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Created April 8, 2020 20:13
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SkiaSharp Svg to Png
// memoryStream is the stream of the svg url
// imageStream is the converted png which will be converted with Splat.BitmapLoader to an IBitmap
var svg = new SkiaSharp.Extended.Svg.SKSvg();
var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo((int)desiredSize.Width, (int)desiredSize.Height);
using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(imageInfo))
using (var canvas = surface.Canvas)
// calculate the scaling need to fit to screen
var scaleX = desiredSize.Width / svg.Picture.CullRect.Width;
var scaleY = desiredSize.Height / svg.Picture.CullRect.Height;
var matrix = SKMatrix.MakeScale((float)scaleX, (float)scaleY);
// draw the svg
canvas.DrawPicture(svg.Picture, ref matrix);
using (var data = surface.Snapshot())
using (var pngImage = data.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100))
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I love you man, you saved me! ❤️, thanks!

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