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Last active May 7, 2018 14:05
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JSON Parser
type json =
| Number of float
| String of string
| Boolean of bool
| Array of json list
| Object of (string * json) list
| Null
static member (?) (this,name:string) =
match this with
| Object xs -> xs |> List.find (fst >> (=) name) |> snd
| _ -> invalidOp "Expecting object"
member this.Item(n:int) =
match this with
| Array xs -> xs.[n]
| _ -> invalidOp "Expecting array"
let parse (s:string) =
let index = ref 0
let numIntroChars = "-0123456789."
let numChars = "-0123456789.eE"
let len = s.Length
let inline error s =
invalidOp s
let skipWhiteSpace () =
while !index < len && System.Char.IsWhiteSpace(s.[!index]) do incr index
let rec parseValue () =
skipWhiteSpace ()
if !index < len then
let c = s.[!index]
if c = '[' then parseArray ()
elif c = '{' then parseObject ()
elif c = '"' then parseString ()
elif numIntroChars.IndexOf(c) <> -1 then parseNumber ()
elif c = 't' then parseLiteral("true",Boolean true)
elif c = 'f' then parseLiteral("false",Boolean false)
elif c = 'n' then parseLiteral("null",Null)
elif c = 'N' then parseLiteral("NaN",Number nan)
else error (sprintf "Unexpected tokens %s" (s.Substring(!index)))
else Null
and parseLiteral (text,value) =
if s.Substring(!index, text.Length) = text
index := !index + text.Length
else error "Invalid token"
and parseObject () =
incr index
skipWhiteSpace ()
if s.[!index] = '}' then Object []
let pairs = parsePairs ()
if s.[!index] <> '}' then error "Expecting , or }"
incr index
Object pairs
and parsePairs () =
let name =
match parseValue () with
| String s -> s
| _ -> error "Expecting property name"
skipWhiteSpace ()
if s.[!index] <> ':' then error "Expecting :"
incr index
let value = parseValue ()
let pair = (name,value)
skipWhiteSpace ()
if s.[!index] = ',' then
incr index
skipWhiteSpace ()
pair::parsePairs ()
else [pair]
and parseArray () =
incr index
skipWhiteSpace ()
if s.[!index] = ']' then incr index; Array []
let xs = parseValues ()
if s.[!index] <> ']' then error "Expecting , or ]"
incr index
json.Array xs
and parseValues () =
let x = parseValue ()
skipWhiteSpace ()
if s.[!index] = ',' then
incr index
skipWhiteSpace ()
x::parseValues ()
else [x]
and parseString () =
incr index
let startIndex = !index
let mutable c = ' '
let mutable isEscaped = false
while (c <- s.[!index]; c <> '\"') do
if c = '\\' then isEscaped <- true; incr index
incr index
let text = s.Substring(startIndex, !index-startIndex)
if !index < len then incr index
if isEscaped then json.String (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape text)
else json.String text
and parseNumber () =
let startIndex = !index
while !index < len && numChars.IndexOf(s.[!index]) <> -1 do incr index
let n = System.Double.Parse(s.Substring(startIndex, !index-startIndex))
Number n
let value = parseValue ()
skipWhiteSpace ()
if !index < len then error (sprintf "Unexpected tokens %s" (s.Substring(!index)))
let empty = parse ""
let o = parse """{"a":1}"""
let eo = parse """{"a":1,"bb":2}"""
let bb = eo?bb
let ar = parse """ [ 1, [-1,2.3], "abc" ] """
let n = ar.[1].[1]
let ear = parse "[1,2,3]"
let num = parse " 1.0"
let text = parse "\"a\""
let b = parse "false"
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