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Last active January 28, 2024 13:49
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Cryptohack - Flipping Cookie writeup


From cbc decryption: P0 = iv xor block_decryption(C0)

P0 --> "admin=False" P' --> "admin=True" (what we want)

"admin=True" = iv' xor block_decryption(C0)

iv' = "admin=True" xor block_decryption(C0)

block_decryption(C0) = "admin=False" xor iv

iv' = iv xor "admin=False" xor "admin=True"


from Crypto.Util.number import *
import requests
import json
from pwn import xor

def get_ciphertext():
    url = ""
    r = requests.get(url)
    ct = (json.loads(r.text))['cookie']
    return ct

def check_cookie(cookie, iv):
    url = ""+cookie+"/"+iv
    r = requests.get(url)
        flag = (json.loads(r.text))['flag']
        flag = (json.loads(r.text))['error']
    return flag

c = get_ciphertext()
iv = bytes.fromhex((c[:32]))
ct = c[32:]

iv1 = xor(iv,b'admin=False',b'admin=True;').hex()
flag = check_cookie(ct, iv1)

Flag = crypto{4u7h3n71c4710n_15_3553n714l}

note: in cbc bit flipping attack the number of bytes of P0 and P' must be equal

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