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Created July 27, 2013 19:39
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Save ptrelford/6096025 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Turing drawing Cloud Tsunami script based on
module Utils =
/// Generate a random integer within [a, b]
let randomInt =
let rand = System.Random()
fun (a,b) -> a + rand.Next(b-a+1)
type Action = Left = 0 | Right = 1 | Up = 2 | Down = 3
type Program(numStates, numSymbols, mapWidth, mapHeight) =
do if numStates < 1 then invalidArg "numStates" "must have at least 1 state"
do if numSymbols < 2 then invalidArg "numSymbols" "must have at least 2 symbols"
let NUM_ACTIONS = Action.GetValues(typeof<Action>).Length
/// Transition table
let table = Array.zeroCreate (numStates * numSymbols * 3)
/// Map (2D tape)
let map = Array.zeroCreate (mapWidth * mapHeight)
let setTrans (st0, sy0, st1, sy1, ac1) =
let idx = (numStates * sy0 + st0) * 3
table.[idx+0] <- st1
table.[idx+1] <- sy1
table.[idx+2] <- ac1
// Generate random transitions
do for st = 0 to numStates-1 do
for sy = 0 to numSymbols-1 do
randomInt(0, numStates - 1),
randomInt(1, numSymbols - 1),
randomInt(0, NUM_ACTIONS - 1))
let mutable state = 0
let mutable xPos = 0
let mutable yPos = 0
let mutable itrCount = 0
let reset () =
// Start state
state <- 0
// Top-left corner
xPos <- 0;
yPos <- 0;
// Iteration count
itrCount <- 0;
// Initialize the image
Array.fill map 0 map.Length 0
// Initialize the state
do reset()
let iteration () =
let sy = map.[mapWidth * yPos + xPos]
let st = state
let idx = (numStates * sy + st) * 3
let st = table.[idx + 0]
let sy = table.[idx + 1]
let ac = table.[idx + 2]
// Update the current state
state <- st
// Write the new symbol
map.[mapWidth * yPos + xPos] <- sy
// Perform the transition action
match enum<Action>(ac) with
| Action.Left ->
xPos <- xPos + 1
if xPos >= mapWidth
then xPos <- xPos - mapWidth
| Action.Right ->
xPos <- xPos - 1
if (xPos < 0)
then xPos <- xPos + mapWidth
| Action.Up ->
yPos <- yPos - 1
if (yPos < 0)
then yPos <- yPos + mapHeight
| Action.Down ->
yPos <- yPos + 1
if yPos >= mapHeight
then yPos <- yPos - mapHeight
| _ ->
failwith (sprintf "invalid action: %d" ac)
let update (numItrs) =
for i = 0 to numItrs-1 do iteration ()
itrCount <- itrCount + numItrs
member program.Reset() = reset ()
member program.Update(n) = update n
member program.Map = map
#r "System.Windows.dll"
#r "Tsunami.IDESilverlight.dll"
#r "Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll"
#r "Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking.dll"
#r "Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll"
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Media.Imaging
open Telerik.Windows.Controls
open Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking
let dispatch f = Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(fun () -> f())
let pane content =
// Find panes group
let window = Application.Current.RootVisual :?> Tsunami.IDESilverlight.MainWindow
let grid = window.Content :?> Grid
let docking = grid.Children |> Seq.pick (function :? RadDocking as x -> Some x | _ -> None)
let container = docking.Items |> Seq.pick (function :? RadSplitContainer as x -> Some x | _ -> None)
let group = container.Items |> Seq.pick (function :? RadPaneGroup as x -> Some x | _ -> None)
// Add pane
let pane = RadPane(Header="Drawing")
// Set content
pane.Content <- content
module Color =
open System.Windows.Media
let fromRgb(r,g,b) =
Color.FromArgb(255uy, byte r, byte g, byte b)
let toInt (color:Color) =
(int color.A <<< 24) |||
(int color.R <<< 16) |||
(int color.G <<< 8) |||
int color.B
module Symbol =
///Map of symbols (numbers) to colors
let colorMap =
255,0 ,0 // Initial symbol color
0 ,0 ,0 // Black
255,255,255 // White
0 ,255,0 // Green
0, 0, 255 // Blue
0 ,255,255
255,0 ,255
|> (Color.fromRgb >> Color.toInt)
let width, height = 512, 512
type ViewControl (program:Program) as control =
inherit UserControl()
let bitmap = WriteableBitmap(width,height)
let image = Image(Source=bitmap,Stretch=Stretch.Fill,Width=float width,Height=float height)
do control.Content <- image
do async {
while true do
let pixels = bitmap.Pixels
program.Map |> Array.iteri (fun i sy -> pixels.[i] <- colorMap.[sy])
do! Async.Sleep(10)
} |> Async.StartImmediate
let drawing =
Program(numStates=4, numSymbols=3, mapWidth=width, mapHeight=height)
dispatch <| fun () -> pane (ViewControl(drawing))
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