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Last active May 6, 2018 07:53
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import { buffers, channel } from "redux-saga";
import { all, call, fork, put, take } from "redux-saga/effects";
* creates a queue
* @param {GeneratorFunction} [handler] request handler
* @param {number} [workersCount=1] number of workers
function* createConcurrentTaskQueue(handler, workersCount = 1) {
// a channel to queue incoming action
const queueChannel = yield call(channel, buffers.expanding());
function* watcher() {
// a channel to queue incoming tasks
const workersChannel = yield call(channel, buffers.expanding());
// create n worker 'threads'
yield all(Array(workersCount).fill(fork(worker, workersChannel)));
// wait for a tasks
while (true) {
// incoming task
const { payload } = yield take(queueChannel);
// assign the task to one of the workers
yield put(workersChannel, payload);
// a single worker
function* worker(chan) {
while (true) {
// incoming task
const payload = yield take(chan);
// handle it with the given handler arg
yield handler(payload);
return {
export default createConcurrentTaskQueue;
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