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Last active August 18, 2023 01:46
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Succinct Open Source Challenge

Working with variable length computations in a circuit is tricky because of the requirement to have a fixed computational graph. This challenge is to implement variable length SHA256 as a circuit. The circuit should have a public input called input_bytes: a fixed size array of size 10 with 32 byte entries. The other public input should be length: how many of the array entries should be hashed. The circuit output should be the sha256 hash of the first length entries in the array. You should only hash length * 32 bytes, and do not hash any extra zero bytes (this is the tricky part to figure out)! Golang pseudocode below:

func VariableLengthHash(input_bytes [10][32]byte, length int) [32]byte {
	// Concatenate the bytes
	var concatenatedBytes []byte
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		concatenatedBytes = append(concatenatedBytes, input_bytes[i]...)

	// Compute SHA256 hash
	hash := sha256.Sum256(concatenatedBytes)

	return hash

Feel free to use any proving system of your choice. There is a naive solution and an optimized solution, so try to minimize your constraint count! We have provided helpful links for both circom and plonky2. When complete, send us a link to a Github repository or a Gist/pastebin of your implementation to along with a short writeup describing the approach.

Circom resources

When using circom, you can get started by pasting the starter template into, an online IDE for circom. There are other helpful resources below.

Plonky2 Resources (Rust-based proving framework)

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