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Last active September 5, 2018 06:47
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"test": {
"title": "podzim2018",
"slug": "podzim2018",
"description": "Maturitní test z podzimu 2018.",
"successfulLimit": 44,
"tasks": [
"slug": "podzim2018u01",
"title": "podzim2018u01",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u02",
"title": "podzim2018u02",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u03",
"title": "podzim2018u03",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u04",
"title": "podzim2018u04",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u05",
"title": "podzim2018u05",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u06",
"title": "podzim2018u06",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u07",
"title": "podzim2018u07",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u08",
"title": "podzim2018u08",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u09",
"title": "podzim2018u09",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u10",
"title": "podzim2018u10",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u11",
"title": "podzim2018u11",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u12",
"title": "podzim2018u12",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u13",
"title": "podzim2018u13",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u14",
"title": "podzim2018u14",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u15",
"title": "podzim2018u15",
"maxPoints": 0,
"type": "temp"
"slug": "podzim2018u16",
"title": "podzim2018u16",
"Rozhodněte o každém z následujích tvrzení, je-li pravdivé (Ano), či nikoli (Ne).",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "yes-no",
"options": [
"name": "opt1",
"Petr prodával řetězci každý týden o 20% méně vajec než Marek"
"name": "opt2",
"Petr prodával řetězci každý týden o 500 vajec méně než Marek."
"name": "opt3",
"Marek s Petrem prodávali řetězci dohromady 5500 vajec týdně."
"name": "opt4",
"Za 13 letních týdnů prodal Marek řetězci o 20% více vajec než Petr."
"correctAnswer": [
{ "name": "opt1", "correct": true },
{ "name": "opt2", "correct": true },
{ "name": "opt3", "correct": true },
{ "name": "opt4", "correct": false }
"slug": "podzim2018u17",
"title": "podzim2018u17",
"Jaký je obsah obrazce? Výsledek je zaokrouhlen na celé ##cm^2##",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
{ "name": "opt1", "problem": "##21~cm^2##" },
{ "name": "opt2", "problem": "##24~cm^2##" },
{ "name": "opt3", "problem": "##27~cm^2##" },
{ "name": "opt4", "problem": "##28~cm^2##" },
{ "name": "opt5", "problem": "##30~cm^2##" }
"correctAnswer": ["opt4"]
"slug": "podzim2018u18",
"title": "podzim2018u18",
"question": "Jaká je výška ##h## nejvyšší stěny chalupy?",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
{ "name": "opt1", "problem": "menší než 3,5 m" },
{ "name": "opt2", "problem": "3,5 m" },
{ "name": "opt3", "problem": "3,6 m" },
{ "name": "opt4", "problem": "větší než 3,7 m" }
"correctAnswer": ["opt1"],
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u19",
"title": "podzim2018u19",
"question": "Jakou část objemu druhé nádoby voda zaplní?",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
{ "name": "opt1", "problem": "##\\large{3 \\over 4}##" },
{ "name": "opt2", "problem": "##\\large{2 \\over 3}##" },
{ "name": "opt3", "problem": "##\\large{2 \\over 9}##" },
{ "name": "opt4", "problem": "##\\large{1 \\over 5}##" },
"name": "opt5",
"Voda přeteče, objem druhé nádoby je menší než objem první nádoby."
"correctAnswer": ["opt1"],
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u20",
"title": "podzim2018u20",
"question": "Jaký je objem kvádru?",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
{ "name": "opt1", "problem": "##27~cm^3##" },
{ "name": "opt2", "problem": "##27 \\sqrt{2}~cm^3##" },
{ "name": "opt3", "problem": "##27 \\sqrt{3}~cm^3##" },
{ "name": "opt4", "problem": "##54~cm^3##" },
{ "name": "opt5", "problem": "jiný objem" }
"correctAnswer": ["opt4"],
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u21",
"title": "podzim2018u21",
"Jaká je odchylka přímek ##p,~q##? Výsledek je zaokrouhlen na celé minuty.",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
{ "name": "opt1", "problem": "36°52'" },
{ "name": "opt2", "problem": "37°45'" },
{ "name": "opt3", "problem": "38°40'" },
{ "name": "opt4", "problem": "39°20'" },
{ "name": "opt5", "problem": "větší než 40°" }
"correctAnswer": ["opt3"],
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u22",
"title": "podzim2018u22",
"Do kterého intervalu patří diference této posloupnosti?",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
"name": "opt1",
"problem": "##\\langle -1,5;~-0,5 \\rangle##"
"name": "opt2",
"problem": "##( -0,5;~0,5 \\rangle##"
"name": "opt3",
"problem": "##( 0,5;~1,5 \\rangle##"
"name": "opt4",
"problem": "##\\langle 1,5;~2,5 \\rangle##"
"name": "opt5",
"problem": "Taková posloupnost neexistuje."
"correctAnswer": ["opt3"],
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u23",
"title": "podzim2018u23",
"Jaká je pravděpodobnost, že ani jeden z těchto 4 darovaných losů nevyhraje? Výsledek je zaokrouhlen na setiny.",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
{ "name": "opt1", "problem": "0,16" },
{ "name": "opt2", "problem": "0,18" },
{ "name": "opt3", "problem": "0,20" },
{ "name": "opt4", "problem": "0,25" },
{ "name": "opt5", "problem": "0,33" }
"correctAnswer": ["opt2"],
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u24",
"title": "podzim2018u24",
"question": "Jaký je předpis funkce ##f##?",
"maxPoints": 2,
"type": "options",
"options": [
"name": "opt1",
"problem": "##y=\\large{{-2} \\over x}##"
"name": "opt2",
"problem": "##y=\\large{2 \\over {x-2}}##"
"name": "opt3",
"problem": "##y=\\large{{x-2} \\over {x+2}}##"
"name": "opt4",
"problem": "##y=\\large{{x-2} \\over {-x+2}}##"
"name": "opt5",
"problem": "##y=\\large{{x-2} \\over x}##"
"correctAnswer": ["opt5"],
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u25",
"title": "podzim2018u25",
"Ke každé z následujících funkcí (1-4) s definičním oborem R přiřaďte obor hodnot (A-F) dané funkce.",
"question": "",
"maxPoints": 4,
"partPoints": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
"type": "pairs",
"options": [
"name": "opt1",
"problem": "##y=(x-3)^2##",
"part": "opt"
"name": "opt2",
"problem": "##y=3+{x}^2##",
"part": "opt"
"name": "opt3",
"problem": "##y=x-3##",
"part": "opt"
"name": "opt4",
"problem": "##y=3##",
"part": "opt"
"name": "ans1",
"problem": "##\\mathbb{R}##",
"part": "ans"
"name": "ans2",
"problem": "##(-\\infty ;0\\rangle##",
"part": "ans"
"name": "ans3",
"problem": "##(-\\infty ;3\\rangle##",
"part": "ans"
"name": "ans4",
"problem": "##\\langle 0;+ \\infty )##",
"part": "ans"
"name": "ans5",
"problem": "##\\langle 3;+\\infty)##",
"part": "ans"
"name": "ans6",
"problem": "##\\{3 \\}##",
"part": "ans"
"correctAnswer": [
{ "name": "opt1", "correct": "ans4" },
{ "name": "opt2", "correct": "ans5" },
{ "name": "opt3", "correct": "ans1" },
{ "name": "opt4", "correct": "ans6" }
"solutions": [{}]
"slug": "podzim2018u26",
"title": "podzim2018u26",
"Ke každé nerovnici (1-3) řešené v oboru R přiřaďte odpovídající množinu všech řešení (A-E).",
"question": "",
"maxPoints": 3,
"partPoints": [0, 1, 2, 3],
"type": "pairs",
"options": [
"name": "opt1",
"problem": "##x^{2} \\leq 0 ##",
"part": "opt"
"name": "opt2",
"problem": "##-2x \\leq 4 - 2 \\cdot 2##",
"part": "opt"
"name": "opt3",
"##\\large{{2x^{2}-4x}\\over {(x-2) \\cdot x}} \\leq 0 ##",
"part": "opt"
"name": "ans1",
"problem": "##\\emptyset##",
"part": "ans"
{ "name": "ans2", "problem": "##\\{0\\}##", "part": "ans" },
"name": "ans3",
"problem": "##\\langle 0; +\\infty )##",
"part": "ans"
"name": "ans4",
"problem": "##(-\\infty ; 0 \\rangle##",
"part": "ans"
"name": "ans5",
"problem": "jiná množina",
"part": "ans"
"correctAnswer": [
{ "name": "opt1", "correct": "ans2" },
{ "name": "opt2", "correct": "ans3" },
{ "name": "opt3", "correct": "ans1" }
"solutions": [{}]
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