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Created October 4, 2011 20:36
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Proposed data model changes in OpenSpending 0.11

We've decided to move OpenSpending away from MongoDB in 0.11 and to move back to a relational database backend, presumably supporting both SQLite and PostgreSQL.

The following feature requests and reasons are behind this decision:

  • Better performance for in-DB aggregation queries and quasi-random aggregations, better analytics.
  • Ease of use and deployment of OpenSpending-the-software (as opposed to the platform).
  • Isolation of datasets in database. This is a major move that could be done in MongoDB as well but easily falls out of the larger migration.
  • Support for multiple measures - also easier to implement in a metadata-heavy mode of operation.

General Changes

The following fundamental aspects of the system will be changed:

  • Queries will always go across several tables and generated from model metadata. This is unlike the old systems where queries mostly ran against the entries collection and all collection names were known.
  • Each classifier taxonomy will have its own table constructed with whatever attributes (fields) apply to the dimensions in that taxonomy.
  • There will be a table of datasets which is independent from any specific dataset and can be in a separate database. This is where the model will be stored.


These examples assume that a normal model file has been submitted and saved to the dataset table in the database, partially as columns on that table and in JSON serialized form.

Each dataset will have a fact table with at least these attributes:

        id INTEGER NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (id)

This is equivalent to the entries collection in which each document used to have at least the following attributes:

_id, entities, classifiers, dataset, _csv_import_fp, time,
provenance, currency

Where entities and classifiers are lists of ObjectIDs, dataset is a denormalized copy of most of the dataset record and provenance is a nested hash of several pieces of loading information that will have to be reproduced in the relational model in some form.

The first type of field to add to our schema will be a measure:

"mapping": {
  "amount": {
    "type": "measure",
    "label": "The full sum",
    "datatype": "decimal",
    "column": "amount"

In MongoDB, this would have added a simple float entry to the entries collection. The SQL representation is similarly simple:


A dataset can also have simple attribute dimensions which are very similar to measures:

"mapping": {
  "transaction_id": {
    "type": "value",
    "label": "Transaction ID",
    "datatype": "string",
    "column": "tx"

Which will yield:

ALTER TABLE entry ADD COLUMN transaction_id TEXT;

As well as these simple dimensions, OpenSpending also used to support to alternative types of composite (i.e. multi-attribute dimensions): classifiers and entities. This separation will be removed in the new data model, turning entities into special cases of classifiers. A typical classifier might look something like this:

"mapping": {
  "cofog1": {
    "type": "classifer",
    "taxonomy": "cofog",
    "label": "COFOG Level 1",
    "fields": [
      {"name": "name", "column": "cofog1_id", "datatype": "id"},
      {"name": "label", "column": "cofog1_label",
                                      "datatype": "string"},
      {"name": "color", "column": "cofog1_color",
                                      "datatype": "string"}

Having a classifier on a MongoDB dataset used to have the following consequences:

  • A new entry was added to the classifier collection for each distinct combination of (taxonomy, name) with each of the fields set to its source data value and the taxonomy field added from metadata.
  • A denormalized copy of this classifier object was copied onto each entry classified with the classifier at the dimension name key.

Instead of this duplication, the SQL version will yield the following relational schema:

        id INTEGER NOT NULL,
  label TEXT,
  color TEXT,
        PRIMARY KEY (id)

Note that since the taxonomy name is used as a table name, model metadata will be required to construct queries against this schema. As the dimension name is used for the foreign key on entry, multiple dimensions of a dataset can point at the same taxonomy.

Entities will be handled as classifiers with the taxonomy set to entity (and thus in the table entity).

To further illustrate this, here is a query to generate a full view of the entries in a test dataset (see spendb unit tests) with all dimensions joined to the facts table:

SELECT AS function_id, AS function_name,
       function.label AS function_label, entry.field AS entry_field,
       "to".id AS to_id, "to".name AS to_name, "to".label AS to_label,
       "to".const AS to_const, entry.time AS entry_time,
       entry.amount AS entry_amount
FROM test_entry AS entry
  JOIN test_funny AS function ON = entry.function_id
  JOIN test_entity AS "to" ON "to".id = entry.to_id

Note that the tables in this example have been prefixed with the dataset name. In PostgreSQL, schemata can be used instead.

Further, this is an aggregation query that generates output to satify the simple cubes API used by all visualizations running on OpenSpending:

SELECT sum(entry.amount) AS amount, count( AS entries, AS function_id, AS function_name,
       function.label AS function_label, entry.field AS entry_field
FROM test_entry AS entry
  JOIN test_funny AS function ON = entry.function_id
GROUP BY, entry.field
ORDER BY amount desc

This might have to be INSERTED into a cache table without filters applied in order to accelerate drilldowns over very large datasets (or memoized in the application).

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