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Last active July 12, 2024 06:57
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Senior Full Stack Engineer | Gushwork

Assignment Problem Statement

Full Stack Development Weekend Assignment: Interactive Comment Section

Objective: Develop a simple, interactive comment section that allows users to post, edit, and delete comments. The goal is to test your full stack development skills, including frontend, backend, and database design. This assignment should roughly take one day.


Create an interactive comment section where users can:

  • Post new comments.
  • Edit their existing comments.
  • Delete comments.
  • Reply to comments, allowing for infinitely nestable comments similar to Reddit.

Key Features:

  1. Username Entry:

    • Allow users to enter a username when posting a comment.
  2. Infinitely Nestable Comments:

    • Implement a system that supports nested replies to comments, allowing for infinite levels of nesting.
  3. Creativity:

    • Implement the frontend, backend, and database as you see fit. Use your creativity to design an intuitive user interface and a robust backend system.
  4. Database:

    • Design an appropriate schema to store comments, usernames, and the hierarchical structure of nested comments.
  5. Functionality:

    • Ensure the basic operations of posting, editing, deleting, and replying to comments work seamlessly.


  1. A GitHub repository with your project code.
  2. A README file with instructions on how to set up and run the project.
  3. (Optional) Deployed application link if you choose to host your project on a platform like Heroku, Vercel, or similar.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Code Quality: Clean, readable, and well-documented code.
  • Functionality: Completeness and correctness of the required features.
  • Design: Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Database Design: Efficient and logical schema design.
  • Creativity: Innovative approach to the design and implementation of the comment section.

Submission: Submit the link to your GitHub repository and any deployed application link (if available) by the end of the weekend.

Good luck and happy coding!

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