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Created October 8, 2011 20:41
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from openspending.model import meta as db
from openspending.model.attribute import Attribute
from openspending.model.common import TableHandler
class Dimension(object):
""" A base class for dimensions. """
def __init__(self, dataset, name, data):
self._data = data
self.dataset = dataset = name
self.label = data.get('label', name)
self.type = data.get('type', name)
self.description = data.get('description', name)
self.facet = data.get('facet')
def join(self, from_clause):
""" Return the object to be joined in when this dimension
is part of a query. """
return from_clause
def flush(self, bind):
""" Only applies to dimensions with their own table. """
def drop(self, bind):
""" Only applies to dimensions with their own table. """
del self.column
def __getitem__(self, name):
""" Only applies to dimensions with their own attributes.
raise KeyError()
def __repr__(self):
return "<Dimension(%s)>" %
def as_dict(self):
# FIXME: legacy support
d = self._data.copy()
d['key'] =
return d
class AttributeDimension(Dimension, Attribute):
""" A simple dimension that does not create its own values table
but keeps its values directly as columns on the facts table.
def __init__(self, dataset, name, data):
Attribute.__init__(self, dataset, data)
Dimension.__init__(self, dataset, name, data)
def __repr__(self):
return "<AttributeDimension(%s)>" %
class Measure(Attribute):
""" A value on the facts table that can be subject to aggregation,
and is specific to this one fact. """
def __init__(self, dataset, name, data):
Attribute.__init__(self, dataset, data) = name
self.label = data.get('label', name)
def __getitem__(self, name):
raise KeyError()
def join(self, from_clause):
""" Return the object to be joined in when this dimension
is part of a query. """
return from_clause
def __repr__(self):
return "<Metric(%s)>" %
class CompoundDimension(Dimension, TableHandler):
""" A compound dimension is an outer table on the star schema, i.e. an
associated table that is referenced from the fact table. It can have
any number of attributes but in the case of OpenSpending it will not
have sub-dimensions (i.e. snowflake schema).
def __init__(self, dataset, name, data):
Dimension.__init__(self, dataset, name, data)
self.taxonomy = data.get('taxonomy', 'entity')
self.attributes = []
names = []
for attr in data.get('attributes', data.get('fields', [])):
self.attributes.append(Attribute(self, attr))
if not 'name' in names:
{'name': 'name', 'datatype': 'id'}))
def join(self, from_clause):
""" This will return a query fragment that can be used to establish
a join between the scheme table and the dimension, aliased to
represent this dimension (i.e. there can be multiple joins to the
same table from different dimensions).
return from_clause.join(self.alias,
def flush(self, bind):
def drop(self, bind):
del self.column
def column_alias(self):
""" This an aliased pointer to the FK column on the fact table. """
return self.dataset.alias.c[]
def selectable(self):
return self.alias
def __getitem__(self, name):
for attr in self.attributes:
if == name:
return attr
raise KeyError()
def generate(self, meta, entry_table):
""" Create the table and column associated with this dimension
if it does not already exist and propagate this call to the
associated attributes.
self._ensure_table(meta, + '_' + self.taxonomy)
for attr in self.attributes:
attr.generate(meta, self.table)
fk = + '_id'
if not fk in entry_table.c:
self.column = db.Column( + '_id', db.Integer, index=True)
self.column.create(entry_table, + '_id_index')
self.column = entry_table.c[fk]
self.alias = self.table.alias(
def load(self, bind, row):
""" Load a row of data into this dimension by having the attributes
perform type casting and then upserting the values.
dim = dict()
for attr in self.attributes:
attr_data = row[]
dim.update(attr.load(bind, attr_data))
pk = self._upsert(bind, dim, ['name'])
return { pk}
def members(self, conditions="1=1", limit=0, offset=0):
query =[self.alias], conditions,
limit=limit, offset=offset)
rp = self.dataset.bind.execute(query)
while True:
row = rp.fetchone()
if row is None:
member = dict(row.items())
member['taxonomy'] = self.taxonomy
yield member
def __repr__(self):
return "<CompoundDimension(%s/%s:%s)>" % (self.taxonomy,,
class DateDimension(CompoundDimension):
{'name': 'name', 'datatype': 'string'},
{'name': 'year', 'datatype': 'string'},
{'name': 'quarter', 'datatype': 'string'},
{'name': 'month', 'datatype': 'string'},
{'name': 'week', 'datatype': 'string'},
{'name': 'day', 'datatype': 'string'},
# legacy query support:
{'name': 'yearmonth', 'datatype': 'string'},
def __init__(self, dataset, name, data):
Dimension.__init__(self, dataset, name, data)
self.taxonomy = 'date'
self.attributes = []
for attr in self.DATE_FIELDS:
self.attributes.append(Attribute(self, attr))
def load(self, bind, value):
data = {
'name': value.isoformat(),
'label': value.strftime("%d. %B %Y"),
'year': value.strftime('%Y'),
'quarter': str(value.month / 4),
'month': value.strftime('%m'),
'week': value.strftime('%W'),
'day': value.strftime('%d'),
'yearmonth': value.strftime('%Y%m')
return super(DateDimension, self).load(bind, data)
def __repr__(self):
return "<DateDimension(%s/%s:%s)>" % (, self.attributes)
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