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Created November 22, 2011 19:51
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const double kJPi = TMath::Pi();
const double kJTwoPi = kJPi*2;
void dijetcor(){
TH1D *hCor = new TH1D ( "hCor", "hCor", 300, -1/3.0, ( 2-1/3.0 ) );
for( int ievt=0;ievt<1000;ievt++ ){
double phi1 = gRandom->Uniform( kJTwoPi );
//double phi2 = phi1 + kJPi ;
double phi2 = gRandom->Gaus( phi1 + kJPi, 0.3 ) ;
double dphi1 = 0.1*kJPi;
double dphi2 = 0.1*kJPi;
int n1 = 5;
int n2 = 5;
vector<double> t1;
for( int i=0;i<n1;i++ ){
//t1.push_back( gRandom->Gaus(phi1, dphi1) );
t1.push_back( gRandom->Uniform(dphi1)-dphi1/2+phi1 );
for( int j=0;j<n2;j++ ){
//t1.push_back( gRandom->Gaus(phi2, dphi2) );
t1.push_back( gRandom->Uniform(dphi2)-dphi2/2+phi2 );
for( unsigned int ii=0;ii<t1.size();ii++ ){
for( unsigned int jj=0;jj<t1.size();jj++ ){
if( ii == jj ) continue;
hCor->Fill( DeltaPhi( t1[ii], t1[jj] )/kJPi );
double DeltaPhi(double phi1, double phi2) {
double res = atan2(sin(phi1-phi2), cos(phi1-phi2));
// if (res<0) res *= -1.0;
return res>-kJPi/3.0 ? res : kJTwoPi+res ;
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