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ptrv / processing-mode.el
Created November 18, 2012 23:57 — forked from discolingua/processing-mode.el
Processing-mode for emacs and Processing 2.0
;; processing-mode.el
;; language based on Java mode. Adds keyword
;; highlighting for all recognized Processing language functions.
;; Allows compilation of buffers and "sketches" from within Emacs but
;; only for more recent versions of Processing.
;; Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Rudolf Olah <>
;; Modified for Processing 2.0 by Bunny Blake <>
ptrv /
Created March 31, 2012 23:42 — forked from miku/
Worldclock for bash.
worldclock() {
ADDIS_ABABA=`TZ=Africa/Addis_Ababa date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
BERLIN=`TZ=Europe/Berlin date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
CHICAGO=`TZ=America/Chicago date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
HONK_KONG=`TZ=Asia/Hong_Kong date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
LONDON=`TZ=Europe/London date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
LOS_ANGELES=`TZ=America/Los_Angeles date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
MOSCOW=`TZ=Europe/Moscow date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
NEW_YORK=`TZ=America/New_York date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
SOFIA=`TZ=Europe/Sofia date +"%a %d/%m/%Y %T (%z %Z)"`
ptrv /
Created February 26, 2012 01:17 — forked from nicoulaj/
Build Zsh from sources on Ubuntu
# Build Zsh from sources on Ubuntu.
# From and sources INSTALL file.
# Some packages may be missing
sudo apt-get install -y git-core gcc make autoconf yodl libncursesw5-dev texinfo
git clone git://
cd zsh
ptrv /
Created July 7, 2011 23:01 — forked from nicoulaj/
Build Zsh from sources on Ubuntu
# Build Zsh from sources on Ubuntu.
# From and sources INSTALL file.
# Some packages may be missing
sudo apt-get install -y git-core gcc make autoconf yodl libncursesw5-dev texinfo
git clone git://
cd zsh