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Created July 23, 2022 21:00
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# for
import torch
# setup
N, Q, R = 5, 20, 10
U = torch.randn(N, Q)
V = torch.arange(N*R).view(N, R).float()
# add -1s to U
U[torch.arange(U.size(0)), torch.randint(0, Q-R, (U.size(0),))] = -1.
# use another pass for 50% of the rows to make sure we are seeing some duplicates
idx = torch.randint(0, U.size(0), (U.size(0)//2,))
U[idx, torch.randint(0, Q-R, idx.size())] = -1.
# get min indices for U==-1. for each row
r, c = (U==-1.).nonzero(as_tuple=True)
idx = torch.zeros(N).long()
idx.scatter_reduce_(0, r, c, reduce="amin", include_self=False)
# create mask to index U
mask = torch.ones(N, R).long()
mask[:, 0] = idx
# copy V into U
U[torch.arange(U.size(0)).unsqueeze(1), mask] = V
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