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Created March 16, 2024 07:51
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const getAttendanceData = (sheet) => {
const lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
const heading = sheet.getRange("A1:" + sheet.getRange(1, lastColumn).getA1Notation()).getValues()[0];
const data = sheet.getRange("A3:" + sheet.getRange(1, lastColumn).getA1Notation() + sheet.getLastRow()).getValues();
// Find the start date for the last 12 weeks
const today = new Date();
const twelveWeeksAgo = new Date(today.setDate(today.getDate() - 84));
// Filter the headings to get the columns within the last 12 weeks
const columnsWithinLast12Weeks = heading
.map((date, index) => ({ date: new Date(date), index }))
.filter(({ date }) => date >= twelveWeeksAgo)
.map(({ index }) => index);
// Create groups of dates based on 4-week periods, starting from the last date available
const dateGroups = [];
let currentGroup = [];
let groupEndDate = columnsWithinLast12Weeks.length > 0 ? heading[columnsWithinLast12Weeks[columnsWithinLast12Weeks.length - 1]] : null;
columnsWithinLast12Weeks.slice().reverse().forEach((colIndex) => {
const sessionDate = heading[colIndex];
if (groupEndDate && (groupEndDate - sessionDate) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) > 28) {
// Start a new group if more than 4 weeks have passed since the end of the current group
dateGroups.unshift(currentGroup); // Add the current group to the beginning of the dateGroups array
currentGroup = [];
groupEndDate = sessionDate;
// Add the last group if it's not empty
if (currentGroup.length > 0) {
dateGroups.unshift(currentGroup); // Add the last group to the beginning of the dateGroups array
const processedData = => {
// Use the date groups to extract and process the attendance data
const attendanceGroups = => => row[colIndex] == '1' ? 1 : 0));
const lastThreeGroups = attendanceGroups.slice(-3);
const useLastTwoGroups = lastThreeGroups[0].length < 10;
const groupsToUse = useLastTwoGroups ? lastThreeGroups.slice(1) : lastThreeGroups;
const averageAttendance = groupsToUse.reduce((sum, group) => sum + group.reduce((groupSum, attendance) => groupSum + attendance, 0), 0) / (lastThreeGroups.length);
// Assign the level based on the average attendance
let level = "L0";
if (averageAttendance >= 8) {
level = "L3";
} else if (averageAttendance >= 4) {
level = "L2";
} else if (averageAttendance >= 2) {
level = "L1";
} else {
level = "L0";
return row.concat(level);
return processedData;
const doGet = () => {
// Replace these with the actual IDs of your spreadsheets
const spreadsheetIds = ['1DuEEfO0-OuMabB4tXer52r7NXScAykiVuY3kq3TedVk', '1fRr6efbAHw4NQz4b3VHqNS6H992nrcW-OMWJC5ZyADo'];
const htmls = => {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssID);
const title = ss.getName();
const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Attendance");
const data = getAttendanceData(sheet)
let tableHtml = '<table border="1"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Level</th></tr>';
data.forEach(row => {
if (row[1].trim() !== '') { // Check if the name is not empty
let color = '';
switch (row[row.length - 1]) {
case 'L3':
color = 'green'; // Good
case 'L2':
color = 'lightgreen'; // Fair
case 'L1':
color = 'red'; // Bad
case 'L0':
color = 'lightgrey'; // Inactive
tableHtml += `<tr><td>${row[1]}</td><td style="background-color: ${color};">${row[row.length - 1]}</td></tr>`;
tableHtml += '</table>';
return `<h1>${title}</h1>\n${tableHtml}`
const output = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(htmls.join('\n'));
return output;
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