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Created December 8, 2015 15:50
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PDO database abstraction layer that you can use in your applications to allow for future flexibility in your database choice and protect you from SQL Injection.
// Define configuration
// May Include this in database configuration file
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
define("DB_USER", "username");
define("DB_PASS", "password");
define("DB_NAME", "database");
PDO Database Class
class PDO_Database {
private $host = DB_HOST;
private $user = DB_USER;
private $pass = DB_PASS;
private $dbname = DB_NAME;
private $dbh;
private $error;
private $stmt;
// Constructor
public function __construct(){
// Set DSN
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $this->host . ';dbname=' . $this->dbname;
// Set options
$options = array(
// Create a new PDO instanace
$this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $this->user, $this->pass, $options);
// Catch any errors
catch(PDOException $e){
$this->error = $e->getMessage();
// Prepare
public function query($query){
$this->stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query);
// Bind
public function bind($param, $value, $type = null){
if (is_null($type)) {
switch (true) {
case is_int($value):
$type = PDO::PARAM_INT;
case is_bool($value):
$type = PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
case is_null($value):
$type = PDO::PARAM_NULL;
$type = PDO::PARAM_STR;
$this->stmt->bindValue($param, $value, $type);
// Execute
public function execute(){
return $this->stmt->execute();
// Result Set
public function resultset(){
return $this->stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Single
public function single(){
return $this->stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Row Count
public function rowCount(){
return $this->stmt->rowCount();
// Last Insert Id
public function lastInsertId(){
return $this->dbh->lastInsertId();
// To begin a transaction
public function beginTransaction(){
return $this->dbh->beginTransaction();
// To end a transaction and commit your changes
public function endTransaction(){
return $this->dbh->commit();
// To cancel a transaction and roll back your changes
public function cancelTransaction(){
return $this->dbh->rollBack();
// Debug Dump Parameters
public function debugDumpParams(){
return $this->stmt->debugDumpParams();
/* Example: Using your PDO class */
// Instantiate database.
$database = new PDO_Database();
/* [To Insert a new record] */
$database->query('INSERT INTO mytable (FName, LName, Age, Gender) VALUES (:fname, :lname, :age, :gender)');
// bind data
$database->bind(':fname', 'John');
$database->bind(':lname', 'Smith');
$database->bind(':age', '24');
$database->bind(':gender', 'male');
// execute
//fetch last insert id
echo $database->lastInsertId();
/* [To Select a single row] */
$database->query('SELECT FName, LName, Age, Gender FROM mytable WHERE FName = :fname');
$database->bind(':fname', 'Jenny');
$row = $database->single();
/* [To Select multiple rows] */
$database->query('SELECT FName, LName, Age, Gender FROM mytable WHERE LName = :lname');
$database->bind(':lname', 'Smith');
$rows = $database->resultset();
// display the number of records returned.
echo $database->rowCount();
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