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Last active December 22, 2018 10:03
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require 'madness' #
need 'prime', 'bigdecimal/math', 'matrix'
{:prm=>Prime,:mth=>Math,:vec=>Vector,:mat=>Matrix}.each{|n,k| Kernel.class_alias(n,k) }
Num.act :sqrt, ->{ Math.sqrt(self) },
:cbrt, ->{ Math.cbrt(self) },
:sin, ->{ Math.sin(self) },
:cos, ->{ Math.cos(self) },
:log, ->(q=Math::E){ Math.log(self,q) },
:sqrt?,->{ (Math.sqrt(self)**2)==self },
:cbrt?,->{ (Math.cbrt(self)**3)==self }
Int.act :fac, ->{ Math.fac(self) },
:frc, ->*a{ Math.frc(self,*a) },
:flip, ->b=2,n=0{ to_s(b).rjust(n,'0').flip.to_i(b) }, # digits position flip (todo)
:move, ->a,b{ n=self.abs % (2**b); a = a%b; (n >> a) | ((n % (2**a)) << (b-a)) }, # bit rotation
:prefix,->i=0,n=0{ return 0 if self<1; i+=1 while (self[i]==n); i }, # ctz (todo)
:digsum,->i=2{ (i==2) ? digsum2 : digits(i).sum }, # digit sum (popcount/hamming-weight for binary)
:digsum2, ->{
x = self & 0xffffffff
t=0x55555555; x = (x & t) + (x >> 1 & t)
t=0x33333333; x = (x & t) + (x >> 2 & t)
t=0x0f0f0f0f; x = (x & t) + (x >> 4 & t)
t=0x00ff00ff; x = (x & t) + (x >> 8 & t)
t=0x0000ffff; x = (x & t) + (x >>16 & t)
t=self>>32; x + (t==0 ? 0 : t.digsum2)
Prime.aka :div => :prime_division
# euler's totient, number of divisors, sum of divisors, sum of the proper divisors
Prime.slf :phi, ->q{ q.pos? && div(q).fold(q){|o,(q,_)| o*q.dec/q } || 0 },
:tau, ->q{ q.pos? && div(q).fold(1){|o,(_,q)| o* } || 0 },
:sig, ->q{ q.pos? && div(q).fold(1){|o,(a,b)| o*((a** } || 0 },
:alq, ->q{ q.pos? && (sig(q)-q) || 0 }
# coprimes, divisors
Prime.slf :cop, ->n{ (n<2) ? [1] : div(n).fold((1...n).to_a){|o,(w,_)| o-(n/w).map{|q| q*w } } },
:dvs, ->n{ (n<2) ? [n] : all(n).fold([1]){|o,q|{|w| w*q } }.sort.uniq }
# ...
Prime.slf :sqr, ->n{ (q=dvs(n))[q.size/2...-1].map{|q| (q-(n/q))/2 } },
:cot, ->n{ (n=cop(n))[0,] },
:one, ->n{ div(n).map(&:head) },
:all, ->n{ div(n).flat_map{|a,b| [a]*b } }
# factorial =->n{ }
# ->n{ Prime.each(n).prod{|q| q**((n-n.digsum(q))/(q-1)) } }
# ->n{ Prime.each(n).prod{|q| a=b=n/q; b+=(a/=q) while a>0; q**b } }
Mth.slf :fac, ->n{
a,b,i,s=1,1,n.bit_length-1,->(q,w){ (d=w-q) < 2 ? q : (d==2) ? q*w : s[q,k=(q+d/2-1)|1] * s[k+2,w] }
b *= ((m=n>>i)<3 ? 1 : (a *= s[(m>>1).inc|1, (m-1)|1])) while (i-=1)>=0; b << (n-n.digsum)
# inverse factorial (todo)
Mth.slf :frc, ->(n,m=1,i=1){ m*=(i+=1) while n>=m; i-1 }
# subfactorial (aka num of derangements/full-permutations)
# ->n{ (n<1) ? 1 : Perm.prt(n).sum{|w| Perm.pcl(w,n) } }
# ->n{ (n<1) ? 1 : ((f=n.fac)/BigMath.E(f.bit_length)).round }
Mth.slf :der, ->n{{|q| q+~0**q } }
# binom, catalan
Mth.slf :bin, ->n,r{ (n>=r) && (n.fac * (r.fac**-1) * ((n-r).fac**-1)).to_i || 0 },
:cat, ->n{ ((2*n).fac * (n.fac**-2) * (**-1)).to_i }
# fibonacci numbers (lucas sequences; U=n,[0,1],P,Q; V=n,[2,P],P,Q)
Mth.slf :fib, ->n,s=[0,1],a=1,b=-1{ (n.rng? ? n.max : n).fold(s){|o,_| o << (o[-1]*a)-(o[-2]*b) }[n] }
# rencontres numbers (per row, starting from triangular number)
Mth.slf :ren, ->n{ (n<2) ? [] : (2...n).fold([(n**2-n)/2]){|o,w| o<<((o[-1]*(n-w)*(d=der(w+1)))/(d-d.par)) }}
# 1st and 2nd stirling numbers (per row, starting from triangular number)
Mth.slf :st1, ->n{ n.fold([1]){|o,n| o.mapi{|w,i| ( ? 0 : o[i-1]) + (w*n) } << 1 }[1..-2].flip },
:st2, ->n{ n.fold([1]){|o,n| o.mapi{|w,i| ( ? 0 : o[i-1]) + (w*i) } << 1 }[1..-2].flip }
Mth.slf :psc, ->n{ (1..n).fold([1]){|o,k| o << (o[-1]*(n-k+1)) / k; o } }, # pascal triangle rows (bin(n, 0..n))
:bel, ->n{ st2(n) }, # bell numbers
:plg, ->n,i{ n * (i* + }, # polygonal numbers (n-2)
:plt, ->n,i{ Math.bin(i+n+1,n+1) } # polytopic numbers (n-2)
Mth::PHI = / 2 # golden ratio (todo)
Perm =
Perm.slf :[], ->a,*q{ Perm.method(a).curry[*q] }
### permutation <-> index
# lexicographic order
Perm.slf :pid, ->(r,s=r.max){ r.flip.eachi.fold([0,1]){|(q,f),(u,j)| [q+f*{|w|w<u},f*(j+1)] }[0] },
:prd, ->(n,s,o=s.to_a){{|i| o.delete_at((_,n=n.divmod((s-1-i).fac))[0]) }}
# flipped lexicographic order (ignoring fixed points - same id among all symmetric groups)
Perm.slf :fid, ->(r,s=r.max){ ({|q| s-1-q }).eachi.fold([0,1]){|(q,f),(u,j)| [q+f*r[0,j].count{|w|w<u},f*(j+1)] }[0] },
:frd, ->(n,s=n.frc,{{|i| s-o.delete_at((_,n=n.divmod((s-i).fac))[0]) }.flip }
### partitions
# num of partitions
Perm.slf :prn, ->n,k{ (k>0)&&(n>0) ? prn(n-k,k) + prn(n-1,k-1) : (k==0)&&(n==0) ? 1 : 0 }
# all partitions of size n
Perm.slf :prt, ->(n,m=2){ (n<m) ? [[]] : (m..(n/2)).fmap{|q| prt(n-q,q).qap(:push,q) } << [n] }
# num of permutations with spectific partition
Perm.slf :pcl, ->(b,n=b.sum){ n.fac / (b+=[1]*(n-b.sum)){|q| (w=b.count(q)).fac*(q**w) } }
# num of cyclic subgroups of S_n with specific partition (sum of every $b in $n == A051625)
Perm.slf :pcg, ->(b,n=b.sum){ pcl(b,n)/Prime.phi(b.fold(1,&:lcm)) }
# orbits (cycles ids)
Perm.slf :orb, ->(r,f=1,o=[],l=-1){ r.eachi{|w,i| (s=->(h,*q){ o[h]||=( (w==i) ? (f&&(l+=1)) : ? (l+=1) : s[r[h],h,*q] ) })[i] }; o }
# cycles
Perm.slf :cyc, ->(r){ ((o=orb(r,nil)).compact.max||-1){|i| t=[l=o.index(i)]; t << l while ![l]); t } }
# inverse, reduce
Perm.slf :inv, ->(q){ q.ids(*q.size.to_a) }, :red, ->(r){ r[0].num? ? r.sort.ids(*r) : ([[0]]) }
# num of cyclic subgroups of S_n with specific partition (sum of every $b in $n == A051625)
Perm.slf :pcg, ->(b,n=b.sum){ pcl(b,n)/Prime.phi(b.fold(1,&:lcm)) }
# # partition of perm
Perm.slf :prr, ->(r,t=1){ Perm.cyc(r).map(&:size).lap{|r| t ? r.rsort : r }}
# # generate all permutations with specific partition
Perm.slf :pgl, ->(b,n=b.sum,o=nil){
return [n.to_a] if (b.empty? || (n<2))
a,b,o = Perm.pgl(,n-b.head), n.to_a.perms(b.head), (o||Prime.cop(b.head))
a.flat_map{|a| o.flat_map{|o|{|b| [b+(n.to_a-b), b.move(o)+(n.to_a-b).vals(*a)].turn.fold([]){|o,(q,w)| o[q]=w; o } }}}.uniq.sort
Perm.slf :pgg, ->(b,n=b.sum,o=nil){
return [n.to_a] if (b.empty? || (n<2))
a,b,o = Perm.pgl(,n-b.head), n.to_a.perms(b.head), (o||Prime.cop(b.head))
a.flat_map{|a| o.flat_map{|o|{|b| Perm.fid([b+(n.to_a-b), b.move(o)+(n.to_a-b).vals(*a)].turn.fold([]){|o,(q,w)| o[q]=w; o }) }}}.uniq.sort
# transposition-permutations products paritions statistics
Perm.slf :stp, ->(q,n=q.sum+2,t=2,c=q.count_by){ [].tap{|o|
# ±2 elements, transposition deletion/addition (5 <- 5:2 -> 5:2:2)
o << [(q-[2]+[2]*c[2].dec).rsort, 2] if c[2]
o << [[*q,2].rsort, 2] if q.sum<=(n-2)
# ±1 elements, cycle decrease/increase (4:2 <- 5:2 -> 6:2)
(c-[2]).each{|k,v| o << [(q-[k]+[k]*v.dec+[k.dec]).rsort, 1] }
(q.sum<=n.dec) && c.each{|k,v| o << [(q-[k]+[k]*v.dec+[]).rsort, 1] }
# ±0 elements, cycle split/merge (3:2:2 <- 5:2 -> 7)
c.each{|k,v| (k>3)&&(k/2).dec.each{|i| o << [[*(q-[k]+[k]*v.dec),2+i,k-2-i].rsort, 0] } }
q.combs(2){|w| o << [[*c.fmap{|k,v| [k]*(v-w.count(k)) }, w.sum].rsort, 0] }
}.map{|k,v| [k, t<1 ? v : Perm.send("stp#{v}",k,q)*(t>1 ? Math.bin(n-2,[k.sum,q.sum].max-2) : 1) ] } }
Perm.slf :stp2, ->a,b{ (a.sum>b.sum)&&(a,b=b,a); Perm.pcl(a,a.sum) },
:stp1, ->a,b{ (a.sum>b.sum)&&(a,b=b,a); 2 * a.sub(b).sum.dec.fac * Perm.pcl(a.and(b),a.sum-1) },
:stp0, ->a,b{ (a.len>b.len)&&(a,b=b,a); ((z=b.sub(a)).same? ? 1 : 2) * (z=z.sum-2).fac * Perm.pcl(a=a.and(b),a.sum+z) }
Mth.slf :parabola, ->d{ # y = a*(x**2) + b*x + c
xs,ys,xy,x2,x3,x4,x2y ={|y,x| [x,y,x*y,x**2,x**3,x**4,(x**2)*y] }
rx,ry = Mat[[x2,xs,d.size],[x3,x2,xs],[x4,x3,x2]], Mat[[ys,xy,x2y]].transpose
((rx.transpose * rx).inverse * (rx.transpose * ry)).to_a.flat
Math.slf :paraboloid, ->d{ # z = a*(x**2) + b*(x*y) + c*(y**2) + d*x + e*y + f
dd ={|d| 4.fold([d]){|o,_| o << d.mapi{|q,i| q*o[-1][i] } } }.flip
ww = %w'201 111 021 101 011 001 400 310 220 300 210 200 310 220 130 210 120 110 220 130 040 120 030 020 300 210 120 200 110 100 210 120 030 110 020 010 200 110 020 100 010'
dd = ww.fold({nil=>d.size}){|o,q| o[q] ||= q.split('').mapi{|q,i| (q=q.to_i).zero? ? [1]*d.size : dd[i][q-1] }.turn.sum(&:prod); o }
a,b = Mat[*(dd.vals(*ww[6..-1]) << dd[nil]).slices(6)].transpose, Mat[dd.vals(*ww[0,6])].transpose
Mth.slf :bezier_cubic, ->d{
a = [[2,-6,6,-2,-6,18,-18,6,6,-18,18,-6,-2,6,-6,2],[0,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5,3,4,5,6],[6,5,4,3,5,4,3,2,4,3,2,1,3,2,1,0]].turn
b = [[2,-6,6,-2],[0,1,2,3],[3,2,1,0]].turn
a = Mat[*{|q| d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2] } }.slices(4)]
b = Mat[*{|q|-d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2]*x } }.slices(1)]
(a.inv * b).column(0).to_a
Mth.slf :bezier_cubic_m, ->d{
a = [[18,-18,-18,18],[2,3,3,4],[4,3,3,2]].turn
b = [[-6,6],[1,2],[2,1]].turn
a = Mat[*{|q| d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2] } }.slices(2)]
b = Mat[*{|q|-d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2]*(x-i**3) } }.slices(1)]
(a.inv * b).column(0).to_a
Mth.slf :bezier_quartic, ->d{
a = [[2,-8,12,-8,2,-8,32,-48,32,-8,12,-48,72,-48,12,-8,32,-48,32,-8,2,-8,12,-8,2],
[0,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,2,3,4,5,6,3,4,5,6,7,4,5,6,7,8], [8,7,6,5,4,7,6,5,4,3,6,5,4,3,2,5,4,3,2,1,4,3,2,1,0]].turn
b = [[2,-8,12,-8,2],[0,1,2,3,4],[4,3,2,1,0]].turn
a = Mat[*{|q| d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2] }}.slices(5)]
b = Mat[*{|q| d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2]*(x-i**4) }}.slices(1)]
(a.inv * b).column(0).to_a
Mth.slf :bezier_quartic_m, ->d{
a = [[32,-48,32,-48,72,-48,32,-48,32],[2,3,4,3,4,5,4,5,6],[6,5,4,5,4,3,4,3,2]].turn
b = [[-8,12,-8],[1,2,3],[3,2,1]].turn
a = Mat[*{|q| d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2] }}.slices(3)]
b = Mat[*{|q| d.sum{|x,i| q[0]*i**q[1]*(i-1)**q[2]*(x-i**4) }}.slices(1)]
(a.inv * b).column(0).to_a
Ary.act :der, ->i=1,f=nil{ i.fold(f ? [*[0]*i,*self] : self){|o,_| o.cons(2).map{|a,b| b-a }} } # derivative (finite differences, deltas) (todo)
Ary.act :int, ->i=1,d=[0]{ i.fold(self){|o,_| o.fold(d.clone){|o,q| o << (o.last+q) }}.rest(d.size) } # integral (prefix sum, scan) (todo)
Ary.act :gauss, ->r=1{ r.fold(self){|o,_| [(o[0]*3+o[1])/4.0,*o[1..-2].mapi{|w,i| (o[i]+o[i+2]+w+w)/4.0 },(o[-2]+o[-1]*3)/4.0] } } # gaussian(binomial) blur
# :gauss, ->r=1{ r.fold(self){|o,_| [o[0],*o,o[-1]].cons(3).map{|a,b,c| (a+b+b+c)/4.0 } } }
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