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Created November 6, 2019 12:03
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IgniteAsyncStreamExtensions with System.Threading.Channels
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache;
using Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Event;
using Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.Continuous;
namespace IgniteAsyncStreams
public static class IgniteAsyncStreamExtensions
public static async IAsyncEnumerable<ICacheEntry<TK, TV>> QueryContinuousAsync<TK, TV>(
this ICache<TK, TV> cache)
var queryListener = new AsyncContinuousQueryListener<TK, TV>();
var continuousQuery = new ContinuousQuery<TK, TV>(queryListener);
var handle = cache.QueryContinuous(continuousQuery);
while (true)
while (queryListener.Events.TryDequeue(out var entryEvent))
yield return entryEvent;
await queryListener.HasData.WaitAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Infinite loop exited");
public static async IAsyncEnumerable<ICacheEntry<TK, TV>> QueryContinuousAsync2<TK, TV>(
this ICache<TK, TV> cache)
var queryListener = new AsyncContinuousQueryChannelListener<TK, TV>();
var continuousQuery = new ContinuousQuery<TK, TV>(queryListener);
using (cache.QueryContinuous(continuousQuery))
while (true)
yield return await queryListener.Reader.ReadAsync();
private class AsyncContinuousQueryListener<TK, TV> : ICacheEntryEventListener<TK, TV>
public readonly SemaphoreSlim HasData = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
public readonly ConcurrentQueue<ICacheEntryEvent<TK, TV>> Events
= new ConcurrentQueue<ICacheEntryEvent<TK, TV>>();
public void OnEvent(IEnumerable<ICacheEntryEvent<TK, TV>> events)
foreach (var entryEvent in events)
Console.WriteLine("Received entry: " + entryEvent.Value);
public class AsyncContinuousQueryChannelListener<TK, TV> : ICacheEntryEventListener<TK, TV>
private readonly Channel<ICacheEntryEvent<TK, TV>> _channel =
Channel.CreateUnbounded<ICacheEntryEvent<TK, TV>>();
public ChannelReader<ICacheEntryEvent<TK, TV>> Reader => _channel.Reader;
public void OnEvent(IEnumerable<ICacheEntryEvent<TK, TV>> evts)
foreach (var evt in evts)
var res = _channel.Writer.TryWrite(evt);
if (!res)
throw new Exception("Failed to write to channel");
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