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Last active May 26, 2021 04:23
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Fabric Protos
syntax = "proto3";


option java_multiple_files = true;

import "common.proto";
import "id.proto";
import "quant.proto";

// Actual Event Value
// TODO Entity set
message Event {
  Store key = 1;
  repeated Store value = 2;
message Store {
  ValueSet property = 1;
  ValueSet context = 2;
  map<string, ValueSet> value = 3; // string key = entity id
 1. contain all properties for event
 2. contain all contexts for event
 3. contain all attribute, attribute qualifiers and predicate qualifier for entity
message ValueSet {
  map<uint32,> value = 1;

// Dictionary Reference (used during runtime)
message ItemMap {
  map<string, uint64> item2index = 1;
  map<uint64, string> index2item = 2;
message BrainDictionarySchema {
  map<string, CollectionSchema> collection = 1;
  map<string, QuantitySchema> quantity = 2;
  map<string, EntitySchema> entity = 3;
  map<string, StoreSchema> store = 4;
  map<string, AttributeSchema> attribute = 5;
  map<string, QuantityValueSchema> attribute_qualifier = 6;
  map<string, PredicateSchema> predicate = 7;
  map<string, QuantityValueSchema> predicate_qualifier = 8;
  map<string, EventSchema> event = 9;
  map<string, ProcessSchema> process = 10;

// Event and related schemas
message EventSchema { id = 1;
  StoreSchema key = 4;
  map<string, StoreSchema> value = 5; // key is same as key-string index in store schema

message StoreSchema { id = 1;
  map<string, QuantityValueSchema> property = 2;
  map<string, QuantityValueSchema> context = 3;
  map<string, EntitySchema> entity = 4;

message EntitySchema { id = 1;
  map<string, AttributeSchema> attribute = 2;
  map<string, PredicateSchema> predicate = 3;

message AttributeSchema {
  QuantityValueSchema value = 1;
  map<string, QuantityValueSchema> attribute_qualifier = 2;

message PredicateSchema { id = 1;
  string name = 2;
  string object = 3; // /common/entity/state
  map<string, QuantityValueSchema> predicate_qualifier = 4;

message QuantityValueSchema { id = 1; unit = 2;
  QuantitySchema quantity_schema = 3;

// Collection
message CollectionSchema { id = 1;
  oneof list { item_list = 2; // TODO need to be list
    string entity = 3; // /common/entity/city
    BrainConditionalEntitySchema entity_set = 4;
message BrainConditionalEntitySchema {
  string entity_type = 1; // /common/entity/city
  // Example condition
  // /common/predicate/city/of_state/state == 'Maharashtra'
  // /common/attribute/city/population > 5000000 // population is attribute of entity city
  string condition = 2;

message QuantitySchema { id = 1;
  repeated unit = 2;
  oneof quantity_schema {
    BrainNumericQuantitySchema numeric = 3;  // int/long/float/double
    BrainOrdinalQuantitySchema ordinal = 4;  // e.g. small, medium, large
    BrainSymbolicQuantitySchema symbolic = 5;  // symbol from a dictionary

    // Compound quantities
    BrainRangeQuantitySchema range = 6;  // (min, max)
    BrainSeriesQuantitySchema series = 7;  // x_1, x_2, … x_n
    BrainDistributionQuantitySchema distribution = 8;// p(s_1), p(s_2), …, p(s_n)
    BrainBasketQuantitySchema basket = 9;  // {s_1, s_2, …, s_k}
    BrainBagQuantitySchema bag = 10;    // {(w_1, s_1), (w_2, s_2), …}
    BrainSequenceQuantitySchema sequence = 11; // (s_1, s_2, …, s_k)

    // Quantized quantities
    BrainBinnedQuantitySchema binned = 12;    // bin from a set of bins
    BrainSpatialQuantitySchema spatial = 13;  // latlong, village, city, ...
    BrainTemporalQuantitySchema temporal = 14;  // instance, range, duration
    BrainMultivariateQuantitySchema features = 15;

message BrainNumericQuantity {
  oneof numeric_quantity_is_one_of {
    float float_value = 1;
    double double_value = 2;
    int32 int_value = 3;
    int64 long_value = 4;
enum BrainNumericQuantityType {
message BrainNumericQuantitySchema {
  BrainNumericQuantityType type = 1; // DB + UI
  double minimum = 2; // DB + UI
  double maximum = 3; // DB + UI
  bool include_minimum = 4; // DB + UI
  bool include_maximum = 5; // DB + UI
message BrainOrdinalQuantitySchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
message BrainSymbolicQuantitySchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
message BrainRangeQuantitySchema {
  BrainNumericQuantityType type = 1; // DB + UI
  double minimum = 2; // DB + UI
  double maximum = 3; // DB + UI
  bool include_minimum = 4; // DB + UI
  bool include_maximum = 5; // DB + UI
message Xaxis {
  BrainId x_type_id = 1; // Runtime
  oneof value {
    BrainTemporalInstanceQuantity instance = 2;
    BrainNumericQuantity numeric = 3;
message BrainSeriesQuantitySchema {
  string x_type = 1; //quantity_type // DB + UI // Temporal type, uint32
  BrainId x_type_id = 2; // Runtime
  string y_type = 3; //quantity_type // DB + UI // Numrical type
  BrainId y_type_id = 4; // Runtime
  BrainNumericQuantityType quantity_type = 5; // int, float, double, long // DB + UI
  oneof min_or_max {
    BrainNumericQuantity x_min = 6; // DB + UI
    BrainNumericQuantity x_max = 7; // DB + UI
  BrainNumericQuantity x_step = 8; // DB + UI
  uint32 x_step_count = 9; // DB + UI
// value will always be double with value between 0 and 1
message BrainDistributionQuantitySchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
message BrainBasketQuantitySchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
message BrainBagQuantitySchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
  BrainNumericQuantityType type = 3; // DB + UI
// TODO Create proto for collection and key_index_map
message BrainSequenceQuantitySchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
  uint32 size = 3; // DB + UI - if not defined it can take variable number e.g. words in sentence
message BrainBinnedQuantitySchema {
  string source_quantity = 1;	// quantity being binned and must be numeric
  string collection = 2; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 3; // Runtime
  repeated double boundary = 4;		// DB + UI - bin boundaries & order matter here and should be ascending
  bool minimum_open = 5; // DB + UI
  bool maximum_open = 6; // DB + UI


// Multivariate
enum FeatureQuantityType {
message BrainAtomicQuantity {
  // same as document
message BrainMultivariateQuantity {
  map<uint32, BrainAtomicQuantity> value = 1;
// TODO Wrong
message BrainMultivariateQuantitySchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
  map<string, FeatureQuantityType> feature_quantity_type = 3; // DB + UI

// Temporal - Need to tightly control from UI for selection of collection
message BrainTemporalQuantity {
  oneof temporal_is_one_of {
    BrainTemporalInstanceQuantity instance = 1; // which
    BrainTemporalDurationQuantity duration = 2; // how many
    BrainTemporalRangeQuantity range = 3;       // from to to

message BrainTemporalInstanceQuantity {
  map<uint32, uint32> value = 1; // key is => key collection index and value is symbolic quantity
// each item below will have corresponding collection
message BrainTemporalInstanceQuantitySchema {
  string key_collection = 1; // DB + UI
  repeated string selected = 2; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 3; // Runtime
  map<string, string> date_time_component_collection = 4; // key is item of selected list  & value is again collection
  ItemMap date_time_component_index_map = 5; // Runtime & all values of all collection in above map

message BrainTemporalDurationQuantity {
  map<uint32, uint32> value = 1;
message BrainTemporalDurationQuantitySchema {
  string key_collection = 1; // DB + UI - collection related to time as numeric quantity (years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds)
  repeated string selected = 2; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 3; // Runtime
message BrainTemporalRangeQuantity {
  map<uint32, uint32> minimum = 1;
  map<uint32, uint32> maximum = 2;
  bool include_minimum = 3;  //<= vs. <
  bool include_maximum = 4;  // >= vs. >
message BrainTemporalRangeQuantitySchema {
  string key_collection = 1; // DB + UI
  repeated string selected = 2; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 3; // Runtime
  map<string, string> date_time_component_collection = 4; // key is item of selected list  & value is again collection
  ItemMap date_time_component_index_map = 5; // Runtime & all values of all collection in above map
  bool include_minimum = 6;  //<= vs. <
  bool include_maximum = 7;  // >= vs. >
message BrainTemporalQuantitySchema {
  oneof schema {
      BrainTemporalInstanceQuantitySchema instance = 1;
      BrainTemporalDurationQuantitySchema duration = 2;
      BrainTemporalRangeQuantitySchema range = 3;
message BrainSpatialQuantitySchema {

message ProcessSchema {
  string collection = 1; // DB + UI
  ItemMap key_index_map = 2; // Runtime
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