple of the model parameters used: (a,
k_fermi, U111, U200, m0, tau_d, tau_pb, sigma_dc).
Pass @temperature_index to use fitted data from Mathewson & Myers (1972);
it corresponds to the following temperatures:
0 - 198 K
1 - 298 K
2 - 404 K
3 - 552 K
If you do not pass @temperature_index, then the function will attempt to
estimate (by interpolation or extrapolation) parameters for @temperature
(in K).
Passing @include_parallel_band = False will leave out the parallel-band
resonances, only including the Drude conductivity.
You can pass any of the parameters as keyword arguments (a, k_fermi, U111,
U200, m0, tau_d, tau_pb, sigma_dc) to override them.
if temperature_index is not None:
index = temperature_index + 1 # don't use incomplete data for 0 K
a = mm_a[index]
k_fermi = mm_k_fermi[index]
U111 = mm_U111[index]
U200 = mm_U200[index]
m0 = mm_m0[index]
tau_d = mm_tau_d[index]
tau_pb = mm_tau_pb[index]
sigma_dc = mm_sigma_dc[index]
a_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, mm_a, 2)
a = N.polyval(a_fit, temperature)
kf_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, mm_k_fermi, 2)
k_fermi = N.polyval(kf_fit, temperature)
U200_0 = 0.789 * Const.eV # mean values from Mathewson & Myers (1972)
U111_0 = 0.1965 * Const.eV
P200_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, P200, 2)
U200 = U200_0 * N.polyval(P200_fit, temperature)
P111_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, P111, 2)
U111 = U111_0 * N.polyval(P111_fit, temperature)
m0_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, mm_m0, 1)
m0 = N.polyval(m0_fit, temperature)
tau_d_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, mm_tau_d, 1)
tau_d = N.polyval(tau_d_fit, temperature)
tau_pb_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, mm_tau_pb, 1)
tau_pb = N.polyval(tau_pb_fit, temperature)
sigma_dc_fit = N.polyfit(mm_temp, mm_sigma_dc, 1)
sigma_dc = N.polyval(sigma_dc_fit, temperature)
# Override parameters with keyword arguments if given
a = kw.get('a', a) # second argument is default value
k_fermi = kw.get('k_fermi', k_fermi)
U111 = kw.get('U111', U111)
U200 = kw.get('U200', U200)
m0 = kw.get('m0', m0)
tau_d = kw.get('tau_d', tau_d)
tau_pb = kw.get('tau_pb', tau_pb)
sigma_dc = kw.get('sigma_dc', sigma_dc)
if include_parallel_band:
p200 = CrystalPlane(2, 0, 0)
p111 = CrystalPlane(1, 1, 1)
conductivity = (drude_conductivity(frequency, sigma_dc, tau_d)
+ parallel_band_conductivity(frequency, p200, a, m0, k_fermi, U200, tau_pb)
+ parallel_band_conductivity(frequency, p111, a, m0, k_fermi, U111, tau_pb))
conductivity = drude_conductivity(frequency, sigma_dc, tau_d)
return conductivity, (a, k_fermi, U111, U200, m0, tau_d, tau_pb, sigma_dc)
def epsilon_Al_temp(frequency, *args, **kw):
full_output = kw.pop('full_output', False)
sigma, parameters = conductivity(frequency, *args, **kw)
epsilon = 1 + (1j * sigma / (frequency * Const.epsilon_0))
if full_output:
return epsilon, parameters
return epsilon
import numpy as N
Crystal plane geometry, of a set of planes equal by symmetry: magnitude_factor
is the mangnitude of the lattice vector in units of 1/a, where a is the lattice
constant; multiplicity is the number of planes in the first Brillouin zone;
label is the {xyz} Miller index for the set of planes.
class CrystalPlane:
def __init__(self, x, y, z):
b1 = N.array([-1, 1, 1])
b2 = N.array([1, -1, 1])
b3 = N.array([1, 1, -1])
self.magnitude_factor = N.sqrt(((x * b1 + y * b2 + z * b3) ** 2).sum())
self.multiplicity = 48 / max([x, y, z])
self.label = '{{{}{}{}}}'.format(int(x), int(y), int(z))
if __name__ == '__main__':
p111 = CrystalPlane(1, 1, 1)
assert p111.magnitude_factor == N.sqrt(3)
assert p111.multiplicity == 48
assert p111.label == '{111}'
p200 = CrystalPlane(2, 0, 0)
assert p200.magnitude_factor == 2 * N.sqrt(3)
assert p200.multiplicity == 24
assert p200.label == '{200}'
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