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Last active December 21, 2015 17:29
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Save ptrelford/6340868 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ball collision detection script runs in Tsunami Cloud IDE
/// Processing style vector type
/// See
type PVector(x:float,y:float) =
new(x:int,y:int) = PVector(float x,float y)
member val X = x with get,set
member val Y = y with get,set
member vector.Mag() : float =
sqrt(x * x + y * y)
member vector.Normalize() : unit =
let length = vector.Mag()
vector.X <- vector.X / length
vector.Y <- vector.Y / length
member vector.Mult(n:float) : unit =
vector.X <- vector.X * n
vector.Y <- vector.Y * n
member this.Dot(that:PVector) : float =
this.X * that.X + this.Y * that.Y
static member Sub(lhs:PVector,rhs:PVector) : PVector =
PVector(lhs.X - rhs.X, lhs.Y - rhs.Y)
static member Mult(vector:PVector, n:float) : PVector =
PVector(vector.X * n, vector.Y * n)
module PVector =
let componentVector(vector:PVector, direction:PVector) =
let v = PVector(direction.X, direction.Y)
let resolveFixedCollision(vector:PVector, direction:PVector) =
let c = PVector.Mult(componentVector(vector, direction), 2.0)
let v = PVector.Sub(vector, c)
vector.X <- v.X
vector.Y <- v.Y
type Ball (width:float, height:float) =
let random =
let generator = new System.Random()
fun (from, until) -> generator.Next(until-from) + from
let radius = 6.0
let gravity = 0.1
let position = PVector(width / 2.0, 20.0)
let velocity = PVector(random(-2,2), random(1,2))
* this function takes 3 parameters, and uses the below other 2 functions
* 1st position vector
* 2nd vector starting point
* 3rd vector slope
let circleWallCollision(position:PVector, wallStartPoint:PVector, wall:PVector) =
let mutable collided = false
// variables to check if position vector is inside slope bounds
let d1x = position.X - wallStartPoint.X
let d1y = position.Y - wallStartPoint.Y
let d2x = position.X - (wallStartPoint.X + wall.X)
let d2y = position.Y - (wallStartPoint.Y + wall.Y)
// check if the position of the ball is inside the boundaries of the wall (slope)
// if so do the collision stuff
if sqrt(d1x * d1x + d1y * d1y) < wall.Mag() &&
sqrt(d2x * d2x + d2y * d2y) < wall.Mag()
let wallNormal = PVector(-wall.Y, wall.X)
// penetration factor
let a = PVector.Sub(wallStartPoint, position).Dot(wallNormal)
// check for collision
if abs(a) < radius then
resolveFixedCollision(velocity, wallNormal)
collided <- true
let checkStageBounds () =
let mutable collided = false
if position.X + radius > float width then
position.X <- float width - radius
velocity.X <- velocity.X * -1.0
collided <- true
elif position.X - radius < 0.0 then
position.X <- radius
velocity.X <- velocity.X * -1.0
collided <- true
if position.Y + radius > float height then
position.Y <- float height - radius
velocity.Y <- velocity.Y * -1.0
collided <- true
elif position.Y - radius < 0.0 then
position.Y <- radius
velocity.Y <- velocity.Y * -1.0
collided <- true
member ball.Radius = radius
member ball.Update (walls:(float * float * float * float)[]) =
velocity.Y <- velocity.Y + gravity
position.X <- position.X + velocity.X
position.Y <- position.Y + velocity.Y
let hitWall =
walls |> Seq.exists (fun (x1,y1,x2,y2) ->
let slope = PVector(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
circleWallCollision(position, PVector(x1,y1), slope);
let hitBorder = checkStageBounds ()
hitBorder, hitWall, position.X, position.Y
#r "System.Windows.dll"
module Utils =
open System
open System.Windows.Controls
let synchronize f =
let ctx = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
f (fun g arg ->
let nctx = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current
if ctx <> null && ctx <> nctx then ctx.Post((fun _ -> g(arg)), null)
else g(arg) )
type Microsoft.FSharp.Control.Async with
static member AwaitObservable(ev1:IObservable<'a>) =
synchronize (fun f ->
Async.FromContinuations((fun (cont,econt,ccont) ->
let rec callback = (fun value ->
f cont value )
and remover : IDisposable = ev1.Subscribe(callback)
() )))
static member AwaitObservable(ev1:IObservable<'a>, ev2:IObservable<'b>) =
synchronize (fun f ->
Async.FromContinuations((fun (cont,econt,ccont) ->
let rec callback1 = (fun value ->
f cont (Choice1Of2(value)) )
and callback2 = (fun value ->
f cont (Choice2Of2(value)) )
and remover1 : IDisposable = ev1.Subscribe(callback1)
and remover2 : IDisposable = ev2.Subscribe(callback2)
() )))
module Rendering =
open System
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Media
let run (control:Control) rate update =
let rate = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(rate)
let focus = ref true
let pause = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)
let lastUpdate = ref (DateTime.Now + pause)
let residual = ref (TimeSpan.Zero)
let gotFocus _ =
focus := true
let pause = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)
lastUpdate := DateTime.Now + pause
residual := TimeSpan.Zero
let lostFocus _ =
focus := false
let subscriptions = [
CompositionTarget.Rendering.Subscribe (fun _ ->
let now = DateTime.Now
if now >= !lastUpdate then
residual := !residual + (now - !lastUpdate)
if !focus then
while !residual > rate do
update(); residual := !residual - rate
lastUpdate := now
{ new IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
subscriptions |> List.iter (fun d -> d.Dispose())
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Media
type Viewport(width, height) as control =
inherit UserControl()
let grid = Grid(Background = SolidColorBrush Colors.Gray)
let canvas = Canvas(Background = SolidColorBrush Colors.Black)
do canvas.Width <- width; canvas.Height <- height
let clip = RectangleGeometry(Rect=Rect(Width=canvas.Width,Height=canvas.Height))
do canvas.Clip <- clip
let transform =
do canvas.RenderTransform <- transform
do grid.Children.Add(canvas) |> ignore
do control.Content <- grid
member control.Canvas = canvas
member control.Border
with get () = grid.Background
and set brush = grid.Background <- brush
member control.AddText(text) =
let message =
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
Foreground = SolidColorBrush Colors.White,
FontSize = 16.0)
{ new IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() = grid.Children.Remove(message) |> ignore
override control.MeasureOverride(size) =
let mutable scale = 1.0
while (width * scale) < size.Width &&
(height * scale) < size.Height do
scale <- scale + 0.5
let scale = scale - 0.5
let scale = if scale < 1.0 then 1.0 else scale
if transform.ScaleX <> scale then
transform.ScaleX <- scale
transform.ScaleY <- scale
#r "Microsoft.Xna.Framework.dll"
module Sound =
open System
open Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio
let sampleRate = 44100
let sample x = x * 32767. |> int16
let sampleLength duration = duration * float sampleRate |> int
let pi = Math.PI
let sineWave freq i =
sin (pi * 2. * float i / float sampleRate * freq)
let fadeOut duration i =
let sampleLength = sampleLength duration
float (sampleLength - i) / float sampleLength
let tremolo freq depth i = (1.0 - depth) + depth * (sineWave freq i) ** 2.0
let toBytes (xs:int16[]) =
let bytes = Array.CreateInstance(typeof<byte>, 2 * xs.Length)
Buffer.BlockCopy(xs, 0, bytes, 0, 2 * xs.Length)
bytes :?> byte[]
let createSample f duration =
let sampleLength = duration * float sampleRate |> int
Array.init sampleLength (f >> min 1.0 >> max -1.0 >> sample)
let createEffect shape duration =
let sample = createSample shape duration |> toBytes
let blank = Array.create sampleRate 0uy // fix sound clicking
let bytes = Array.append sample blank
new SoundEffect(bytes, sampleRate, AudioChannels.Mono)
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Shapes
open Rendering
open Sound
open Utils
module Constants =
let width, height = 400.0, 600.0
type GameControl () as control =
inherit Viewport(width, height, IsTabStop=true)
let ball = Ball(width, height)
let ballEllipse = Ellipse(Width=ball.Radius*2.0,Height=ball.Radius*2.0)
do ballEllipse.Visibility <- Visibility.Collapsed
do ballEllipse.Fill <- SolidColorBrush Colors.Yellow
do control.Canvas.Children.Add(ballEllipse)
let rand = Random()
let mutable lines : Line list = []
let shape freq duration i =
sineWave freq i * fadeOut duration i * tremolo 500. 0.5 i
let duration = 0.5
let effects =
233.08 // A#
277.18 // C#
311.13 // D#
369.99 // F#
415.30 // G#
|> (fun tone -> shape tone duration)
|> (fun shape -> createEffect shape duration)
let update () =
ballEllipse.Visibility <- Visibility.Visible
let walls = [|for line in lines -> line.X1, line.Y1, line.X2, line.Y2|]
let hitBorder, hitWall, x, y = ball.Update walls
Canvas.SetLeft(ballEllipse, x - ball.Radius)
Canvas.SetTop(ballEllipse, y - ball.Radius)
control.Border <-
SolidColorBrush(if hitBorder then Colors.Gray else Colors.Black)
if hitWall then
let fx = effects.[rand.Next(effects.Length)].CreateInstance()
let transparentGray =
SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128uy, 164uy, 164uy, 164uy))
let createLine (x,y) =
let line = Line(X1=x, Y1=y, X2=x, Y2=y)
line.Stroke <- transparentGray
line.StrokeThickness <- 2.0
let circleRadius = 4.0
let mutable circles = []
let createCircle (x,y) color =
let diameter = circleRadius * 2.0
let ellipse = Ellipse(Width=diameter,Height=diameter)
ellipse.Stroke <- SolidColorBrush color
Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, x - circleRadius)
Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, y - circleRadius)
let addCircle line f (x,y) color =
let ellipse = createCircle (x,y) color
circles <- (line, ellipse, f) :: circles
let findCircle (x,y) =
circles |> List.tryFind (fun (line, ellipse, (g,s)) ->
let x',y' = g()
let d = sqrt ((x-x')*(x-x') + (y-y')*(y-y'))
d < circleRadius
let getPosition (args:#MouseEventArgs) =
let position = args.GetPosition(control.Canvas)
position.X, position.Y
let rec waiting() = async {
let! md = Async.AwaitObservable(control.MouseLeftButtonDown)
let x,y = getPosition md
match findCircle(x,y) with
| Some(line:Line, ellipse, (g,s)) ->
line.Stroke <- transparentGray
do! drawing(line, ellipse, s)
| None ->
let line = createLine(x,y)
lines <- line :: lines
let get1 () = line.X1, line.Y1
let set1 (x,y) = line.X1 <- x; line.Y1 <- y
let _ = addCircle line (get1,set1) (x,y) Colors.Red
let get2 () = line.X2, line.Y2
let set2 (x,y) = line.X2 <- x; line.Y2 <- y
let ellipse = addCircle line (get2,set2) (x,y) Colors.Cyan
do! drawing(line, ellipse, set2)
and drawing(line:Line, ellipse:Ellipse, f) = async {
let! evt = Async.AwaitObservable(control.MouseLeftButtonUp, control.MouseMove)
match evt with
| Choice1Of2(up) ->
line.Stroke <- SolidColorBrush(Colors.White)
do! waiting()
| Choice2Of2(move) ->
let x,y = getPosition move
f (x,y)
Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse, x - 4.0)
Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, y - 4.0)
do! drawing(line, ellipse, f) }
do waiting() |> Async.StartImmediate
let start () = async { run control (1.0/60.0) update |> ignore }
do control.Loaded.Subscribe(fun _ ->
if Application.Current.IsRunningOutOfBrowser then start() |> Async.StartImmediate
let handle = control.AddText "Click To Start"
async {
do! control.MouseLeftButtonDown |> Async.AwaitEvent |> Async.Ignore
do! start ()
} |> Async.StartImmediate
) |> ignore
#r "Tsunami.IDESilverlight.dll"
#r "Telerik.Windows.Controls.dll"
#r "Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking.dll"
#r "Telerik.Windows.Controls.Navigation.dll"
open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Media
open System.Windows.Media.Imaging
open Telerik.Windows.Controls
open Telerik.Windows.Controls.Docking
let dispatch f = Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(fun () -> f())
let pane content =
// Find panes group
let window = Application.Current.RootVisual :?> Tsunami.IDESilverlight.MainWindow
let grid = window.Content :?> Grid
let docking = grid.Children |> Seq.pick (function :? RadDocking as x -> Some x | _ -> None)
let container = docking.Items |> Seq.pick (function :? RadSplitContainer as x -> Some x | _ -> None)
let group = container.Items |> Seq.pick (function :? RadPaneGroup as x -> Some x | _ -> None)
// Add pane
let pane = RadPane(Header="Drawing")
// Set content
pane.Content <- content
dispatch <| fun () -> pane (GameControl())
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