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from conans import ConanFile, tools
from conans.model import Generator
import os
import re
from pyvenv import venv
class PyvenvConanFile(ConanFile):
name = "pyvenv"
version = "0.3.1"
description = "Generates Python venv based on Python hosting Conan"
exports = ['']
no_copy_source = True
def package_info(self):
class pyvenv(Generator):
def filename(self):
def content(self):
pip_requirements = []
for dep_name, user_info in self.conanfile.deps_user_info.items():
if 'pyvenv_pip_requirements' in user_info.vars:
pip_requirements.append(os.path.join(self.conanfile.deps_cpp_info[dep_name].rootpath, user_info.pyvenv_pip_requirements))
output_pyvenv = venv(self.conanfile)
# clear=True because Conan generators typically overwrite the contents completely
# in order to remove any trace of previously installed packages, files, etc.
output_pyvenv.create(os.path.join(self.output_path, "pyvenv"), clear=True)
if pip_requirements:[output_pyvenv.pip, 'install', *(arg for requirements in pip_requirements for arg in ('-r',requirements))]))
def import_executable(name, **properties):
if not 'IMPORTED_LOCATION' in properties:
path = output_pyvenv.which(name, required=True)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
self.conanfile.output.warn("pyvenv(Generator): FileNotFoundError: {e} (omitted pyvenv::{name} from pyvenv-config.cmake)".format(name=name,e=e))
return ""
properties['IMPORTED_LOCATION'] = cmake_path(path)
cmake_properties = [" %s %s" % (cmake_escape(prop_name), cmake_quoted(prop_val))
for prop_name, prop_val in properties.items() if not prop_val is None]
return """
IF(NOT TARGET pyvenv::{name})
add_executable(pyvenv::{name} IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(pyvenv::{name} PROPERTIES
""".format(name=name, properties='\n'.join(cmake_properties))
pyvenv_config = """ # Creates python3 venv imported target
# uses same version of Python as Conan client
pyvenv_config += import_executable('python', IMPORTED_LOCATION=cmake_path(output_pyvenv.python))
entry_points = output_pyvenv.entry_points()
for name in entry_points.get('console_scripts',[]):
pyvenv_config += import_executable(name)
for name in entry_points.get('gui_scripts',[]):
pyvenv_config += import_executable(name, WIN32_EXECUTABLE='ON')
return { "pyvenv/cmake/pyvenv-config.cmake": pyvenv_config }
# and
escape_encoded = { '\t': r'\t', '\r': r'\r', '\n':r'\n' }
escape_identity = re.compile('[^A-Za-z0-9_;]')
# See
def cmake_quoted(string):
def quoted_element(c):
if c in ('\\', '"'):
return '\\' + c
if c in escape_encoded: #cosmetic, but I prefer escaping these, and it's allowed
return escape_encoded[c]
return c
return '"' + ''.join(quoted_element(c) for c in string) + '"'
def cmake_escape(string):
def escape_character(c):
if c in escape_encoded:
return escape_encoded[c]
elif escape_identity.match(c):
return '\\' + c
return c
return ''.join(escape_character(c) for c in string)
# as in FILE(TO_CMAKE_PATH ...)
def cmake_path(path):
path = ';'.join(path.split(os.pathsep))
return path.replace(os.path.sep,'/')
from conans import tools
import os
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
import pathlib
import operator
import itertools
# mostly like shutil.which, but allows searching for alternate filenames,
# and never falls back to %PATH% or curdir
def _which(files, paths, access=os.F_OK | os.X_OK):
if isinstance(files,str): files = [files]
if sys.platform == "win32":
pathext = os.environ.get("PATHEXT", "").split(os.pathsep)
def expand_pathext(cmd):
if any(cmd.lower().endswith(ext.lower()) for ext in pathext):
yield cmd # already has an extension, so check only that one
yield from (cmd + ext for ext in pathext) # check all possibilities
files = [x for cmd in files for x in expand_pathext(cmd)]
# Windows filesystems are (usually) case-insensitive, so match might be spelled differently than the searched name
# And in particular, the extensions from PATHEXT are usually uppercase, and yet the real file seldom is.
# Using pathlib.resolve() for now because os.path.realpath() was a no-op on win32
# until nt symlink support landed in python 3.9 (based on GetFinalPathNameByHandleW)
# realname() canonicalizes *only* the searched-for filename, but keeps the caller-provided path verbatim:
# they might have been short paths, or via some symlink, and that's fine
def realname(file):
path = pathlib.Path(file)
realname = path.resolve(strict=True).name
return str(path.with_name(realname))
def realname(path): return path # no-op
for path in paths:
for file in files:
filepath = os.path.join(path, file)
if os.path.exists(filepath) and os.access(filepath,access) and not os.path.isdir(filepath): # is executable
return realname(filepath)
return None
def _default_python():
base_exec_prefix = sys.base_exec_prefix
if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): # in a virtualenv, which sets this instead of base_exec_prefix like venv
base_exec_prefix = getattr(sys,'real_prefix')
if sys.exec_prefix != base_exec_prefix: # alread running in a venv
# we want to create the new virtualenv off the base python installation,
# rather than create a grandchild (child of of the current venv)
names = [ os.path.basename(sys.executable), "python3", "python" ]
prefixes = [base_exec_prefix]
suffixes = ["bin", "Scripts"]
exec_prefix_suffix = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable), sys.exec_prefix) # e.g. bin or Scripts
if exec_prefix_suffix and exec_prefix_suffix != '.':
def add_suffix(prefix, suffixes):
yield prefix
yield from (os.path.join(prefix,suffix) for suffix in suffixes)
dirs = [ x for prefix in prefixes for x in add_suffix(prefix, suffixes) ]
return _which(names, dirs)
return sys.executable
# build helper for making venv
class venv():
def __init__(self, conanfile, python = _default_python()):
self._conanfile = conanfile
self.base_python = python
self.env_folder = None
# symlink logic borrowed from python -m venv
# See venv.main() in /Lib/venv/__init__
def create(self, folder, *, clear=True, symlinks=( != 'nt'), with_pip=True):
self.env_folder = folder"creating venv at %s based on %s" % (self.env_folder,self.base_python or '<conanfile>'))
if self.base_python:
# another alternative (if we ever wanted to support more customization) would be to launch
# a `python -` subprocess and feed it the script text `import venv venv.EnvBuilder() ...` on stdin
venv_options = ['--symlinks' if symlinks else '--copies']
if clear: venv_options.append('--clear')
if not with_pip: venv_options.append('--without-pip')
with tools.environment_append({'__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__': None}):[self.base_python, '-mvenv', *venv_options, self.env_folder]))
# fallback to using the python this script is running in
# (risks the new venv having an inadvertant dependency if conan itself is virtualized somehow, but it will *work*)
import venv
builder = venv.EnvBuilder(clear=clear, symlinks=symlinks, with_pip=with_pip)
def entry_points(self, package=None):
import importlib.metadata # Python 3.8 or greater
entry_points = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
dist.entry_points for dist in importlib.metadata.distributions(name=package, path=self.lib_paths))
by_group = operator.attrgetter('group')
ordered = sorted(entry_points, key=by_group)
grouped = itertools.groupby(ordered, by_group)
return {
group: [ for x in entry_points]
for group, entry_points in grouped
def setup_entry_points(self, package, folder):
# create target folder
except Exception:
def copy_executable(name, target_folder, type):
import shutil
# locate script in venv
path = self.which(name, required=True)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
# avoid FileNotFound if the no launcher script for this name was found, or
self._conanfile.output.warn("pyvenv.setup_entry_points: FileNotFoundError: %s" % e)
root, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
# copy venv script to target folder
shutil.copy2(path, target_folder)
# copy entry point script
# if it exists
if type == 'gui':
ext = '-script.pyw'
ext = ''
entry_point_script = root + ext
shutil.copy2(entry_point_script, target_folder)
except shutil.SameFileError:
# SameFileError if the launcher script is *already* in the target_folder
# e.g. on posix systems the venv scripts are already in bin/
self._conanfile.output.error("pyvenv.setup_entry_points: SameFileError: command '%s' already found in '%s'. Other entry_points may also be unintentionally visible." % (name, folder))
entry_points = self.entry_points(package)
for name in entry_points.get('console_scripts',[]):
copy_executable(name, folder, type='console')
for name in entry_points.get('gui_scripts',[]):
copy_executable(name, folder, type='gui')
def bin_paths(self):
# this should be the same logic as as
# context.bin_name = ... in venv.ensure_directories
if sys.platform == 'win32':
binname = 'Scripts'
binname = 'bin'
bindirs = [binname]
return [os.path.join(self.env_folder, x) for x in bindirs]
def lib_paths(self):
# this should be the same logic as as
# libpath = ... in venv.ensure_directories
if sys.platform == 'win32':
libpath = os.path.join(self.env_folder, 'Lib','site-packages')
libpath = os.path.join(self.env_folder, 'lib', 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2],'site-packages')
return [libpath]
#return the path to a command within the venv, None if only found outside
def which(self, command, required = False, **kwargs):
found = _which(command, self.bin_paths, **kwargs)
if found:
return found
elif required:
raise FileNotFoundError("command %s not in venv bin_paths %s" % (command, os.pathsep.join(self.bin_paths)))
return None
# convenience wrappers for python/pip since they are so commonly needed
def python(self): return self.which("python", required=True)
def pip(self): return self.which("pip", required = True)
# environment variables like the usual venv `activate` script, i.e.
# with tools.environment_append(venv.env):
# ...
def env(self):
return {
'__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__': None, # this might already be set if conan was launched through a venv
'VIRTUAL_ENV': self.env_folder,
'PATH': self.bin_paths
# Setup environment and add site_packages of this this venv to sys.path
# (importing from the venv only works if it contains python modules compatible
# with conan's python interrpreter as well as the venv one
# But they're generally the same per _default_python(), so this will let you try
# with venv.activate():
# ...
def activate(self):
old_path = sys.path[:]
with tools.environment_append(self.env):
sys.path = old_path
class SphinxConan(ConanFile):
name = "python-sphinx"
version = "4.4.0"
homepage = ""
description = "Sphinx is used to generate the help documentation"
settings = "os_build", "arch_build"
build_requires = [
# python venvs are not relocatable, so we will not have binaries for this on artifactory. Just build it on first use
build_policy = "missing"
exports_sources = [ "SphinxMacros.cmake", "python-sphinx-config.cmake" ]
def package(self):
from pyvenv import venv
venv = venv(self)
venv.create(folder=os.path.join(self.package_folder))'{pip} install sphinx=={version}'.format(pip=venv.pip, version=self.version))'{pip} install sphinx-rtd-theme==0.5.2'.format(pip=venv.pip))
#[venv.pip, 'install', 'recommonmark==0.5.0']))
self.copy("*.cmake", dst="Modules")
venv.setup_entry_points("sphinx", os.path.join(self.package_folder,"bin"))
def package_info(self):
self.cpp_info.builddirs = [os.path.join(self.package_folder, 'Modules')]
project(pyvenv_test LANGUAGES)
set(CONAN_DISABLE_CHECK_COMPILER 1) # not compiling anything here
find_package(pyvenv REQUIRED HINTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR})
add_test(NAME python_version COMMAND pyvenv::python --version)
add_test(NAME pip_list COMMAND pyvenv::pip list)
from conans import ConanFile, tools, CMake
import os
class TestPyvenv(ConanFile):
generators = 'pyvenv','cmake'
def build(self):
from pyvenv import venv
build_env = venv(self)
self.build_env = build_env
build_env.setup_entry_points("pip", os.path.join(self.build_folder, "bin"))
cmake = CMake(self)
def test(self):
# just run something quick to test that we can call pip[self.build_env.python, '--version']))[self.build_env.pip, 'list']))
# try running pip copied to bin folder[os.path.join(self.build_folder, "bin", "pip"), 'list']))
cmake = CMake(self)
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