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Pavel Tyshevskyi ptyshevs

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def fitness_similarity(X):
""" Maximize adv_target probability while MSE from adv_sample """
y = model.predict(pt.Tensor(X).unsqueeze(1)).detach().numpy()
y_target = y[:, adv_target]
mse = np.sqrt(np.power(X - adv_sample, 2).mean(axis=1).mean(axis=1))
return y_target - mse
def fitness_class_probability_empty(X):
""" Maximize probability of adversarial target class, penalizing mean pixel intensity """
y = model.predict(pt.Tensor(X).unsqueeze(1)).detach().numpy()
y_target = y[:, adv_target]
X_mean = X.mean(axis=1).mean(axis=1)
return y_target - X_mean
def fitness_class_probability(X):
""" Maximize probability of adversarial target class """
y = model.predict(pt.Tensor(X).unsqueeze(1)).detach().numpy()
y_target = y[:, adv_target]
return y_target
import torch as pt
class CNN(pt.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.model = pt.nn.Sequential(
pt.nn.Conv2d(1, 30, 3),
pt.nn.Conv2d(30, 30, 3),
Generation #: best score
Generation 50 : 0.93
Generation 100 : 0.9375
Generation 150 : 0.9375
Generation 200 : 0.9375
Generation 250 : 0.94
Generation 300 : 0.945
Generation 350 : 0.945
Generation 400 : 0.95
Generation 450 : 0.95
def solve(target, delta, population_size=200, n_generations=300):
:param target: 20x20 array that represents field in stopping condition
:param delta: number of steps to revert
:param n_generations: number of evolution generations. Overrides initialization value if specified
:return: 20x20 array that represents the best start field found and associated fitness value
population = generate_population(population_size)
for generation in range(n_generations):
population = evolve(population, target, delta)
def evolve(population, target, delta, retain_frac=0.8, retain_random=0.05, mutate_chance=0.05):
Evolution step
:param population: list or candidate solutions
:param target: 20x20 array that represents field in stopping condition
:param delta: number of steps to revert
:param retain_frac: percent of top individuals to proceed into the next genetation
:param retain_random: chance of retaining sub-optimal individual
:param mutate_chance: chance of mutating the particular individual
:return: new generation of the same size
def crossover(mom, dad):
""" Take two parents, return two children, interchanging half of the allels of each parent randomly """
select_mask = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, size=(20, 20)).astype('bool')
child1, child2 = np.copy(mom), np.copy(dad)
child1[select_mask] = dad[select_mask]
child2[select_mask] = mom[select_mask]
return child1, child2
def mutate(field, switch_frac=0.1):
""" Inplace mutation of the provided field """
a = np.random.binomial(1, switch_frac, size=(20, 20)).astype('bool')
field[a] += 1
field[a] %= 2
return field
def selection(population, scores, retain_frac=0.8, retain_random=0.05):
Apply selection operator to the population
:param population: list of candidate solutions
:param scores: list of score associated with each individual
:param retain_frac: percent of top individuals to retain
:param retain_random: chance of retaining sub-optimal individuals in the population
retain_len = int(len(scores) * retain_frac)
sorted_indices = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]