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Last active April 19, 2023 08:10
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Some thoughts...
Personally, I was never ambitious enough to spur my own descendants.
Yet this world and all the descendants of millions of people need to be thought about.
They deserve it to be left with a planet and people who are above my generation's average capacity.
My couple of suggestions to everyone who is involved with or has influence on the coming development:
1) Refrain from jealousy. Granting everything to anyone is a good start.
2) Don't waste your time with malicious gossip. It'll return to you rather sooner than later.
3) If you like someone, tell them. The day when it will be too late to speak out is coming soon.
4) Kindliness brings you US$ 0.00 per barrel. Sell it!
5) Kindliness costs you US$ 0.00 per barrel. Buy it!
6) The definitions of `winner' and `loser' were conceived by people who did not understand.
7) Truth is faster than fabrication, because fabrication requires time.
8) Rely on yourself. You're the best choice to rely on.
9) There is no such thing as `fate`. You were forwarded to this world to change things to the better.
10) 'nuff said.
Fare well
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